Though these pages might seem a little quiet lately, rest assured that we’re plugging away on some extra-good crime and punishment features. I’m happily immersed in final edits on some really exciting new pieces for TSP — and our crime volume, due out this fall with WW Norton.
Like what? Look for a moving account of prison and close relationships by Megan Comfort, a social welfare approach to crime control from Rick Rosenfeld and Steve Messner, a roundtable on the International Criminal Court with Susanne Karstedt, Kathryn Sikkink, Naomi Roht-Arriaza, and Wenona Rymond-Richmond, and a powerful piece by pubcrim’s own Michelle Inderbitzin and colleagues on the young leaders of a prison “lifers club,” who will be locked up for decades for crimes committed as juveniles.
In addition to this fine work coming in over the transom, we’ve got a great mix of in-house as well as external (please don’t call them out-house) features forthcoming and under review. I’m helping out on a couple of them, including a soon-to-be-released feature with Sarah Shannon (Visualizing Punishment) and a just-released feature with Suzy Maves McElrath on the big U.S. Crime Drop. More soon!
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http://www.lxeblog.cn/lxsx/6457/58146.html — July 12, 2013
TSP Crime Features and Volume » Public Criminology