i noted a couple weeks ago that shelly schaefer and i were speaking on voting and the civic reintegration of former prisoners on november 29th. alas, we’ve been bumped for another fine talk by a visiting job candidate. postponement offers a bit of relief for shelly (currently serving a tough four-month sentence as my sociology of deviance teaching assistant), but we’re still readying the paper for asa submission by january 18th. despite this bumping, elaine hernandez, an nimh-nrsa predoctoral fellow, will present some of our coauthored work that week.

Wednesday, November 30 12:30 – 2:00 pm in 915 Social Sciences Building
Elaine Hernandez and Christopher Uggen, “Sources of Variation in State Mental Health Parity Laws.”

i won’t give away the punchline, but mandating mental health coverage appears to be a partisan political issue.