Visualizing a Billion Dollars - Those are pallets
Visualizing a Billion Dollars - Those are pallets
That's a Trillion Dollars - See the guy still in the lower left corner?
That's a Trillion Dollars - See the guy still in the lower left corner?

What Works

This is a blatant repost of content – all these blogs are – but this one is particularly blatant. [For full effect, click through.] The folks over at went to the trouble to visualize just how much money a billion and a trillion dollars actually is. I have heard on NPR that it’s hard for people to make decisions about monetary volumes once the order of magnitude goes above 7 or 8, that humans unconsciously shift to logarithmic scale thinking which leaves 100 million dollars being only slightly less than 1 billion dollars. That’s like thinking that 100 dollars is only slightly less than 1000 dollars. Have a look. Think about it.

Relevant Resources A virtual tour of one trillion dollars