Friday Roundup


Hello and happy Friday everyone! We’ve got some great new pieces for your perusal below, and be sure to stop by throughout the week for the latest.

There’s Research on That!:

Hillary, Interrupted,” by Caty Taborda-Whitt. Research reveals the impetus behind Trump’s many interruptions during the first presidential debate and the gender inequality it perpetuates.

When Public School Is No Longer Public,” by Elizabeth Tremmel. Are charter schools as “public” as they are defined to be? Sociologists find that they operate in legal gray areas, making their distinctions from public schools complicated.

“You Can’t Sit with Us,” by Sarah Catherine Billups. In the spirit of National Bullying Prevention Month, we round up research on who gets bullied and why.


Gender-based Violence Against Men in Darfur,” by j. Siguru Wahutu. “Although this violence is in some ways about physical domination, it is primarily meant to symbolically dominate and denigrate both the victims and surviving community members.”


The Patterns of Police Force,” by Ryan Larson. Sociologist Joscha Legewie talks about the ways police are more likely to use force against black suspects after the shooting of a police officer.

The Influence of Naturalized Voters, by Edgar Campos. Writing for the LA Times, sociologist Manuel Pastor discusses the potential impact of newly naturalized citizens if they show up at the polls in November.

From Our Partners:


Hamilton’s Immigrant America,” by Philip Kasinitz.

Gender Politics and Taming the Alpha Male Harem Master,” by Mimi Schippers.

The Problem of Urban Sprawl,” by Thomas Laidley.

Scholars Strategy Network:

Strict Voter Identification Laws Advantage Whites—And Skew American Democracy to the Right,” by Zoltan Hajnal, Nazita Lajevardi, and Lindsay Nielson.

Council on Contemporary Families:

Is TANF Working for Struggling Millennial Parents?” by Shawn Fremstad.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

Last Week’s Roundup

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The days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder – so grab a warm beverage and curl up with some great social science!

The Editors’ Desk:

The Return of Revolt – Tommie Smith and John Carlos Go to Washington.” Editor Doug Hartmann reflects on his first book about athlete protests and how things have and have not changed since.

There’s Research on That!:

Problem-Oriented Policing in an Age of Protest,” by Amber Joy Powell. Research is mixed on whether or not problem-oriented policing strategies are effective.

Whose Nation, Whose Parks?” by Erik Kojola and Jacqui Frost. In conjunction with the recent centennial celebration of the National Park Service, we look to research on who actually gets the most out of national parks and the racial and ethnic inequalities their creation often stems from.

Protesting Prison Conditions,” by Caity Curry. The recent prison protests highlight not only unpaid labor but also issues of dismal healthcare and high rates of suicide in prisons, as well as the overuse of solitary confinement.


Are Warming Temperatures a Scientific Consensus or Hoax? It Depends on Your Political Party,” by Erik Kojola. New research maps the significant divergence in opinions about climate change causes and consequences among Democrats and Republicans over the past decade.


Crossing an ‘Empathy Bridge’ to Understand Trump Supporters,” by Elizabeth Tremmel. Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild talks with Wisconsin Public Radio about her research with conservatives in Louisiana.

What Makes a ‘Successful’ Immigrant?” by Neeraj Rajasekar. “Unlike other immigrant groups whose parents are more likely to have college degrees, Mexican second-gen immigrants have experienced the most ‘success,’ overcoming the odds of often being the first person in their family to attend college.”

From Our Partners:

Scholars Strategy Network:

Are Gender Stereotypes A Problem For Female Candidates?,” by Nichole Bauer.

Council on Contemporary Families:

TANF Policy to Address Low, Volatile Income among Disadvantaged Families,” by Bradley Hardy. 


Bonfires of Belfast,” by David Schalliol.

Middle-class Moms Managing Black Sons’ Vulnerability,” by Brittany Dernberger.

Expressing Depression,” by  Lucia Lykke.

Career Plans Aren’t Family Plans,” by Moriah Willow.

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Boy, do we have a ton of great new stuff to share with you this week. We’ve got a number of pieces on diversity, activism, and community in the sporting world, some excellent tips and ideas for teaching and writing in sociology, and a new podcast with Aldon Morris, just to name a few. See below for all that and more!

The Editors’ Desk:

First Person Ethnography.” Editor Doug Hartmann reflects on the different narrative devices used in ethnographic writing and argues that each has it’s own strengths and weaknesses.

Office Hours:

Aldon Morris on The Scholar Denied,” with Enid Logan. In this special hour-long episode, University of Minnesota sociologist Enid Logan talks with Morris about his new book and the ways W.E.B. Dubois shaped the field of sociology.

Teaching TSP:

This semester we are rolling out a series of posts from grad instructor Jack Delehanty on teaching writing in sociology classes. Check out his first post, “Teaching Writing with 5-Minute Workshops,” and stay tuned for more.

There’s Research on That!:

Pipeline Protests a Pipedream?,” by Erik Kojola. The protests over the Dakota Access Pipeline are the most recent battle between Native American rights and industrial development, and research shows that these battles often result in social dislocation, environmental problems, and a loss of livelihoods for native communities. For even more research on that, check out Erik’s recently published article on the ways that news media coverage of the Keystone XL pipeline worked to legitimate extraction and disrupt potential coalition between unions and environmentalists.

Punters and Protesters,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. Research shows that Colin Kaepernick’s choice to kneel during the national anthem is part of a larger resurgence of athlete activism surrounding racial inequality in America today.

Millennials Misunderstood,” by Evan Stewart. Millennials get a lot of flack these days, but social scientists argue that they are not as shallow or selfish as popular memes make them out to be—they are responding directly to unique social pressures.


Extending the “Crime Scene” into the Community,” by Ryan Larson. New research in Sociological Science finds that not only are communities of color more likely to experience violence, they are also more likely to see an increase in stop and frisk activity after a violent crime is committed.


The History of the Republican Party Divide,” by Chelsea Carlson. Josh Pacewicz explains to the Washington Post that Trump is not the origin of the conflicts we are seeing in the Republican Party today but that these divisions stem from a much longer history.

“‘Muggles’ and Stigma: Using Harry Potter to Teach Sociology,” by Caity CurryBertena Varney at Southern Kentucky Community and Technological College has been using Harry Potter to teach students about inequality and disabilities.

From Our Partners:


Making Sports More Sporting” – Five Viewpoints:

The Shifting Landscape of Sports Media with Dave Zirin,” by Ben Carrington and Dave Zirin.

How the Young Weigh Weight,” by Rose Malinowski Weingartner.

Scholars Strategy Network:

The Roots and Impact of Outrage-Mongering in U.S. Political Opinion Media,” by Sarah Sobieraj and Jeffrey M. Berry.

Council on Contemporary Families:

TANF Didn’t Fight Poverty. Full Employment Did,” by Alan Barber and Virginia Rutter.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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Hello and happy Friday everyone! The TSP grad board is back in full force this week with an array of interesting and timely posts, from welfare in Oregon, to mourning on social media, to getting in trouble at school. Also, Contexts is rolling out their latest issue, which covers Hamilton, the Oscars, street dancing in Compton, and bonfires in Belfast, so be sure to keep checking in with them as they make different pieces from the latest issue available online over the next few weeks.

There’s Research on That!:

Restorative Justice in the Classroom,” by Sarah Catherine Billups. Back to school means back to important discussions about disciplinary action in the classroom.

When ‘Nice Guys’ Rape,” by Amber Joy Powell. Feminist scholarship highlights the pervasiveness of rape culture and helps us pinpoint how it reproduces notions that only “bad guys” commit “real rape.”


Variety is the Spice of Life, but Are Typical Dishes Best?” by Sarah Catherine Billups. New research in the American Sociological Review examines the differences between consumers who prioritize variety in the genres of food and movies they consume and those who prefer typicality.


Why Oregon is So Generous,” by Ryan Larson . Oregon has one of the most robust welfare systems in the U.S., but social scientists shed light on some of the racist and classist reasons why that might be.

Challenging ‘Normal’ Bodies, One Girl at a Time,” by Amber Joy Powell. Female Olympians are fighting back against the stigma of larger, more muscular female figures.

Mourning with Social Media,” by Edgar Campos. How Twitter is making the mourning of others more open and public than it’s ever been.

From Our Partners:


Contexts is rolling out its latest issue, and new individual pieces will be made available online each week. See below for the table of contents, a letter from the editors, and one of their new feature articles.

A Cornucopia of Sociological Goodness,” from editors Syed Ali and Phil Cohen.

Summer 2016 Table of Contents.”

The King of Compton,” by Jooyoung Lee.

Council on Contemporary Families:

Why Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Programs Succeed or Fail on the Frontlines of Welfare Reform,” by Jennifer Randles.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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Border security, breadwinners, and Botox – we covered all that and more this week on our site, so stop by or see below for the latest in sociological research and writing!

The Editors’ Desk:

A Quick, Little Defense of Sociological Labor and Learning,” by Doug Hartmann. Co-editor Doug Hartmann responds to a growing number of commentators who think sociology degrees are a waste of time. He writes, “If we understand it properly, such talk can provide a powerful incentive and inspiration for doing the best work we all can do in the coming year to promote a broader understanding of what sociology is and why our teaching, research, and writing is so necessary and essential in the worlds in which we live.”


Women, Work, and Well-being,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. More women are becoming the primary earners in their families, and new research finds that this shift might make actually increase well-being for the whole family.

From Our Partners:

Council on Contemporary Families:

History, Myths, and Opportunities: Welfare at 20,” by Stephanie Coontz.


Dark Money in American Politics,” by Dana R. Fisher.

Don’t Use Wounded Veterans as Symbols for Your Cause,” by Sidra Montgomery.

Is the Border Safe? Border Residents’ Perceptions of Crime and Security,” by Ernesto Castañeda.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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Happy Friday everyone! We here at TSP are gearing up for the start of a new semester and are excited about welcoming some new grad board members, starting some new projects, and continuing to report on the best in sociological research. To kick off the school year, in addition to linking to our most recent posts, this week we highlight some of the blogs at TSP that are great resources for teachers and students alike.

Teaching with TSP:

If you are teaching classes this fall, or prepping a class for the near future, check out the wide variety of syllabi, activities, and videos at our Teaching TSP blog. We have great posts on how to use Discoveries to teach methods, how to use TROTs to show students how to summarize research, and how to use social science to get students to reflect on evidence used in the media.


Looking for short and interesting summaries of recent research articles by sociologists? Look no further than our Discoveries blog! We cover two to four articles a month and pull from dozens of journals. Some of our recent summaries include how bilingual benefits vary by gender, how social media influences anti-fracking movements, and how intelligence does not necessarily curb racism.


Race and Perceived Attractiveness,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. New research shows how black people are seen as more attractive if they tell others they are mixed-race.

Divorce Season,” Allison Nobles. Turns out, there is not only a marriage season, but divorces also follow seasonal trends.

From Our Partners:

Council on Contemporary Families:

Welfare Reform Attitudes and Single Mothers’ Employment after 20 Years,” by Phil Cohen.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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Our Latest Book


Hello hello! We are slowly recovering from a great ASA in Seattle and bringing you some new pieces as well as highlighting some older, but still timely, posts and podcasts along the way.


Reducing Recidivism after Armed Conflict,” by Amber Joy Powell. New research shows a link between combat and crime in Colombia.

There’s Research on That!:

Heading back to school? Check out some of our classic TROTs on education, including race in the classroomschool segregation, and advanced placement tests.

Office Hours:

Our podcast is coming back in full force this fall with producers Matt Gunther and Matthew Aguilar-Champeau. If you are looking for a 30-minute dose of sociology, come check out some of our past episodes and stay tuned for new ones throughout the semester. A few great recent episodes include:

Dalton Conley on the Use of Genomic Biology in Sociology

Sanyu Mojola on Love, Money, and HIV

Doug McAdam on American Racial Politics and Social Movements

Joanna Kempner on the Gender Politics of Migraine

From Our Partners:

Scholars Strategy Network:

The Reproductive Stigmas Faced by Low-Income Young Women in the Deep South,” by Janet M. Turan and Whitney D. Smith.

Council on Contemporary Families:

Welfare Reform at 20: How’s that Working?,” by Virginia Rutter.


Young, Relentless Feminism,” by Nicole Bedera.

Did Baby Boomers Opt Out or Lean In?” by Virginia Little.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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The Olympics, Broadway, and genomic biology, oh my! Sociology is everywhere these days, and we are here to report on it. We’ve got some great stuff for you this week, including a brand new Office Hours podcast with Dalton Conley, so be sure to stop by and stay up to date on all things sociological.

In other news, the TSP crew is heading to Seattle for the ASA meetings this weekend. Grad editor Evan Stewart will be live tweeting the panels and plenarys from the TSP Twitter, so for those who can’t make it and even those who can, you can follow us for updates and highlights.

See you in Seattle!

Office Hours:

Dalton Conley on the Use of Genomic Biology in Sociology,” with Caty Taborda-Whitt and Sarah Catherine Billups.


Work-Family Policies Foiled by Masculinity Norms,” by Allison Nobles. New research finds that men who learn about supportive work-family policies are more likely to prefer progressive work-family arrangements, but only if they think other men share those preferences.

There’s Research on That!:

Poké Panic!,” by Evan Stewart. “Social science research gives us a more measured perspective on the good, the bad, and the Poké.”


Sociology on Broadway,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. An new Broadway play will tell the story of how sociologist Terje Rød-Larsen helped make the historic Oslo peace talks a reality.

The Reproduction of Racial Segregation Online,” by Sarah Catherine Billups. Recent research shows how systemic racial inequality offline gets reproduced in similar ways online.

From Our Partners:

Scholars Strategy Network:

How Weight-Based Discrimination Hurts Many Americans,” by Abigail C. Saguy.


Parental Parties,” by Brittany Dernberger.

Council on Contemporary Families:

Promoting Marriage among Single Mothers: An Ineffective Weapon in the War on Poverty,” by Kristi Williams.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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Happy Friday everyone! We have some great stuff for you this week, including thoughts on Trump’s latest “joke,” how to better promote diversity on college campuses, and the success (or lack thereof) of social media campaigns. See below or stop by the site to catch up on the latest.


How Black Mothers Struggle to Navigate ‘Thug’ Imagery,” by Amber Joy Powell. “Black mothers of all economic backgrounds use stigma management to try and keep their sons safe, whether it be teaching them to manage their environment, their experiences, or their emotions.”

The Consequences of Costless ‘Likes’,” by Jacqui Frost. New research finds that “liking” a cause on social media is not likely to lead to a donation.

There’s Research on That!:

The Wax and Wane of Body Hair Removal,” by Allison Nobles. To shave or not to shave? Research shows that trends in body hair removal may be shifting, but certain choices continue to be stigmatized.


The Feminization of Bank Robberies,” by Kat Albrecht. Sociologists reflect on the causes of a recent uptick in the number of females committing bank robberies.

Combating CyberCreeps,” by Allison Nobles. Women are starting to speak out about their experiences of harassment on online dating sites and coming up with strategies to curb harassment in the future.

From Our Partners:

Scholars Strategy Network:

How the Ways College Authorities Talk about Diversity Can Undercut Efforts To Fight Racial Inequality,” by Natasha Warikoo.

Council on Contemporary Families:

The Date’s Not Dead,” by Arielle Kuperberg and Joseph E. Padgett.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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Hello again everyone! The TSP crew is gearing up for another year and looking forward to bringing you all the best in sociological writing and research during what it sure to be a roller coaster ride of an election year. Starting this week, we are resuming our weekly roundups to keep you up to date on what is going on around the site. We have a lot to share with you this week, including some pieces from a new issue of Contexts, thoughts from editor Doug Hartmann on the new era of athlete advocacy, and numerous angles on all things election.

The Editors’ Desk:

A New Era of Athlete Awareness and Advocacy,” by Doug Hartmann. “Let there be no doubt: we live in a new era of athlete awareness and advocacy, unlike anything we’ve seen since the late 1960s.”

There’s Research on That!:

How Institutions Trump Personal Politics,” by Evan Stewart. Sociological research sheds light on how it is that Trump won the Republican party nomination without majority support from Republican leaders.


Is Lead-Laced Blood Thicker than Lead-Laced Water?” by Neeraj Rajasekar. New research finds that the racial gap in childhood blood lead levels rises in wealthy neighborhoods.

Promiscuous Papas,” by Caty Taborda-Whitt. A study of 37 countries reveals that the gender of a father’s firstborn child has a significant influence on that father’s likelihood of being sexually promiscuous later in life.


Politicians Talk about Muslims,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. Inflammatory rhetoric surrounding Islam in America can be found on both sides of the political spectrum.

Whitewashed Affirmative Action,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. Despite increased litigation by white women against affirmative action, white women are among affirmative action’s primary beneficiaries.

From Our Partners:


As Joel Best points out in his new Contexts piece, “Sociologists don’t just view the glass as half-empty, we mutter that it is probably leaking, too.” So, the new issue of Contexts asks sociologists to tell them some good news for a change. See below for a first look at what they came up with.

What Good News Looks Like,” by Joel Best.

An Economic Gap Slowly Closing,” by Rose Malinowski Weingartner.

A Hand Up for Lower-Income Families,” by Sarah Halpern-Meekin, Laura Tach, Kathryn Edin, and Jennifer Sykes.

Scholars Strategy Network:

Donald Trump and the Dynamics of American Public Opinion about Racial Profiling,” by Deborah Schildkraut.

Why Does Immigration Arouse Deep Feelings and Conflicts?” by John D. Skrentny.

What Does The Supreme Court’s Deadlocked Decision on Deferring Deportations Mean for Immigrant Families?” by Heide Castañeda.

How Catholic Hospitals Restrict Reproductive Health Services,” by Debra Stulberg and Lori Freedman.

Council on Contemporary Families:

Taking the Nostalgia of Trump Supporters Seriously,” by Stephanie Coontz.

Social Policies, Parenthood, and Happiness in 22 Countries,” by Jennifer Glass, Robin Simon, and Matthew Anderson.

What’s really ‘for the family’,” by Virginia Rutter.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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