What works
What can I say, I think it’s funny. Pie chart humor with real pie. Ha.
I am impressed at the time and effort someone put into trimming the pie plates, thinking through the crosshatching, and trying to get some different colors going on.
The text of the original post reads:
I’d take that with a grain of salt, especially considering the gratuitous use of all caps. Probably it’s meant to be ironic or sarcastic or some other hipster attitude that I am too old to absorb osmotically.
What needs work
I still don’t like pie charts.
Comments 10
Count Sneaky — October 15, 2011
Sorry but I can't take this pie chart humor with a grain of salt. Perhaps, a good bottle of Scotch...but no salt. It just isn't my cup of tea. I have other tastes. I would like a more nourishing explanation of the humor here as I fear I am also too old to grasp the pie chart reference. My best.
# — October 15, 2011
This is more of a Venn's diagramm than a pie chart (hence less of a pun)...
The Venn Piagram — October 21, 2011
[...] it? It's a Venn diagram made of actual pies. That's why it's called a Venn piagram. [via] AKPC_IDS += "19346,"; Don't miss a thing. Follow @flowingdata on Twitter or grab the RSS feed for [...]
The Venn Piagram | //G.Fact - Communication design — October 21, 2011
[...] Get it? It’s a Venn diagram made of actual pies. That’s why it’s called a Venn piagram. [via] [...]
Venn Piagram | Camels With Hammers — October 21, 2011
[...] via and via [...]
Martin von Wyss — October 21, 2011
That's definitely the second-cleverest Venn diagram I've come across in the last two days. The cleverest is this one. Don't ask me because I don't have a clue what it's about either. http://i.imgur.com/R9mJR.jpg
corey dolgon — October 21, 2011
here is my own take on pie chart analyses with a heavy dose of humor and a touch of bourdieu
The Venn Piagram « Darin R. McClure – The Good Life In San Clemente — October 23, 2011
[...] Get it? It’s a Venn diagram made of actual pies. That’s why it’s called a Venn piagram. [via] [...]
The Venn Piagram | My Blog — October 23, 2011
[...] Get it? It’s a Venn diagram made of actual pies. That’s why it’s called a Venn piagram. [via] [...]