Airplane Seating Diagram | Show Me How
Airplane Seating Diagram | Show Me How
Airplane Seating Diagram - detail | Show Me How
Airplane Seating Diagram - detail | Show Me How

What works

The diagram assumes a number of user groups – parents of youngsters, sleepers, long-leggers – in addition to universal concerns like not dying in a crash or understanding that your appendages are more likely to be run over by the beverage cart if you’re seated on the aisle. Friend of mine broke a foot that way so I’d say it’s a non-trivial concern and lends support to the choice of the bulkhead rather than an aisle seat for those with long legs.

What needs work

This blog needs work. I haven’t posted any non-standard graphics lately. Boring. Even though this has nothing to do with sociology, it’s a necessary inclusion.


Smith, Lauren and Fagerstrom, Derek. (2008) Show Me How. Collins Design.