Hey everyone! We were out last Friday, so we have a lot of great new stuff to share with you this week. We’ve got new sociological takes on the history of sex ed policy, the role of women in boxing, and the ways heterosexual couples negotiate whose career to prioritize. See all that and more below!
There’s Research on That!:
“Pugilism and Power: The Stigma of Women in Boxing,” by Matthew Aguilar-Champeau. A play about early boxing great Barbara Buttrick recently premiered in the U.K., and it has important implications for how we think about gender and sport.
“Sex Ed and its Discontents,” by Allison Nobles. It’s still unclear how the Trump administration will handle sex education policy, but research on past policies reveals the ways sex ed is used to regulate sexuality, especially among black and Latino youth.
“Career Opportunities and Sacrifices among Heterosexual Couples,” by Edgar Campos. Despite perceived gains in gender equality at home and at work, new research in Gender & Society finds that many heterosexual couples continue to reproduce traditional gender roles in negotiating whose career to prioritize.
“Disproving Stereotypes about Spending in Black Households,” by Matthew Aguilar-Champeau. New research in Sociology of Race and Ethnicity finds that blacks spend far less than whites on “frivolous” items like new iPhones and more on the long-term costs of maintaining a household.
“The Profits and Perils of Mug Shots in a Digital Age,” by Caity Curry. The Marshall Project talks to TSP alum Sarah Esther Lageson to explain the impacts of public mug shots on arrestees.
“The Extremely Low Chance of Extremism,’ by Neeraj Rajasekar. Despite increased fears of terrorist acts, Charles Kurzman tells NPR that extremism is relatively rare.
From Our Partners:
“Class Differences in Women’s Cohabitation in Early Adulthood,” by Mónica L. Caudillo, Paula England, and Eliza Brown.
Council on Contemporary Families:
“Asian/Americans, Education, and Crime,” by Tasia Clemons.
“CCF Gender and Millennials Online Symposium: Overview,” by Stephanie Coontz.
And a Few from the Community Pages:
- Engaging Sports talks Mount Gariwang and the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games.
- Sociological Images finds 2/3rds of sexual minorities now identify as bisexual and Trump’s election made people less private about anti-immigrant attitudes.
- Cyborgology reflects on big data and the epistemological renaissance.
- Graphic Sociology asks how many eggs does it take to make a baby?