Happy July everyone! This week we’ve got new pieces on how moving affects adolescents, how gangs use social media, how marital status affects voting behavior, and much more. So grab yourself a summer drink and soak in some sociology.

There’s Research on That!:

Gangs on Social Media,” by Caity Curry. Social science shows that gang members use social media to promote their gang identity and gain notoriety, but the social organization of gangs determines their online behavior.


How Moving Affects Adolescent Delinquency,” by Amber Joy Powell. New research in Social Forces finds that the more adolescents move, the more likely they are to engage in delinquent behavior.


Why Single Women are More Likely to Vote for Liberal Candidates,” by Neeraj RajasekarLeah RuppannerKelsy Kretschmer, and Christopher Stout explain how marital status influences voting habits in RawStory.

From Our Partners:

Council on Contemporary Families:

Religion: Greater Acceptance, Persisting Antipathy since Civil Rights Era,” by Jerry Park, Joshua Tom, and Brita Andercheck.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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