Thanks for joining us this week! We’ve got a special feature on fertility trends, new research on elementary school expulsions, and young people’s extramarital affairs.
Special Feature:
“US Fertility Keeps Dropping – But That’s Not a Reason to Panic,” by Caroline Sten Hartnett. In this special feature, we take a look at fertility trends in the United States.
“Elementary Expulsions,” by Mark Lee. New research in Social Forces finds that youth of color are much more likely to be suspended or expelled from school by age nine.
“Millennials, Marriage, and Monogamy,” by Allison Nobles. The Atlantic talks with Wendy Manning and Andrew Cherlin about young couples and extramarital affairs.
From Our Partners:
“Flat Rebels,” by Julie Whitaker.
“Letter from the Editors, Spring 2019,” by Rashawn Ray and Fabio Rojas.
Sociological Images:
“Supreme Sociology: How Hype Happens,” by Evan Stewart.
Council on Contemporary Families:
“Revisit: Trevor Hoppe on Punishing Disease,” by Arielle Kuperberg.
And from the Community Pages:
- Cyborgology ponders viral video child stars.