Welcome back! This week, we explain how colleges use sports to jockey with peer institutions for prestige and status, and we feature new research on police militarization and why women say no to leadership opportunities.
There’s Research on That!:
“Why Elite Colleges Keep Sports” by Jean Marie Maier. US colleges continue to invest in costly sports programs for many reasons that have little to do with making money. We gathered social science research to better understand the motivations underlying colleges’ huge investment in athletics.
“Is Your Town Getting Tanked?” by Ryan Larson. New research in Criminology investigates what factors make community law enforcement agencies more likely to participate in a Department of Defense program that provides military equipment to police and sheriff’s departments.
“Gendered Risk and Leadership Ambitions” by Jean Marie Maier. New experimental research in Social Psychology Quarterly shows that anticipating harsh consequences for failure may be one reason women turn down leadership opportunities.
From Our Partners:
Council on Contemporary Families:
“Mothering While Black” by Dawn Marie Dow.
Sociological Images:
“Political Ads, No Filter” by Evan Stewart.
“The Design Divide: Tools vs. Appliances” by Evan Stewart.
And from the Community Pages:
- The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies discusses Franco’s legacy and Spain’s struggle to confront its difficult past, and penetrates Cambodia’s veneer of economic and infrastructural progress to reveal the lingering effects of mass violence.
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