Happy Valentines Day! This week, we bring you research on diamonds and their often exploitative extraction, as well as research that evaluates the promises of longhand notetaking. We also feature a new Discovery about American parenting.
There’s Research on That:
“Updating the Debate on Longhand Notetaking” by Jean Marie Maier. We introduce new research that extends and complicates what we know about the benefits of taking notes by hand.
“Mining Love” by Jillian LaBranche. As Valentine’s Day engagements cause diamond sales to rise, this roundup of research reminds us that diamonds have many symbolic meanings, and not all of them are positive.
“American Parents Emphasize Hard Work” by Mahala Miller. New research sheds light on which traits parents most want to pass on to their children and how it’s changed over the past three decades.
From Our Partners:
Council on Contemporary Families:
“Highlights from the 2020 CCF Conference” by Arielle Kuperberg.
From Our Community Pages:
- The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies interviews an expert about how cultural perceptions of the body affect torture.
- Engaging Sports reports research findings about the nature of the feedback women receive in the eSports community.
TSP Classics:
Just in time for the Oscars, we bring you, “The Sociology of Oscar-Winning,” a TSP Classic from Clippings and an exposé on what it takes to win big at the Academy Awards.