Welcome back! A big thank you to everyone who submitted to our Teach with TSP contest! Stay tuned as we review the submissions. In new content this week, we’re featuring social science research on distant war and selective empathy, elite education, and social barriers to reporting sexual assault. And check out the fall table of contents for Contexts, published this week.
“Distant War and Selective Empathy,” by Brooke Chambers. Thousands of Yemen’s civilians have been killed, half of the population is at risk of famine, and over 20 million people need humanitarian aid, and yet it receives little attention in the United States. Research can help explain the lack of coverage of this crisis and why distant conflict may result in selective empathy.
“Easing into the Elite,” by Amy August. The confirmation hearing for the recently appointed Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh called public attention to what goes on inside elite, private boarding schools. In light of this, we rounded up social science research on how boarding schools serve the power elite.
“Counting the Cost of Reporting Sexual Assault,” by Amber Joy Powell. New research in Sociological Science finds that there are many social risks that keep students from reporting sexual assault.
“Young People and the Great Sex Decline,” by Allison Nobles. The Atlantic talks to social scientists, including Lisa Wade, Paula England, and Michael Rosenfeld about why young people aren’t having more sex.
“Does Piety Persist?” by Evan Stewart. The Salt Lake Tribune delves into debates about piety in the United States, covering research by David Voas, Mark Chaves, Landon Schnabel, and Sean Bock.
From Our Partners:
“The Age of Hollywood: A Look at May-December Movies,” by Evan Stewart.
“Race, Displacement, and the Public Intellectual: An Interview with Viet Thanh Nguyen,” by Anthony Ocampo.
“Stop Forgetting Asian Americans,” by Anthony Ocampo.
“Letter From the Editors,” by Rashawn Ray and Fabio Rojas.
“Same-Sex Couples Devote More Attention to End-of-Life Plans than Heterosexual Couples,” by Mieke Beth Thomeer, Rachel Donnelly, Corinne Reczek, and Debra Umberson.
And a Few from the Community Pages: