Your most recent book, Misrepresentation in Silence in United States History Textbooks, demonstrates the distortion of history in American textbooks. What are the implications or effects of misrepresentation?
Dr. Gellman: Misrepresentation continues to allow certain kinds of stories to be told about groups of people in ways that maintain and perpetuate dominant social hierarchies. For example, when we misrepresent White violence towards Black, Indigenous, and people of color groups, it encodes narratives of White supremacy that teach children in the K-12 system, who are encountering these narratives, that White groups are superior, that they are dominant, that they are victorious, that they should be identified with. So, it becomes an assimilation facilitator, and it demeans and undercuts the experiences and sometimes the resistances of BIPOC groups that may have worked against those actions of White supremacy. So, misrepresentation writ large has the ability to perpetuate the encoding of White supremacy in our society in ways that have many repercussions for structural justice, racial justice, and gender justice.
The other thing it does is create false justification for patterns of domination that, again, reinforce erroneous beliefs about who has what kinds of rights. So, when we misrepresent, Indigenous people, for example, as conquered, it sends a message that those people don’t count in the contemporary story. They have been conquered; therefore, they are not contemporarily relevant. Many Indigenous movements in the United States use the claim of “we are still here to assert contemporary native visibility.” Because, as I document in the book, so much misrepresentation only portrays Indigenous people in what is now the United States in the past tense as people that were here, that were dominated and have essentially disappeared.
In my book, Indigenous Language Politics in the Schoolroom, I include an ethnographic content from interviews and focus groups with students. In other publications I document this as well, where White students in California talk about how they didn’t know that there were contemporary Native people in their home area, even though they live in a place that is the confluence of numerous different tribes that are active today, that have ongoing membership and tribal governance structures.
And so, when we misrepresent, we miseducate the next generation in understanding who their neighbors are in contemporary society as well as the perception of the past, that some groups were dominant and superior over others, and therefore we should perpetuate that same social hierarchy today.
What does “good” representation look like? How should textbook authors and educators balance strength (for example: emphasizing groups’ contributions) vs. deficit (for example: emphasizing violence against groups) approaches?
One thing that a Yurok interviewee said to me several years ago, when I was asking; how do we teach about the violent past in the contemporary classroom, they said to me: White people are insulated from the reality of the genocide of Native Americans. Native American children do not have that luxury. They grow up knowing that their extended ancestors were slaughtered, or that their grandparents or great grandparents were forcibly interned in boarding schools, or that their parents or grandparents chose to assimilate into a boarding school because they didn’t feel like they had any other options for upward mobility. So, when we ask: how do we represent the violent past, we need to remember who we are protecting when we say we can’t do it, or that it’s too confronting to do. BIPOC communities know their histories within oral tradition, within families, but those can be eroded or undermined by a public-school curriculum that doesn’t validate those stories. So good representation to me looks like historically accurate representation that is based not only on the White victors’ perspectives but on a plurality of voices that accurately depict what took place and also brings, particularly BIPOC, communities into the present day.
One of the main points of critique I found in my analysis of U.S. history textbooks was the constant representation of Native people in the United States only in the past tense. Good representation looks like reminding us that they are still here, that they are a vibrant community. So, next to the picture of someone collecting acorns in a loincloth, we also need the picture of the contemporary tribal meeting house and the tribal council that is managing governance for the community that is active next door to us. The emphasis on contemporary representation is really important.
The deficit approach is something that I’ve really had to think about in my own work with Native American communities in California, as well as Indigenous people in Mexico. It’s important to talk about the things that are broken. It’s important to talk about violence and how we address it. But that can’t be the only thing we talk about. We have to talk about the impressive ways that these communities are also working together to confront issues and be resilient, demonstrating survivance in these spaces. The Lakota curriculum that Darlene Saint Clair has created is an excellent example of how this can be done well, as are the ethnic studies curricula in California. We can talk about the things that are hard, but we can focus on positive examples that demonstrate meaningful, contemporary, dignified, Indigenous lives.
You’ve argued that identity politics during the first Trump administration allowed for more hostility towards BIPOC people, but you also demonstrated how schools can be sites of resistance. Specifically, you point to Yurok and Spanish language courses. How can educators in other disciplines practice resistance in their classrooms?
They can mainstream Indigenous knowledge into a variety of classes. Of course, the Indigenous language classes are the starting point for that, but bringing traditional ecological knowledge into science classes, or bringing Indigenous literature into an English language arts curriculum are ways where we can think about mainstreaming Indigenous knowledge into the contemporary curriculum.
Resistance is hard. It is easier to acquiesce to the kind of mandates that we are facing both in higher education and in the K-12 system right now in the United States. It is safer and easier for teachers to say, “I’m not going to talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion. I’m not going to teach this novel that talks about different ways of performing gender, or anything having to do with race and ethnicity.”
I understand why some teachers feel like they have to make that choice. But the education system in the United States is the primary site of state contact with its residents. It is a place where we’re forming young people. So, teachers, staff, and administrators who are willing to stand up and say, “In this school, everybody is valued” goes a long way – particularly in this political moment, toward resisting in small ways. So that might look like bringing in a book that is on the banned list and having the school district administrator or having your principal support you. It’s saying, “here’s why it matters to me –because I have students that resonate with this story.”
One example that I’ll give, and I discuss this in a chapter of my upcoming book, Learning to Survive: Yurok Well-being in School, which will come out in November 2025 – focuses on an interview with Theyallen Gensaw, who graduated from Del Norte High School a few years ago. He talks about the Del Norte County School Board. After receiving complaints from parents trying to get rid of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexi, he said, “I live in two worlds all the time. I live as a Yurok man, and I live my colonized life. That book is the only thing I read in high school, besides Yurok language class, where I felt seen, where I saw myself in the curriculum.” So, we shouldn’t underestimate the power of an English language arts teacher, or a science teacher, to bring in something that resonates.
In the science curriculum, we can talk about traditional burning practices when we live in a country that is on fire –from Los Angeles to the Canadian fires to the Oregon fires—this country is burning. Let’s figure out how to incorporate traditional ecological knowledge around fire burning practices into our science curriculum. Let’s at least introduce it as an idea. So, it doesn’t have to only be the Indigenous language classes, which, of course, are vital places to start. But let’s figure out how to mainstream Indigenous knowledge into other spaces, and say, this is important because it’s contemporary knowledge that honors other communities that are part of this school system, this residential area, whatever it is. In doing so, we’re sending a message to young people that White knowledge is not the only kind of knowledge that is valuable.
And another example that I’ll give, because I run a college in prison program, and we work a lot with different kinds of Englishes, is recognizing that Standard English—White academic English— is the lingua franca of the education system. It is an important tool in upward mobility. But it’s not the only way of expression, so we can work with Black Englishes and validate that those are meaningful ways of expression –while again, not working from a deficit perspective –while also talking about Standard English methods of syntax and grammar, so that students are equipped with a broad toolkit of ways to express. And they can make decisions about when they code switch in between those languages. But we’re not denigrating one in order to uplift the other.
Related to that, I think there’s a lot of space to think about how our English Language Learner curriculum operates as well, and the kinds of messages that we send about why learning English is important. It’s one language repertoire that is useful for people. But it is not the only valid language repertoire. There’s just tremendous space within the K-12 system for schools to be sites of resistance in ways that can be quite subtle. Teachers can make decisions about how public or private they want to be with these micro practices of resistance. But they really are vital in helping students see themselves and feel like they can be welcomed with their whole self.
We know education is important, and typically in the aftermath of violence, much onus is placed on the education system to promote peace and quell violence — despite the fact education and schools have historically been places of violence. What do you make of this dissonance? Can education repair these harms?
As an educator, I want to believe that education can be a site of peace, but it absolutely has not always been that. One example that has been meaningful for me to think about is the Hoopa Valley High School, a public high school that sits on the Hoopa Indian Reservation in far Northern California. The school sits where the previous Hoopa Indian Boarding School used to be. So, there are Native students from multiple tribal backgrounds who attend this public school today, whose grandparents, great grandparents, or related family members were interned in the boarding school in previous generations.
Today, those students have dreams of charting their own career paths. They’re playing school sports. They’re making their own lives. Some are studying the Hupa or Yurok language. But they’re walking in the footsteps of people that did not have that choice and that were subject to state violence through the forced assimilation process of the boarding school. So, that dissonance is something that those students and the educators there live with every day, acutely. In many other contexts, it’s much more subtle. But the same sort of dynamics play out for the formal education system, which is often a site of educational trauma.
Many of the students in the college-in-prison program I run talk about some of their earliest memories in school being made fun of for their names. So, they had different names, or they had names that made sense in the context of their own ethnic lineage but didn’t translate easily into White society. So, some of their earliest educational memories were being shamed or teased, ridiculed for their names, a form of educational trauma –when educational spaces become spaces of trauma that then push people away from meaningful engagement in school.
The promise of education to use self-actualization and knowledge to rebuild the world in a way that recognizes the dignity of everyone is an important goal. But historically, and up through the present day, there is so much educational trauma that is inflicted, particularly on BIPOC young people, as they make their way through that system. I think doing trauma-informed teaching is one way of recognizing that that is their reality. And supporting teachers and staff to be trauma-informed in how they manage both their classrooms and the curricula is important.
Yesterday, I was teaching my human rights class. We were discussing how so many of the folks who end up in U.S. prison systems are themselves products of cradle to prison pipelines, and with many of them going from the K-12 system into prison in their teens. And they’re saying, “Oh, well, how do we fix what’s broken in the system?” And I said, “What if the system is operating exactly as it was designed to? What if the education system is operating perfectly to maintain a White supremacist social hierarchy that we live in today? What do we do differently when we recognize that the education system is set up to maintain the system of social privilege that diminishes BIPOC power and lifts up White superiority?”
How do we grapple with the education system when we recognize that maybe it’s producing the outcomes exactly as intended. And then, we have to ask different kinds of questions. How do we fix the system if it’s not broken for some? We have to change what the output is as a society that we want from that system and work backwards to address the deep flaws, the baked-in inequality within the system itself.
Dr. Mneesha Gellman is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Emerson College. Her work examines the politics of violence globally, with her current research focusing on decolonization and human rights within various educational contexts in North America. She is the author of Democratization and Memories of Violence: Ethnic Minority Social Movements in Mexico (now open access), Indigenous Language Politics in the Schoolroom: Cultural Survival in Mexico and the United States, and Misrepresentation in Silence in United States History Textbooks(open access).