Welcome to the start of another month at TSP! If you need to escape the heat, you can chill out while reading about the realities of widows in the United States, Pakistan’s third gender, and how skin color and racial identity matter for how others perceive race.

Special Feature:

Suddenly Single: A Widow’s Challenge,” by Regina Kenen. In our latest feature, Kenen discusses her exploratory research with widows, a population that tends to be invisible in the United States.

There’s Research on That!:

Gender, Identity, and Pakistan’s “Third Gender”,” by Lucas Lynch. In light of the recent hire of a transgender news anchor in Pakistan, we rounded up research on gender and identity in Pakistan.


Skin Color, Self-Identity, and Perceptions of Race,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. New research in Sociological Perspectives finds that skin color and self-asserted racial identity influence how people perceive the racial identity of those who are multiracial.


Acceptance vs. Advocacy of LGBTQ Rights,” by Isabel Arriagada. In an article for the Los Angeles TimesAmin Ghaziani explains that heterosexuals are often willing to extend ‘formal rights’ to gay couples, but they are less willing to demonstrate political engagement or material support.

From Our Partners:

Council on Contemporary Families:

Reversing Progress: Teenage Childbearing Facing Loss of Vital Reproductive Services,” by Frank Furstenberg.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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