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Last week, Nathan Jurgenson (@nathanjurgenson) further delineated his theory of digital dualism, laying out a typology of dualist theoretical tendencies in relation to the “augmented” perspective. In this post, he critiques existing theorists/scholars/technology analysts not only for being dualist, but also for shifting sloppily and often indiscriminately between levels of dualism. Here, I want to diagnose the problem of slippery theorizing and emphasize the importance of a flexible perspective. I begin with an overview of Jurgenson’s typology. more...

What thrill does one imagination hold, after all, when we can program a bot to voice the imagination of everyone who’s ever uploaded their words onto the web?

What happened at Zuccotti Park was not wholly unlike what had happened a few months earlier on Delicious and Google Reader

What happens when, as a result of social media, vigilantism takes on a new form?

In event of power or Internet loss, just shout 140-character comments out window

There aren’t enough terms of service to manage all the publics and space in the world, or the people who live in them

When disaster strikes, make sure to bring your sandbags of skepticism to Twitter

Death is denied when a Facebook activist can never prove it

the [cyberspace] metaphor constrains, enables, and structures very distinct ways of imagining

a dualistic offline/online worldview can depoliticise and mask very real and uneven power relationshipsmore...

The semantics of Silicon Valley Capitalism are precise, measured, and designed to undermine preexisting definitions of the things such capitalists seek to exploit. It is no coincidence that digital connections are often called “friends,” even though the terms “friend” and “Facebook friend” have very different meanings. And then there is “social,” a Silicon Valley shorthand term for “sharing digital information” that bears little resemblance to the word “social” as we’ve traditionally used it. From “Living Social” to “making music social,” “social media” companies use friendly old words to spin new modes of interaction into concepts more comfortable and familiar. It is easier to swallow massive changes to interpersonal norms, expectations, and behaviors when such shifts are repackaged and presented as the delightful idea of being “social” with “friends.”

But is this “social” so social? Yes and no and not quite. To elaborate, we propose a distinction: “Social” versus “social,” in which the capital-S “Social” refers not to the conventional notion of social but specifically to Silicon-Valley-Social. The point is, simply, that when Silicon Valley entrepreneurs say “social,” they mean only a specific slice of human sociality. more...

“Hey, don’t let me forget to TiVo Two and a Half Men”—said nobody ever.

NPR has been running a series that looks at the ways in which new technologies are changing how we consume television[i].  The latest installment, based on an interview with Jessica Helfand, author of Screen: Essays on Graphic Design, New Media and Visual Culture has a troublesome tone. Helfand worries that on-demand television is ruining our attention spans, as we consume only what we want, when we want. She worries that we watch on our own time, rather than as part of a collective schedule-following community. She worries that content will have to get shorter, more easily consumable, and that the focus will shift from away from the story, and towards the medium itself. Referencing a colleague, she labels today’s media consumption environment as a “narrative deprivation culture.”  Below are a few representative quotes from Helfand: more...

When I first began as a graduate student encountering social media research and blogging my own thoughts, it struck me that most of the conceptual disagreements I had with various arguments stemmed from something more fundamental: the tendency to discuss “the digital” or “the internet” as a new, “virtual”, reality separate from the “physical”, “material”, “real” world. I needed a term to challenge these dualistic suppositions that (I argue) do not align with empirical realities and lived experience. Since coining “digital dualism” on this blog more than a year ago, the phrase has taken on a life of its own. I’m happy that many seem to agree, and am even more excited to continue making the case to those who do not.

The strongest counter-argument has been that a full theory of dualistic versus synthetic models, and which is more correct, has yet to emerge. The success of the critique has so far outpaced its theoretical development, which exists in blog posts and short papers. Point taken. Blogtime runs fast, and rigorous theoretical academic papers happen slow; especially when one is working on a dissertation not about digital dualism. That said, papers are in progress, including ones with exciting co-authors, so the reason I am writing today is to give a first-pass on a framework that, I think, gets at much of the debate about digital dualism. It adds a little detail to “digital dualism versus augmented reality” by proposing “strong” and “mild” versions of each. more...

The digital and the physical are becoming one

Design is one of the linchpins of capitalism, because it makes alienated labor possible

My hologram rendered somehow less complete. A broken stream in the data mind

Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world

Facebook is broken, on purpose, in order to extract more money from users

“Invisible Users” is one of the few texts explicitly dealing with the Internet that will not feel dated in five years

Writing for a general audience, he said, was “a responsibility of scholars

Given a city block, the challenge will be to excavate and present that information which the most people are curious about at the precise moment they walk through it

Scrobbling might be “social,” but it’s not very personal

Wikipedians may be their own worst enemy

a Predator parked at the camp started its engine without any human direction, even though the ignition had been turned off and the fuel lines closed

I would challenge the idea that trolls, and trolls alone, are why we can’t have nice things online

Memory on the Internet is both infinite and fleeting

EDM lets listeners experience what feels like risk, and excess but is actually very tightly and carefully controlled

In this climate, it gets hard to draw strict distinctions between living systems and mechanical ones

A machine does far more than the task it performs. It is forged of historical moments, acts as a flash-point for contemporary questions, and always, inevitably, produces new cultures of its own

Follow Nathan on Twitter: @nathanjurgenson

Cyborgology launched two years ago today [see the first post], and we have a little birthday party post today. Below you will find lists of the most popular articles generated over the past twelve months since our first birthday. But first, we’d like to let each Cyborgology Editor highlight one post they wrote in the past twelve months, and say a little something about that post, where it went after being published, and a little about blogging itself.  more...

Can being a ‘generalized other’ feel like being a friend?

How did the Awkward Party Comment shift from “I know, I read your Livejournal” to “You read what I posted on Facebook, right?” As I explained last week, this change is related to what I call the devolution of friendship. In devolved friendship, we expect our friends to take on a greater share of the friendship-labor involved in being friends with us. I link the devolution of friendship to the affordances of social media sites, and particularly to general broadcasting and frictionless sharing. While I don’t go so far as to say devolved friendship is necessarily a bad thing (or a good thing), at least two of its characteristics deserve a closer examination: the non-uniform rationalization of friendship-labor and the depersonalization of friendship-labor. I explore both below.




Sweaty palms. Racing heart. Mind wandering to extreme and alarming places.  No, this is not a horror movie or a bad dissertation dream. This is Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).

FOMO is a colloquial phrase to describe the anxiety people feel in light of constant streams of information. Not only are broadcast news cycles 24 hours, but so too are social news streams. All day, at all times, the Facebook and Twitter tickers move forward, populated by people, information, and interaction. These streams go on with or without us.  It is impossible to keep up. And yet, widespread access through home computers, work computers, smart phones and tablets tempt many of us to try, often wavering between frenzied efforts stay afloat, and resolutions to let the digital world spin without us, determinately avoiding connected devices with clenched jaws, white knuckles, deep breaths, and quick sideways glances full of both longing and animosity.     more...

if you haven’t visited the Deep Web, you ain’t seen nothing yet

nothing in society makes sense except in the light of power. And that goes for speech, too

it used to be hard to connect when friends formed clicks, but it is even more difficult to connect now that clicks form friends

how did the Awkward Party Comment shift from “I know, I read your Livejournal” to “You read what I posted on Facebook, right?

Red Bull will most likely never fund a trip to Mars or a high speed rail line

It became very difficult to look at the Empire State Building or the Chrysler Building without thinking that they looked CG

self-broadcasting always feels like agency, even if it only builds the walls of our own personal terrordome

A 3-year-old shouldn’t know which of her actions are worthy of being documented

gamification seems to invite false consciousness arguments because it’s scary that “play” can be so completely non-transgressive

Are we using technology to stylize our unease with the present, our feeling of disconnection from the past?

Why I felt OK outing Violentacrez: Anonymity should be valued mainly to the extent it helps protect powerless from powerful. VA wasn’t that

Trecartin’s characters, like the modern-day technophiles they satirise, are umbilically linked to their Blackberries

Surface is going to make some kind of history for Microsoft, one way or another

I always react negatively against the idea that technology is a foreign body inside the human” (1997)

You do not hear about a YouTube video in the press w/o hearing about how many views it has, and that’s not accidental

over the past two years social media has also become an increasingly hostile place for women writers and journalists

to design with an eye to how clothes look online, perhaps sacrificing how they feel on the body

Follow Nathan on Twitter: @nathanjurgenson
