Hello all! We were out last week for ASA and the like, but we’re back this week with new takes on genetic ancestry tests, gender gaps in tenure promotion, and the ways people rely on “lowbrow” culture to fit in. That and more below.


Biased Evaluations Contribute to Gender Gaps in Tenure Promotion,” by Amber Joy Powell. A new study in Social Forces explores why female academics have a harder time achieving tenure promotion than their male peers.

Leaning on Lowbrow Culture,” by Evan Stewart. New research in ASR finds that people who feel they have high status, but also feel like that status may not be authentic, will reach for “more authentic” lowbrow culture.


White Supremacy, Not-So-White Ancestry,” by Neeraj RajasekarSTATNews covers research by Aaron Panofsky and Joan Donovan on how white nationalists understand their non-white ancestry.

Separate but Diverse?,” by Neeraj RajasekarDerek Hyra and Camille Z. Charles talk to Slate about “diversity segregation” and the ways that neighborhood segregation is changing but also staying the same.

From Our Partners:


College Women: Seen as a ‘Slut’ if they Have Sex on a Hookup, ‘Bitch’ or ‘Prude’ if they Don’t,” by Michelle J. Cera, Jessie Ford, and Paula England.

Contexts Hall of Fame Award,” by the Editors.

Council on Contemporary Families:

Segregation by Sexuality in the United States,” by Braxton Jones.

The High Rate of Bereavement among African Americans,” by Megan Peterson.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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