Welcome back to a sociology-filled week at TSP! This week we’ve got research on why the Indian Child Welfare Act matters, how skin tone is related to arrest and incarceration for black Americans, and sociological takes on the recent synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. And don’t forget to send us your submissions for The ‘Teach with TSP’ Contest by the end of the month!

There’s Research on That!:

Immigration, Race, and Welfare Attitudes in Europe,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. Based on several European countries’ public discussion about harsher restrictions on migrants’ access to social assistance, we collected research on welfare attitudes and immigration in Europe.

Why the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Matters,” by Brieanna Watters and Allison Nobles. In light of a federal judge ruling ICWA unconstitutional, we rounded up social science research about the historical context necessitating ICWA’s creation, with respect to the problematic history of child removal from Native communities.


Race, Colorism, and the Criminal Justice System,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. New research in Ethnic and Racial Studies finds that black Americans with darker skin tones are more likely to be incarcerated and arrested than those with lighter skin tones.


Far-Right Extremism and Anti-Religious Violence,” by Caity Curry. In a recent article for The ConversationJeff Gruenewald and William Parkin discuss how the recent rise in violence against religious minority communities is often tied to far-right extremist conspiracies and ideological beliefs.

Protecting Places of Worship,” by Brooke ChambersIn a new article in The Conversation, Christopher Scheitle and Jeffery Ulmer analyze increased protections and the heightened fear among many religious minorities in their spaces of worship.

From Our Partners:

Sociological Images:

Midterm Voting: A Research Roundup,” by Neeraj Rajasekar, Amber Joy Powell, Caity Curry, and Evan Stewart.


That’s Not My Size,” by Simone N. Durham.

Higher Ed can Learn from First-Gen Students,” by Jessica Cob.

Council on Contemporary Families:

Are Baby Boomers Bringing the Sexual Revolution to Aging? Are Seniors Today Re-defining Sex?” by Nicholas Velotta and Barbara Risman.

Midwest Sociology:

‘Meet the Midwest!’ Seeing ‘Colorblind Racism’ with Dr. Burke,” by Neeraj Rajasekar.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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