
In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Jacqui Frost, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Purdue University and Faculty Research Fellow in the Religion and Public Life Program at Rice University and a Center Affiliate in the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at University of Notre Dame.

In our conversation, Jacqui discusses her early encounters with Max Weber as an undergraduate at the University of Wyoming and why she did not initially connect with his ideas. She then helps us understand the value of drawing on Weber’s work and testing his predictions through her research on ritual and community in nonreligious congregations and her collaboration with Dr. Penny Edgell exploring how people discuss contemporary social controversies.


In this episode, we are joined by Shamus Khan, professor in and chair of the sociology department at Columbia University. Shamus discusses his approach to teaching the sociological canon, the importance of focusing on moments of racist and colonial discourse as central to, rather than in spite of, the core theories, and the value of directly linking the learning of methods and theory.