The Untold Asian American Success Story

Asian Americans are the fastest growing group in the United States. The Asian American population increased from 0.7 percent in 1970 to 6 percent in 2015 alone. By 2065, demographers project that Asian Americans will more than double … Read More

The Invisibility of Today’s Women Refugees

Gender-balanced and predominately male or female migrations are not new. But the discovery and naming of feminization are. Read More

Commemorating 50 Years of the Voting Rights Act… by Restricting Voting Rights

It speaks poorly of our 240-year-old democracy and the gains made in the 50 years since the Voting RIghts Act if the very foundation of democracy—namely, voting—must still be fought for and protected. Read More

Can We Race Together? An Autopsy

Corporate diversity dialogues are ripe for backlash, the research shows, even without coffee counter gimmicks. Read More

Between Protesters and Police: How a Photojournalist Got “The Shot”

Iconic images—such as a single student standing stoic before Red Army tanks in Tiananmen Square, a protester leaning forward to put a flower into the barrel of a soldier’s gun, or two African-American athletes raising black-gloved fists on the Olympic … Read More

Racism Retriggered

Let’s face it: after the mid-term elections, many of us are just exhausted by divisive rhetoric—especially on the gun issue. With Michael Bloomberg and the National Rifle Association pouring untold amounts of money into state-level races, the gun debate has … Read More

Troubling Bodies with Natalie Boero, C.J. Pascoe, and Abigail Saguy

Identity is increasingly tied to the body. Advertisements for natural herbal supplements to improve body shape, scientific concoctions to increase libido, and surgical procedures guaranteed, if not required, to impress sexual partners fill email inboxes on a daily basis. The … Read More

“Technological Optimism”: Egg-Freezing a Better Deal for Companies than for Women

The following is an excerpt from Rene Almeling, Joanna Radin, and Sarah S. Richardson’s CNN Op-ed, Oct. 20, 2014. Click more to read the entirety. Apple and Facebook made the headlines last week on the news that they are offering coverage for their … Read More

Race, Spanking, and Shame: Dimensions of Corporal Punishment

Football fans like me have undoubtedly heard about the indictment of Adrian Peterson on child abuse charges for striking his 4-year-old son with a thin tree branch. Pictures revealing multiple lacerations on the child’s thigh have surfaced, and exchanges regarding … Read More

The Feel of Faith

“So, what is it they believe?” As a sociologist of religion, I’m used to getting some variant of this question when colleagues, students, or curious friends want me to describe a religious community I happen to be studying. And, as … Read More