SocImages Meet Up in the Twin Cities!
On the weekend of April 2oth Gwen and I will be visiting the University of Minnesota to attend the Sociology Research Institute and humbly accept an award on behalf of SocImages. We’d love it if you’d come and celebrate with us on Saturday, April 21st 6pm to 8pm. Stay tuned for a location…
Social Media ‘n’ Stuff:
Please feel free to follow SocImages on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest. Gwen and I and most of the team are also on Twitter, too.
Upcoming Lectures and Appearances:
Next month I’ll be giving my talk about hook up culture at CSU Northridge (11:00am on Apr. 26th) and in September I’ll be at Indiana State University to give a featured lecture at the International Crime, Media & Popular Culture Studies Conference (Sept. 17th).
A big thank you to the staff, students, and faculty at Harvard, Dartmouth, and Boston University! I had a wonderful time sharing my research and ideas last week! Special thanks to Harvard Sex Week for letting me debut my new talk on media stereotypes and sexual pleasure. Reviews of the talks in The Harvard Crimson and The Dartmouth are linked from my website.
And thanks, too, to Amy Schalet and the rest of the faculty at UMass-Amherst for giving me the opportunity to talk in depth about Sociological Images! It’s such a treat to be able to talk about our little blog.
SocImages in the News:
Our post on the racially-charged Disney-themed candy raised some eyebrows. The story was covered at The Root, Business Insider, Babble, Gawker, Jezebel, The Daily Meal, The Week, and in the Phoenix New Times.
Miss Representation, the fantastic documentary featuring SocImages contributor Caroline Heldman, is getting amazing reviews! Here’s the latest at CNN.
Reuters gave me the opportunity to weigh in on a controversy over a San Antonio mural featuring the “sleepy Mexican” stereotype.
Finally, The Frisky picked up on our post about pink in Saudi Arabia.
We’re happy to announce a new Pinterest Board:
I’m thinking about putting together one that includes subliminal and not-so-subliminal uses of sex in advertising. I’ll try to get to that in April.
Best of March:
Our hard-working intern, Norma Morella, collected the stuff ya’ll liked best from this month. Two of our posts received over 1,000 “likes” on Facebook this month:
Other popular March posts include:
- Exotic Dancers in 1890 and the Plump Body Ideal
- Not Quite White: Arabs, Slavs, and Whiteness in the U.S.
- Women’s Parts as Urinals and Sinks
- Boys Want Success, Girls Want Boys
- Gingerism: Prejudice Against Redheads
- Bad Romance: Woman’s Suffrage, a Gaga Re-Make
- Gender and ESPN’s Coverage of March Madness
- Head Covering as a Common Practice
- The First Black Disney Princess Loves Watermelon
Thanks so much to all our readers!