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Comments 662
Casey — March 11, 2011
Woah, you can leave a comment here.
Cristi — March 13, 2011
I have an assignment for school where I'm supposed to submit a "sociological snapshot" and see if it is good enough to be posted. The problem with this is I don't know how to submit it. Will you please help me? Thank you, either way!!
What We Missed — May 2, 2011
[...] you love the blog Sociological Images like I do? Do you want to write for them? They’re now accepting posts from guest [...]
KellWheels — May 29, 2011
I love all these styles. I wish I had the courage to go into a salon and ask for a style like this! I have long blonde hair, mid back and very thick. I'm not over weight but lately I've been thinking about getting bigger and I noticed all these girls are skinny. What would suit (an aspiring) bigger girl?
Orientalism & the Representation of Middle Eastern Women | NAB Communities — September 8, 2011
[...] If you would like to write a post for Sociological Images, please see their Guidelines for Guest Bloggers. [...]
GO WHERE? SEX, GENDER, AND TOILETS « Terrorismo Branco — March 15, 2012
[...] you would like to write a post for Sociological Images, please see our Guidelines for Guest Bloggers. Gostar disso:GostoSeja o primeiro a gostar disso [...]
Gnatsin — July 7, 2012
The image of the person you described as a 'black man', is actually a black woman. Look closely, you'll see a ruffled blouse, skirt, and her breast. The ads are still aimed at women; only the race has changed.
chamroeunrourn — May 30, 2013
AS Monaco FC sign Moutinho, Rodriguez
Agen Bola reported, AS Monaco FC has reached an agreement
with Portuguese Primeira Liga giants F.C. Porto for James Rodriguez
and Joao Moutinho.
The deal is reportedly worth €70 million,
with Moutinho and Rodriguez having both penned five-year deals at
the Stade Louis II.
“AS Monaco FC is glad to reach an agreement
with FC Porto and players Joao Moutinho and James Rodriguez for their transfers to ASMFC, for the season 2013-2014,”
read a statement on the club’s official website.
“Players will be introduced to the media
during pre-season training.”
Earlier this week, Moutinho revealed he was
“extremely happy” at the club, white insisting that his future is up to Porto.
as reported
by Indo Eleven.
“Right now, nothing will make me change
clubs. I am extremely happy here and the most important thing is happiness and
winning titles,” said the Portugal international.
“My future is up to FC Porto. No player is
immune to leaving. But if something does come up, it has to be something good
for both parties.”
Source :
bluesen — September 29, 2013
Kemenangan Juventus 2-1 atas Chievo
olah raga terbaru dari agen judi terpercaya - Pelatih Juventus Antonio Conte menilai timnya beruntung
menang 2-1 atas Chievo pada laga Serie-A di Marcantonio Bentegodi, Rabu
(25/9/2013). Hal tersebut mengacu pada gol Chievo yang dianulir.
Chievo unggul lebih dulu melalui Cyril Thereau pada menit ke-28. Juventus
menyamakan kedudukan melalui Fabio Quagliarella pada menit ke-47. Pada menit
ke-65, Juventus berbalik unggul berkat gol bunuh diri Alessandro Bernardini.
Agen bola terpercaya - Pada menit ke-50, Alberto Paloschi membobol gawang Juventus
yang dikawal Gianluigi Buffon. Wasit Andrea De Marco menganulir gol itu karena
menilai Paloschi sudah lebih dulu berada dalam posisi off-side. Sejumlah
kalangan menilai gol itu sah.
worldjonh — September 29, 2013
Kemenangan Palestina atas Indonesia 2-1
sepak bola terbaru dari agen bola terbaik - Indonesia takluk 1-2 dari Palestina pada
pertandingan terakhir babak penyisihan Grup B cabang sepak bola Islamic
Solidarity Games, Rabu (25/9/2013). Meskipun kalah, Garuda Muda tetap lolos ke
babak semifinal setelah unggul produktivitas gol dari Palestina. Indonesia
melaju ke babak semifinal bersama juara Grup B, Maroko.
Indonesia memiliki peluang emas mencetak gol balasan pada menit-menit akhir.
Andik berhasil menguasai bola di depan kotak penalti Palestina. Namun, pemain
Persebaya 1927 terlalu egois membawa bola sendiri meskipun Agung Supriyanto
berdiri bebas.
Agen bola terbaik - Alhasil, Andik kehilangan bola
dan musnahlah peluang emas tersebut. Indonesia pun akhirnya takluk dengan skor
chamroeunarsenal — December 4, 2013
Heitinga dikabarkan akan hengkang dari Everton
Berita terbaru dan terkini Bola Soccerdari Agen Bola Indo11 - Manajer Everton, Roberto Martinez angkat bicara terkait masa depan John Heitinga. Menurutnya, Heitinga berpeluang hijrah dari Goodison Park pada Januari mendatang.
Agen BolaIndo11 Terpercaya - Heitinga tergusur dari skuat utama Everton sejak Martinez menjabat. Bahkan ia belum pernah tampil di Premier League pada musim ini.
"Heitinga telah membuktikan dirinya pemain yang sangat profesional sejak awal. Dia memberi pengaruh besar karena selalu ingin berlatih. Ia adalah pemain berkelas dan jika dia tidak bermain satu kali pun, kami akan memberinya solusi pada Januari," ucap manajer asal Spanyol tersebut.
"Kadang para fans tidak melihat sisi itu. Saya sangat kagum dan menghargai hal tersebut. Kami ingin Heitinga bermain dan tampil di lapangan, tetapi kami harus mempertimbangkan dalam beberapa pekan ke depan," jelas Martinez.
chamroeunoscar — February 7, 2014
Inter Siap Membayar Mahal Gaji Vidic
Berita terbaru dan terkini dari Agen Bola - Inter sedang berada di baris terdepan perebutan Nemanja Vidic dan mereka siap merogoh kocek dalam untuk mendatangkannya.
Berita yang diringkas City Holiday, Bek tengah Serbia ini diijinkan untuk berbicara dengan klub-klub yang mengincarnya karena kontrak bersama Manchester United akan berakhir dalam beberapa bulan.
Nerazzurri, yang berebut tanda tangan Vidic dengan Juventus dan Milan, disinyalir siap mematahkan rerata gaji mereka dan merayu sang bek. Gaji sebesar €2,5 juta telah disiapkan sementara United sekarang membayarnya sekitar €4,8 juta per tahunnya.
Sementara itu, Vidic disinyalir sedang bersengketa dengan pihak Red Devils karena tak kunjung menawarkan kontrak baru yang sesuai dengan keinginannya. United sepertinya akan melepas Vidic di akhir musim.
Sumber :
ravy sok — February 7, 2014
Lewandowski : Szczesny Bujuk Saya Ke Arsenal
Berita terbaru dan terkini dari Agen Bola - Robert Lewandowski memang telah dipastikan membela Bayern Munich saat kontraknya bersama Borussia Dortmund habis musim panas mendatang, tapi sebelum ia mengambil keputusan banyak klub yang tertarik meminang striker Polandia itu.
Berita yang diringkas City Holiday, Salah satunya adalah Arsenal. Bahkan Lewandowski mengaku rekan senegaranya yang merumput di Emirates, kiper Wojciech Szczesny, sempat berusaha membujuknya untuk hijrah ke London Utara.
"Saya dapat mengonfirmasikan bahwa Wojciech Szczesny berusaha meyakinkan saya bergabung ke Arsenal," ungkap Lewandowski.
"Kami sempat beberapa kali memperbincangkan soal ini. Dialah yang paling banyak berbicara, bagaimana keadaan klub di dalam, apa yang dipikirkan [Arsene] Wenger tentang saya."
Sumber :
ry chard — March 10, 2014
Target Hulkenberg di Grand Prix Australia
Berita terbaru dan terkini dari agen bola - Pembalap tim India Force Mercedes, Nico Hulkenberg menegaskan bahwa target terbesarnya saat ini adalah bisa meraih juara dalam turnamen Formula One (F1) Grand Prix Australia 2014.
Tentu kemenangan tersebut bersama tim barunya pada 16 Maret di Melbourne.
City Holiday Terpercaya - Hal ini diungkapkan pembalap asal Jerman setelah dirinya belum pernah menjuarai Grand Prix Australia.
Bahkan, tahun lalu dirinya gagal menjadi juara karena bermasalah pada mobilnya, saat masih bergabung dengan tim asal Swiss, Sauber .
Musim ini saat dia kembali bersama tim Force India Mercedes, target utamanya adalah bisa membawa VJM07 (mobil barunya bersama Force India- Mercedes) dengan aman ke lap kedua sebelum meraih banyak poin bersama tim barunya.
“Ini sudah berlangsung tiga balapan di Melbourne dan saya masih belum merasakan lap yang sulit. Ada yang mengatakan hal buruk akan terjadi pada turnamen ke tiga jadi saya harap turnamen ke empat akan lebih baik,” ujar Hulkenberg.
Ratih Gema — March 20, 2014
Evra Jadikan Timnas Prancis Sebagai Inspirasi Saat Hadapi Olympiakos
Berita terbaru dan terkini dari
agen bola City Holiday – Seperti yang diketahui, United saat ini tengah tertinggal dua gol dari wakil Yunani tersebut di leg pertama babak 16 besar Liga Champions. Setan Merah pun akan berusaha membalikkan keadaan di leg kedua di Old Trafford tengah pekan ini.
Agen bola City Holiday Terpercaya - Evra pun akan mengatakan bahwa pengalamannya bersama Les Bleus itu akan dibawanya ke Old Trafford.
"Tentu saja apa yang terjadi dengan Prancis bisa menjadi inspirasi. Segalanya menjadi sulit setelah leg pertama. Kami tak berharap kalah 2-0 di Ukraina. Namun, setelah dua hari, badai pun berlalu dan semuanya fokus pada tujuan yang sama. Kami bertahan bersama-sama. Kami mengacuhkan semua kritikan dan kami bermain untuk orang-orang yang mencintai kami, untuk keluarga kami, fans kami dan kami memberikan segalanya. " ujarnya.
Hong Samnang — March 20, 2014
Van Gaal : Bayern will win the treble again
Agen Bola terpercaya reported - Former Bayern Munich coach Louis van Gaal is confident that the Bavarian giants have what it takes to replicate last year's successes and win the treble again this term.
The Allianz Arena side won the Bundesliga, Champions League and DFB Pokal under Jupp Heynckes in 2012-13 and Van Gaal believes they could successfully defend all their titles.
"It is going to be very difficult to win the treble again as no team has ever successfully defended their Champions League title, but I believe in this Bayern," As reported by City Holiday.
"The bad thing about it is that the Champions League final only takes place on May 24. That means I will be without Arjen Robben when we start our preparations for the World Cup."
Van Gaal enjoyed a successful spell in charge of Bayern between 2009 and 2011 and he feels the club's current dominance is partially down to his contribution.
"I believe that I have played my part in Bayern's success, but it is always the players and the coach who actually do the job.
"I am very proud of Bayern."
Rima Mar — March 20, 2014
Strootman surgery 'a complete success'
Agen Bola terpercaya reported - The operation to repair damage to Kevin Strootman's knee has been "a complete success", according to Roma.
The Netherlands midfielder tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee during the 1-0 defeat to Napoli earlier this month, an injury that means he will miss the remainder of the Serie A season.
The injury has came as a huge blow to Roma, while the player himself has been ruled out of this summer's World Cup in Brazil.
There was, however, some positive news on Tuesday with the club revealing in a statement on their official website: "This morning Kevin Strootman underwent surgery on his left knee at the AMC hospital in Amsterdam." As reported by City Holiday.
"The surgery, performed by Professor Van Dijk, Professor Kerkhoff and Dr Heijboer, and in the presence of Roma's head of medical staff Dr Colautti, lasted approximately two hours and was a complete success."
"During the operation a reconstruction of Strootman's anterior cruciate ligament was carried out, and injuries to the medial and lateral meniscus were treated."
"The player will begin his rehabilitation therapy within the next few days in Amsterdam."
loy man — March 26, 2014
Poyet Tak Menyangka Suarez Sehebat Seperti Saat Ini
Berita terbaru dan terkini dari agen bola - Manajer Sunderland, Gustavo Poyet memang telah mengenal Suarez sejak lama. Maklum saja, keduanya sama-sama berasal dari Uruguay.
city holiday Terpercaya – Diapun mengatakan bahwa dirinya tak menyangka Luis Suarez bakal bisa menjadi sehebat sekarang ini.
Eks pemain Chelsea itu pun mengatakan bahwa saat masih remaja, Il Pistolero memang sudah mampu tampil apik.
ia tak menyangka bahwa kompatriotnya itu sekarang bisa berada di level yang sama dengan pemain-pemain kelas dunia lainnya.
"Sejujurnya, saya tak mengira dia akan menjadi sehebat sekarang. Permainannya cukup bagus, namun sekarang dia ada di level yang berbeda. Sekarang Anda bisa membandingkannya dengan pemain papan atas dunia karena dia bisa membuat perbedaan dalam sebuah laga," pujinya.
Dada vinada — March 26, 2014
Ancelotti: Bayangkan Jika Pepe Yang Injak Busquets
Berita terbaru dan terkini dari agen bola - Carlo Ancelotti mempertanyakan sikap media Spanyol terhadap Real Madrid. Sejauh ini tak ada indikasi bahwa Busquets bakal mendapatkan hukuman atas tindakannya tersebut.
city holiday Terpercaya – Pertanyaan Ancelotti berhubungan dengan ulah Sergio Busquets yang menginjak kepala Pepe dalam laga El Clasico.
Ancelotti juga mengungkapkan mengapa Madrid tak mau melayangkan tuntutan terhadap Busquets soal injakan tersebut.
"Saya hanya membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi seandainya situasi Pepe dan Busquets berbaik (Pepe yang menginjak Busquets). Real Madrid tidak akan melayangkan gugatan karena itu bukan sifat klub ini," tegas Don Carletto.
"Tak ada gunanya menyalahkan siapa pun atas kekalahan. Kami kalah setelah menjalani rangkaian tak terkalahkan yang cukup panjang."
Ga lucita — March 26, 2014
Simeone: Barcelona Dan Real Madrid Favorit Juara La Liga
Berita terbaru dan terkini dari agen bola - Pelatih Atletico Madrid Diego Simeone mengklaim bahwa Real Madrid dan Barcelona FC masih menjadi klub terfavorit di La liga.
city holiday Terpercaya - "Madrid dan Barcelona masih menjadi yang favorit, mereka mempunyai segalanya untuk mendukung hal tersebut. Jika pertandingan tersisa sebanyak tiga atau dua maka ini menjadi hal yang berbeda," ujar Simeone.
"Kami memerlukan untuk menang di setiap pertandingan karena saya bisa melihat kami mempunyai ekspektasi saat ini. Sembilan pertandingan tersisa cukup banyak. Kami akan melihat apakah kami siap untuk menghadapi tekanan dalam menjadi pimpinan klasemen," imbuhnya.
"Nyatanya ialah dalam 40 tahun kami belum pernah juara. Untuk bisa membicarakan situasi ini kami perlu berada di posisi yang sama seperti saat ini dalam lima pertandingan lagi," tutup Simeone.
Hong Samnang — April 6, 2014
Galliani: Rami, Taarabt secured into Milan
Agen Bola terpercaya reported, Milan chief Adriano Galliani said the Serie A club has already agreed deals to permanently secure Adil Rami and Adel Taarabt. Rami is on loan from Valencia and Taarabt from QPR.
Rami has outscored Taarabt with three goals to the Moroccan's two, however, Galliani was pleased with both of Milan's loan players, and said they had moved to secure their services. Galliani said: "We will talk about it in May, when the terms of the loans expire. The fees have already been set. Milan's season was not as bad as the doomsayers were claiming.’’ as reported by Agen Bola terpercaya
Milan was the best-placed Italian side in the UEFA Champions League, reaching the last 16, and has won consecutive league matches for just the third time all season. as reported by Agen Bola terpercaya
Galliani added: “Over the last 15 years Milan always qualified for Europe and 13 times that was the Champions League. Even if we won't play next season, we went further in this campaign than the other Italians (in the Champions League).’’
Hong Samnang — April 6, 2014
Garde: disappointed with 1-0 loss to Juventus
Agen Bola terpercaya reported, Lyon coach Remi Garde was disappointed to see his pre-match assertions realised as Juventus snatched a 1-0 UEFA Europa League win in France.
Before the game, Garde claimed his players had 'a mountain before us' and they rarely threatened the Italian champions in a drab contest. as reported by Agen Bola terpercaya
Garde said: "Yes, of course the second leg is difficult. We would've liked to not concede any goals. We are disappointed, but we knew before the game that Juventus are one of the best teams in Europe, so it was a mountain to climb.’’ as reported by Agen Bola terpercaya
He added: "I am happy with what my young players managed to do this evening. We had the best scoring opportunities of the first half, but we know when you don't score at this level then it becomes difficult."
Hong Samnang — April 6, 2014
Hazard: Kalah Dari PSG Karna Faktor Kelelahan.
Berita terbaru dan terkini Bola Soccer dari Agen Bola Indo11 - Hasil minor yang diraih Chelsea saat bertandang ke markas Paris Saint Germain, dini hari tadi, dalam laga leg pertama babak perempatfinal Liga Champions, dinilai salah satu punggawa The Blues, Eden Hazard karena adanya faktor kelelahan.
Hazard, yang mencetak satu gol di babak pertama dari titik putih, harus rela golnya dibalas dengan tiga gol dari Les Parisiens, masing-masing dicetak oleh Ezequiel Lavezzi dan Javier Pastore. Sementara satu gol lagi hasil gol bunuh diri dari David Luiz di menit 61.
“Tapi, di babak kedua, permainan berubah menjadi rumit. Kami sedikit lelah dan merasa seperti itu sampai menjelang akhir. Sekarang ada leg kedua dan kami akan melakukan segalanya untuk mengalahkan PSG,” terusnya.
Untuk mengubah keadaan, London Biru memiliki waktu Sembilan hari, sebelum laga leg kedua di markas mereka, Stamford Bridge dilangsungkan. Tapi sebelum melawan PSG, mereka harus lebih dulu menjalani laga melawan Stoke City di ajang Premier League.
Rima Mar — April 6, 2014
Higuain: Napoli in great performance
Agen Bola terpercaya reported, Napoli striker Gonzalo Higuain said the Serie A club was more ambitious than Juventus and Arsenal, after moving to Naples last year.
Higuain believes that Napoli can still snare a trophy in 2013-14, with their Coppa Italia final against Fiorentina in May. as reported by Agen Bola terpercaya
Higuain said: "I chose Napoli because this city is fantastic for anyone who plays football. Did Juve want me? When I heard that I was going to leave Spain, I was linked with many sides including Juve, but I chose Napoli and they wanted to build a winning team." as reported by Agen Bola terpercaya
He added: ‘‘the construction of a great side requires time and hard work. Against opponents of the calibre of Juventus, Borussia Dortmund or Arsenal, Napoli always put in great performances"
Rima Mar — April 6, 2014
Ibra Cedera, PSG Kalahkan Chelsea
Berita terbaru dan terkini Bola Soccer dari Agen Bola Indo11 - Paris Saint Germain (PSG) sukses memenangkan pertandingan di leg pertama perempatfinal Liga Champions dengan skor 3-1. Kemenangan ini sekaligus tetap menjaga asa PSG untuk tampil di semifinal.
Jual beli serangan terus terjadi hingga di menit ke-39. Bahkan, Chelsea mendapatkan peluang lewat aksi Hazard yang menerima umpan matang Willian. Hazard pun melepaskan sepakan keras, tapi mistar gawang mampu menjadi penyelamat PSG. Dan hingga pertandingan babak pertama usai, kedua tim masih sama kuat 1-1.
Usai terjadi gol bunuh diri, Zlatan Ibrahimovic harus digantikan oleh Lucas Moura. Pasalnya, Ibra terlihat mengerang kesakitan dan memaksa Laurent Blanc untuk mengambil tindakan mengganti eks pemain AC Milan dan Barcelona tersebut.
Masuk di menit 83, Edinson Cavani mendapatkan peluang. Tapi, bola hasil sepakannya masih melebar di samping mistar gawang. Pemain pengganti, Javier Pastore pun mampu mencetak gol di penghujung pertandingan. Sampai peluit panjang dibunyikan, kedua tim tidak bisa menambah gol.
Rima Mar — April 6, 2014
Ibra Diragukan Tampil di Stamford Bridge Karena Cedera
Berita terbaru dan terkini Bola Soccer dari Agen Bola Indo11 - Kendati Paris Saint Germain (PSG) sukses meraih kemenangan 3-1 atas Chelsea, tapi skuad arahan Laurent Blanc tengah harap-harap cemas perihal kondisi penyerang andalannya, Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
Pemain internasional Swedia itu memang tertatih-tatih di pertengahan babak kedua. Melihat hal tersebut, Blanc pun langsung mengambil inisiatif untuk mengganti Ibra dengan Lucas Moura.
Striker jangkung itu pun dikabarkan mengalami nyeri otot. Tapi, untuk kepastian soal cederanya masih dalam proses pemeriksaan.
“Kami akan tetap memantau perkembangannya, tapi yang pasti dia membutuhkan waktu istirahat,”papar Blanc.
Jika Ibra memang masih belum ada progress positif mengenai cederanya, bisa-bisa eks pemain Barcelona dan AC Milan itu urung tanding membela PSG di leg kedua nanti.
Ratih Gema — April 6, 2014
Isco: Skor yang Memuaskan
Berita terbaru dan terkini Bola Soccer dari Agen Bola Indo11 - Real Madrid mengukuhkan diri sebagai pemenang di leg pertama babak perempatfinal Liga Champions kontra Borussia Dortmund. Bermain di Santiago Bernabeu, tiga gol berhasil tersarang di gawang Dortmund yang dijaga Roman Weidenfeller.
Gareth Bale membuka keran gol Madrid saat pertandingan baru berjalan tiga menit. Sementara sepasang gol lain hadir lewat Francisco Román Alarcón Suárez atau yang akrab disapa Isco dan Cristiano Ronaldo, melengkapi kemenangan tuan rumah.
Salah satu pencetak gol, Isco mengaku sangat bahagia dengan hasil sempurna yang diraih timnya. Pasalnya, selain meraih kemenangan, Madrid juga sukses membalaskan dendam musim lalu, di mana Madrid harus memupuskan mimpi melangkah ke partai pamungkas usai takluk di tangan Dortmund dengan agregat 4-3.
“Kami berhak meraih kemenangan ini dan kami memperoleh 3-0 yang bagus. Musim lalu, tidak banyak yang menyangka Madrid akan kalah 1-4 di Dortmund. Mari pergi dan menang di Jerman,” sambung pemain internasional Spanyol itu.
Ratih Gema — April 6, 2014
Jimenez: Real not given a penalty like Barca
Agen Bola terpercaya reported, Real Madrid vice-president Pedro Lopez Jimenez insists there were no ulterior motives behind the transfer ban handed to Barcelona by FIFA. Barcelona was banned for the player transfer under 18 by FIFA. FIFA accused Barcelona of breaching the rule at youth level.
Jimenez said: "The Players' Status Committee to which I belong has no sanctioning power. What we do is study the files we receive, but the sanction to Barca is the responsibility of the disciplinary committee of FIFA.’’ as reported by Agen Bola terpercaya
He added: "Neither I nor Real Madrid has anything to do with the penalty. The big clubs are the first to collaborate with child protection, but unfortunately it is true that there has been marketing to minors and FIFA is worried about it." as reported by Agen Bola terpercaya
However, Barca president Josep Maria Bartomeu believes the ban is "someone on the outside is trying to do damage to Barca".
Quess 11 — April 30, 2014
Swansea’s Shelvey Desperate to Hear England Call
Agen bola terpercaya reported, former Liverpool youngster Jonjo Shelvey says he will not stop pushing himself into the England World Cup squad.
The English midfielder, who joined Swansea City in 2013, feels the team achievement is more important than his personal form, as reported by Agen bola terpercaya
"If it happens it happens," Shelvey said, as reported by Agen bola terpercaya
“It would be lovely to be thought of, but it is where you are and what his plans are and I am sure if I play like I have been then who knows,” the 22-year-old added.
"I have been happy with my form but the main thing is the team."
Wasignton 11 — April 30, 2014
Napoli Squad Is Nearly on the Same Par with Juventus’, Says Benitez
Agen bola terpercaya reported, former Liverpool boss and current Napoli manager Rafael Benitez feels he needs to bring just some new additions to his squad to match with league leaders Juventus next campaign.
The Spanish coach insists he will look to build a stronger squad capable of winning titles and expects to be somewhat active in the summer transfer window, as reported by Agen bola terpercaya
“In any case, I don’t think there is such a big difference between Napoli, Roma and Juve. We are closer to them than the points would suggest,” Benitez said, as reported by Agen bola terpercaya
Aesd 11 — April 30, 2014
Dalam Usaha Kejar Gelar, Liverpool Berikutnya Akan Hadapi 'AC Milan'
Berita terbaru dan terkini bola Soccer dari Agen bola Indo11 –Liverpool - Liverpool saat ini berada di garis terdepan dalam perburuan gelar juara Premier League. Tetapi 'Si Merah' diingatkan bahwa laga-laga berat masih menanti di sisa musim ini.
Agen bola Indo11 Terpercaya –Kemenangan atas tim sesama pengejar gelar Premier League, Manchester City, pada akhir pekan lalu membuat Liverpool kini memuncaki klasemen dengan 77 poin dari 34 pertandingan, unggul dua angka dari Chelsea di posisi dua. City sementara itu ada di posisi tiga dengan 70 poin hasil dari 32 pertandingan.
Artinya jika memenangi empat laga sisa maka Liverpool dipastikan akan tampil jadi juara Premier League apapun hasil yang dituai oleh dua rival terdekatnya tersebut.
Namun demikian, kapten Liverpool Steven Gerrard mengingatkan bahwa Anfield Gang belum boleh bersantai dan harus tetap mengusung semangat tinggi seperti yang mereka lakukan tahun 2005 saat menang adu penalti lawan AC Milan di final Liga Champions kendatipun tertinggal 0-3 sampai dengan turun minum.
Aesd 11 — May 21, 2014
Pesenam Peraih Perunggu Olimpiade Meninggal Dunia
Berita terbaru dan terkini bola Soccer dari Agen bola Indo11 – Dunia olahraga Yunani berduka. Pasalnya, pesenam nomor ritmik Anna Pollatou yang meraih medali perunggu di Olimpiade 2000 Syndey tewas dalam kecelakaan mobil.
Peristiwa memilukan itu terjadi saat mobil yang dikendarai Pollatou menabrak truk di jalan bebas hambatan Peloponnese antara Patras dan Pyrgos.
"Federasi Senam Yunani mengucapkan belasungkawa sedalam-dalamnya kepada keluarga Anna Pollatou. Ia adalah seoarang atlet hebat sekaligus panutan bagi juniornya," pernyataan federasi.
Selama karirnya, Pollatou menjadi penambang medali untuk Yunani. Setahun sebelum tampil di olimpiade atau tepatnya pada 199 Pollatou meraih medali emas di Kejuaraan Senam Dunia di Jepang dan Kejuaraan Senam Eropa di Budapest.
Agen bola Indo11 Terpercaya - Pollatou pensiun setahun setelah tampil di Sydney. Ia mengawali karir barunya sebagai pelatih dan menjadi duta senam dalam Festival Senam Gimnastik Internasional di Kafelonia.
Wasignton 11 — May 21, 2014
Lorenzo Mengaku Bernasib sama dengan Vettel
Berita terbaru dan terkini bola Soccer dari Agen bola Indo11 – Pembalap Yamaha, Jorge Lorenzo membandingkan kemorosotan yang dialaminya dengan mantan juara dunia Formula 1 Sebastian Vettel yang juga masih berjuang menemukan performa terbaiknya. Apabila Lorenzo masih kesulitan dengan penggunaan ban, sementara Vettel terlihat sulit bersaing setelah F1 menggunakan aturan baru.
Lorenzo sendiri terlihat semakin tenggelam musim ini, usai pembalap Honda, Marc Marquez mendominasi lima balapan awal MotoGP musim ini. Pembalap Movistar Yamaha hanya berada diposisi kelima klasemen sementara dengan selisih 80 poin dibelakang Marquez yang belum terkalahkan sepanjang musim ini.
Pada balapan terakhir di Grand Prix, Prancis, Lorenzo harus puas berada diperingkat enam di belakangan Dani Pedrosa, Pol Espargaro dan Alvaro Bautista. Sementara itu rekan setimnya Valentino Rossi berhasil mengamankan tempat kedua. Masalah ban disinyalir masih membuat mantan juara dunia Yamaha itu kesulitan tampil kompetitif.
Agen bola Indo11 Terpercaya - "Saya telah melakukan semuanya, dan berlatih keras daripada sebelumnya. Kami telah melihat bagimana ajang Formula 1 musim ini. Tahun lalu Vettel mendominasi dengan memenangkan semua balapan dengan mudah, namun musim ini ia mengalami banyak masalah. Apapun bisa terjadi," ucap Lorenzo.
"Meski begitu Anda harus tetap percaya kepada diri sendiri dan terus bekerja keras. Setiap balapan kami seharusnya lebih banyak memesan tempat di posisi pertama," tandasnya.
Quess 11 — May 21, 2014
AC Milan absen di kompetisi Eropa setelah 16 tahun
Berita terbaru dan terkini bola Soccer dari Agen bola Indo11 - Prestasi buruk dituai AC Milan musim ini kala tidak lolos ke kompetisi Eropa sama sekali, mengulangi apa yang terjadi di tahun 1998.
Agen bola Indo11 Terpercaya - Rossoneri memang berhasil menutup musim ini dengan kemenangan 2-1 atas Sassuolo, Senin (19/5/2014) dinihari WIB. Namun tambahan tiga poin itu tidak cukup untuk meloloskan mereka ke Liga Europa.
Sebab di saat bersamaan Parma mengalahkan Livorno dengan skor 2-0 yang membuat Gialloblu duduk di posisi keenam dengan 58 poin, unggul satu poin dari Torino serta AC Milan yang duduk di posisi ketujuh dan kedelapan.
Alhasil, untuk pertama kalinya dalam kurun waktu 16 tahun AC Milan tidak lolos di kompetisi Eropa setelah terakhir kali di musim 1997/1998. Saat itu AC Milan finis di posisi ke-10. Namun di musim 1998/1999 AC Milan berhasil membayar tuntas kekecewaan itu dengan gelar Scudetto di bawah arah Alberto Zaccheroni.
aesd124 — October 21, 2014
FIA Siap Ubah Aturan Untuk Keamanan Pebalap
Agen Bola Terpercaya melaporkan, Otoritas lomba balap mobil Formula 1 akan mengubah aturan. Ini dilakukan agar kejadian yang dialami Jules Bianchi tidak terulang.
Kejadian di Suzuka sampai sekarang masih terus menjadi pembicaraan. Silang pendapat soal siapa yang harus bertanggung jawab pun belum surut. Di sisi lain, kondisi pembalap tim Marussia itu pun masih terus berjuang untuk hidup setelah mengalami cedera otak serius.
"Kemungkinan keputusan perubahan akan dilakukan, salah satunya memperlambat kecepatan pembalap saat terjadi kecelakaan," tutur Direktur Perlombaan FIA Charlie Whiting di Sochi.
Dan untuk membahas persoalan itu FIA dan Formula 1 akan segera mengadakan pertemuan guna membahas insiden Bianchi. Dari penyeledikan sementara diketahui, jika setelah Adrian Sutil mengalami kecelakaan tidak semua pembalap menahan laju kendaraannya meski bendera kuning sudah dikibarkan.
Namun batas kecepatan pembalap tidak bisa dikendalikan dan sepertinya di GP Rusia ini belum bisa diberlakukan. Menurut Whiting banyak sistem perangkat di mobil yang sudah terintegrasi dan sulit dipastikan apakah berfungsi dengan benar.
Ga lucita — November 24, 2014
Ferreira : Sulit Untuk Menaklukkan Ivanovic Dimusim Ini
Berita Olah Raga Terbaru dari Agen Bola Cityholidaybet –Mantan bek Chelsea Paulo Perreira memberikan pujian setinggi langit pada bek Chelsea yang tampil konsisiten,Branislav Ivanovic.
Ivanovic langsung tampil Impresif dimusim 2014/2015.Performa dan aksi yang mengesankan membuat namanya hampir selalu masih dalam starting line-up Chelsea,meski klub baru saja mendatangkan Filipe Luiz.
“Branislav Ivanovic sudah amat fantastis sejauh ini.Ia tengah menjalani musim yang bagus dan merupakan pemain top.Dilini belakang ia amat kuat dan sulit untuk menaklukkannya.Ia juga bagus saat menyerang dan bisa mencetak gol,”tutur Ferreira pada
“Ia merupakan pemain yang amat konsisten,”pungkasnya.
Dada vinada — November 24, 2014
Handanovic Akui Pergantian pelatih Bawa Aura Positif Di Inter
Berita Olah Raga Terbaru dari Agen Bola Cityholidaybet –Kiper Samir handanovic mengakui bahwa suasana dikubu Inter Milan mengalami perubahan semenjak pergantian dari Mazzarri ke Mancini ternyata mampu memberikan perubahan positif di Inter Milam.
Walter mazzarri dipecat dari jabatannya setelah ia tak mampu meningkatkan prestasi Milan di seri A.Dan manajemen Inter Milan bergerak cepat mengontak Mancini.
“Saya bisa langsung merasakan ada perubahan.Keadaannya tentu saja lebih antusias dan positif,”ungkap Handanovic kepada Gazzetta Dello Sport.
“Apa yang salah dengan Mazzarri?saya tidak tahu,ini pertanyaan yang sulit untuk dijawab.”
Dada vinada — November 24, 2014
Balotelli Tak Pedulikan Kritikkan
Berita Olah Raga Terbaru dari Agen Bola Cityholidaybet –Striker nakal milik Liverpool,Mario Balotelli menegaskan dirinya sama sekali tak peduli kritikan yang datang kepadanya.
"Beberapa orang berpikir karena saya tidak mencetak gol dan tidak memulai musim ini dengan baik, saya tidak bisa menjadi salah satu pemain top atau pemain yang sangat bagus untuk tim ini. Itu adalah masalah mereka!
"Saya tidak peduli dengan cerita orang tentang saya karena saya tahu mereka hanya bersilat lidah!"
riththear — December 15, 2014
Costa Rica Goalkeeper on the Importance of Los Blancos Assured That We Still Have In Every Game with a Focus on the Highest Level
Agen Bola Terpercaya Cityholidaybet Reported - Goalkeeper Keylor Navas remind my colleagues at Real Madrid to keep focused and not make mistakes in order to maintain the current performance trends.
Ludogorets 4-0 at home in the last match of the group stage in the Champions League became the 19th victory in a row for Los Galacticos in all competitions, a new record for the club Barcelona in 2005/06 passed through the incision.
On Friday that time (12/12) local night party Madrid play the final La Liga this year host Contra Almeria, before traveling to Morocco to wade through the Club World Cup. He stressed the importance of Navas Los Blancos can survive in every game with a focus on the highest level.
Som Bol — December 15, 2014
Former Goalkeeper Indonesia U-19 Has Admitted It Will Be a High Pressure
Agen Bola Terpercaya Cityholidaybet Reported - Ravi Murdianto now officially part of the club's Premier League Indonesia, Mitra Kutai. Was the player who is the national team goalkeeper Indonesia U-19 Cup in the 2013 Asian Cup and the AFF U-19 2014 is ready to fight in the ISL.?
Mitra Kukar, had a chance to become the primary goalkeeper Rafi. It was after the former partner’s goalkeeper, Diane Agus Prasetyo, has resigned to join other clubs ISL, FC.
Is shown in the ISL recognized by Ravi is not easy. He believes that the pressure will be different when compared to his time defending team Garuda Jaya.
In addition to the signing of the Ravi, Dragon Mekes also propose Newcastle Aberdeen goalkeeper Henry Lawrence. Ravi hopes to compete with players 31 years old, and is believed to be the main goal-side guard Scott Cooper.
bon tong — December 15, 2014
VFF President, if Hong Dong Suspicion Against Vietnam in the Fight Game Back Faces Malaysia in the Second Leg of the AFF Cup Mode
Agen Bola Terpercaya Cityholidaybet Reported - He said Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) he was surprised by the results of the national team suffered a big defeat of Vietnam, Malaysia in the second leg of the semifinals of the AFF Cup 2014 on May Dinh Stadium on Thursday (11/12) evening.
In such work, without a doubt, was the golden star forward in that total, thanks to a 2-1 win in the first leg of the Malayan tiger must swallow the bitter results failed to qualify for the final after a 4-2 slaughter at the second meeting in public alone.
In response to a negative result, the head of the Vietnamese Union, confirmed Le Hong Dong poor performance behind the line of Vietnam, who called play as usual and shows some of the properties on the establishment of four goals against.
home lan — January 15, 2015
Mignolet Who Perform Well In the Game Contra Sunderland Expressed His Joy for Not Conceding
Agen Bola Terpercaya Cityholidaybet Reported - Simon Mignolet expressed his delight after a successful clean-sheet record for Liverpool.
Last night (10/1), Liverpool's 1-0 wins over Sunderland via goals Lazar Markovic. Moreover, they managed to record a clean sheet which is so rare in this season.
Mignolet who performed well in the game also expressed his joy.
Mignolet said: "We must continue to bring up what we have now. We got three points today in a tough field. Today was quite windy and we had to fight, but to record a clean sheet with our appearance, in difficult conditions, very important. We work well together, we fight for the three points and we finally got it,"
homeland — January 15, 2015
Australian Captain Was Forced To Be Parked For the Second Matchday of the Asian Cup after Suffering an Ankle Injury in the Opener
Agen Bola Terpercaya Cityholidaybet Reported - Australia coach Ange Postecoglou ensure there will rely Mile Jedinak captain when his team to continue the struggle in the 2015 Asian Cup against Oman on Tuesday (13/1) future.
Crystal Palace midfielder was found to have an ankle injury while helping his team beat Kuwait 4-1 in the opening match and the respective confirmed to be passed to deal with Oman.
To replace his role, Postecoglou admitted still weighing other players but he is optimistic to find it.
Believed, midfielder Mark Milligan will be reliable Postecoglou since the early minutes in the second Group a match against Oman.
home lan — January 15, 2015
Rodgers Balotelli Reportedly Ready To Release This January
Agen Bola Terpercaya Cityholidaybet Reported - Mario Balotelli is rumored to be sold by Liverpool in the winter transfer market this January to pave the way for the arrival of a new striker.
The Italian was actually new imported from AC Milan last summer, but it is difficult to give effect to the Reds so far.
Reported by the Daily Mail, Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers will have to sell players first before buying the replacement. Balotelli was widely touted ready to be released.
Liverpool is reportedly ready to bid worth £ 30 million to bring Gonzalo Higuain from Napoli.
Ga lucita — August 21, 2016
Pemain Portugal Mengaku Tegang Jelang Final Euro 2016
Agen Bola Melaporkan Berita Olahraga Terkini dan terbaru - Blaise Matuidi berkeras ia akan coba untuk melakukan semua persiapan dengan normal, jelang pertandingan final Euro 2016 antara Prancis dan Portugal di Stade de France akhir pekan ini.
Namun sosok berusia 29 tahun mengatakan bahwa nuansa ketegangan memang mulai menjalar di dalam tim.
“Saya tidak pernah mengalami situasi seperti ini sebelumnya, final Euro. Terkait persiapan pertandingan, tidak ada yang berubah, semuanya tetap sama,” tutur Matuidi pada Goal International.
“Saya terus berlatih, dan juga memakan makanan yang sama, tidur, itu semua hanya ada dalam pikiran anda. Saya mencoba untuk seminimal mungkin mengalami stress.”
“Memang ada ketegangan yang saya rasakan. Namun begitu kami ada di stadion nanti, kami akan melupakan semuanya dan kami akan bermain dengan cara terbaik dan juga meraih hasil yang kami inginkan.”
“Kami akan siap karena Minggu nanti akan menjadi pertandingan terpenting dalam hidup kami. Kami akan memberikan segalanya.”
Ga lucita — August 21, 2016
Wenger Dikabarkan Incar Morata dan Lacazette
Agen Bola Melaporkan Berita Olahraga Terkini dan terbaru - Manajer Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, disebut masih amat ingin mendatangkan striker baru di musim panas, setelah klub disebut terlibat negosiasi dengan Alexandre Lacazette dan Alvaro Morata.
Wenger disebut amat kecewa ketika Jamie Vardy menolak kesempatan bergabung dengan The Gunners, setelah klausulnya aktif, namun sejak saat itu sang manajer memusatkan perhatian pada striker Lyon, Lacazette, dan bintang Real Madrid, Morata, menurut Goal International.
Olivier Giroud, yang sempat berbicara pada Wenger mengenai masa depannya sebelum Euro 2016, akan bermain sebagai striker utama tim musim depan, dan manajer Prancis ingin menutup bursa musim panas dengan mencari pemain baru yang bisa bersaing dengan sosok berusia 29 tahun.
Morata sendiri baru bergabung dengan Real Madrid dari Juventus bulan lalu dan ia diperkirakan akan dijual lagi untuk memberi keuntungan pada timnya. Chelsea juga tertarik dengan pemain yang sama, namun Arsenal juga tidak akan menyerah begitu saja.
Sementara itu, Wenger juga diklaim akan mengincar bek Wolfsburg, Ricardo Rodriguez, untuk membenahi lini belakang The Gunners, yang sudah mulai dimakan usia.
Ga lucita — August 21, 2016
Didier Deschamps : “Kami Memiliki Kans Juarai Euro 2016”
Agen Bola Melaporkan Berita Olahraga Terkini dan terbaru - Pelatih Timnas Prancis, Didier Deschamps mengutarakan pendapatnya mengenai partai Final Euro 2016 yang akan digelar tiga hari lagi. Deschamps berpendapat bahwa peluang timnya dan Portugal untuk menjuarai Euro 2016 sama besarnya, sehingga partai Final nanti diprediksi akan berlangsung dengan sengit.
Les Bleus sendiri resmi memastikan diri sebagai finalis kedua Euro 2016 setelah mereka menaklukan Jerman dengan skor 2-0 pada dini hari tadi. Mereka kurang selangkah lagi untuk meraih Trofi Euro ketiga mereka, di mana mereka harus mengalahkan Portugal untuk meraih tujuan tersebut.
Dihadapkan dengan Portugal di Partai Final, Deschamps mengaku siap dan ia menilai timnya punya peluang untuk menjadi juara. “Kami memiliki kans kami untuk menjuarai Euro 2016, dan Portugal juga peluang yang sama” beber Deschamps kepada ESPN.
“Meski berstatus sebagai tuan rumah dan kami baru saja mengalahkan Jerman tidak berarti kami punya kesempatan yang lebih besar untuk memenangkan Euro nanti. Kami percaya bahwa kami bisa memenangkan turnamen ini begitu pula dengan Portugal” tutup pelatih 47 tahun tersebut.
yoeka media — October 29, 2016
Laporan Marc Marquez Tercepat di Sesi Latihan MotoGP Malaysia dari
Juara dunia Motogp 2016, Marc Marquez menjadi yang tercepat dalam sesi latihan untuk seri motgp yang berlangsung di Malaysia akhir pekan ini. Pembalap dari tim repsol honda ini membuat catatan tercepatnya 2 menit dan 1,21 detik pada lintasan balap yang kering di pagi hari.
Pada sesi latihan itu, disayangkan marz marquez mengalami masalah kesehatan terutama pada pencernaan sehingga ia tidak melanjutkan sesi latihan berikutnya.
Seluruh pembalap yang melakukan sesi latihan itu sedang mencari setelan yang tepat untuk kendaraannya sebelum berlaga pada balapan utama. Termasuk setelan ban mereka untuk lintasan kering maupun basah.
Pembalap spanyol lainnya dari tim suzuki, Vinales, yang menduduki posisi keempat pada klasemen umum musim balapan ini, menjadi pembalap tercepat kedua setelah marquez dengan selisih waktu 0,268 detik. Sementara pembalap inggris, Scott Redding menjadi tercepat ketiga dengan selisih 0,297 detik.
Marquez sendiri memimpin puncak klasemen pembalap dengan selisih 57 poin dari pembalap kedua dan ia tidak ingin bersantai dengan 2 sisa balapan ini serta akan memberikan performa terbaiknya sampai akhir balapan.
Seri motogp yang akan berlangsung di sepang, malaysia ini akan sangat seru sebab sepang memiliki lintasan yang rumit serta cuaca panas dan sering terjadi hujan. Lintasan ini juga telah mengalami perubahan dan perbaikan sehingga pembalap harus benar-benar menyesuaikan diri.
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Protests and unrest in Iran have been sparked by the death on 16 September of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who fell into a coma after being arrested by morality police in Tehran for allegedly violating Iran's strict rules requiring women to cover their hair with a hijab, or headscarf.
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Iranian football and sports personalities and human rights group Open Stadiums have previously requested that Fifa ban the Iranian national team.
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Speaking this week, Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp said it was "not fair" to expect players to make political statements or protests at the tournament.
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England midfielder Jordan Henderson said on BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast: "A lot gets put on players on 'should the World Cup be played there?' and everything that goes with that, but the players don't decide where the World Cup is played.
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"Fifa decides that and that is a question for them to answer. For us as players we just play football and try to have a voice in certain ways to help as much as we can."
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He added: "We do little things like that to try and show people we are all one, we are all inclusive and that is why that campaign [Kane's armband] was brought to light.
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"If you do the right things, that is most important. Unless everyone is just not going to turn up, then no matter what people say it is never going to be enough."
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England's Beth Mead said on Thursday it is "disappointing" the tournament is being held in Qatar. Mead, who is openly gay, does not think the Gulf state is the "right place" for the tournament to be staged.
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Other off-the-field issues include Russia being banned by Fifa after the country's invasion of Ukraine. In addition, the Ukrainian FA has called for Iran to be banned from the World Cup for "systematic human rights violations". It believes a crackdown on protests in the country "may violate the principles and norms" of Fifa.
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daftarjudipialadunia — November 7, 2022
The World Cup has been moved to the northern hemisphere winter for the first time in its 92-year history. Qatar initially proposed to host the finals during the summer in air-conditioned enclosed stadiums, but the plan was rejected.
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Qatar's World Cup organisers state "everyone is welcome" to visit the country to watch the football, and that no-one will be discriminated against.
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Seven new stadiums have been built for the event, as well as an airport, roads and about 100 hotels. Qatar's government says 30,000 foreign labourers have been hired just to build the stadiums, with most coming from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and the Philippines.
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Human rights groups have complained about the treatment of foreign labourers in Qatar, and the number who have died there.
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In February 2021, the Guardian said 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka had died in Qatar since it won its World Cup bid in 2010.
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However, the Qatar government said the total was misleading, because not all the deaths recorded were of people working on World Cup-related projects.
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The government said its accident records showed that between 2014 and 2020, there were 37 deaths among labourers at World Cup stadium construction sites, only three of which were "work-related".
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BBC Arabic has gathered evidence which suggests Qatar's government has under-reported deaths among foreign labourers.
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JJJ — October 10, 2024
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TeresaRichardson — October 11, 2024
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SadieBanks — October 11, 2024
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JJJ — October 11, 2024
Perri acabou falhando no primeiro gol, marcado por Ousmane Dembélé, mas realizou oito defesas (sendo sete delas dentro da área e quatro consideradas difíceis), e recebeu nota 8,3.
ClydeHaines — October 11, 2024
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Adonis Bendito — October 12, 2024
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JJJ — October 14, 2024
Depois de atuar emprestado pelo RWD Molenbeek, o zagueiro Sousa deixou o Botafogo em definitivo e assinou contrato de dois anos com o clube belga da Eagle Football, holding de John Textor, informou o “” nesta segunda-feira (29/7).
Revelado na base do clube e com passagem pelos times de base da Seleção Brasileira, Sousa se despediu do Alvinegro.
– Sou eternamente grato. O Botafogo permitiu me dar os primeiros passos na carreira, disputar minhas primeiras partidas como profissional. Levo muitas lições dos momentos no clube. Ficarei na torcida de longe – afirmou o zagueiro ao “ge”.
Sousa deixa o Botafogo com 22 jogos pelo time principal e um gol marcado. O zagueiro fez 14 partidas pelo RWD Molenbeek na temporada 2023/2024, quando o clube foi novamente rebaixado à segunda divisão da Bélgica.
JJJ — October 14, 2024
Depois de atuar emprestado pelo RWD Molenbeek, o zagueiro Sousa deixou o Botafogo em definitivo e assinou contrato de dois anos com o clube belga da Eagle Football, holding de John Textor, informou o “” nesta segunda-feira (29/7).
Revelado na base do clube e com passagem pelos times de base da Seleção Brasileira, Sousa se despediu do Alvinegro.
– Sou eternamente grato. O Botafogo permitiu me dar os primeiros passos na carreira, disputar minhas primeiras partidas como profissional. Levo muitas lições dos momentos no clube. Ficarei na torcida de longe – afirmou o zagueiro ao “ge”.
Sousa deixa o Botafogo com 22 jogos pelo time principal e um gol marcado. O zagueiro fez 14 partidas pelo RWD Molenbeek na temporada 2023/2024, quando o clube foi novamente rebaixado à segunda divisão da Bélgica.
JJJ — October 14, 2024
Novo diretor executivo de futebol do Botafogo, Pedro Martins foi apresentado no CT Lonier nesta segunda-feira (29/7), pelo CEO Thairo Arruda e pelo diretor de gestão esportiva Alessandro Brito.
O profissional, ex-Cruzeiro e Vasco, teve os primeiros contatos com o departamento, valorizou a estrutura do clube e agradeceu pela confiança, em entrevista à Botafogo TV.
– A hora que eu recebi a ligação das lideranças do clube, no papo que tive com Thairo, Alessandro e com o John (Textor), ficou muito claro o nível de organização do Botafogo e principalmente a ambição. A ambição está muito bem estabelecida, é um clube que está pensando muito grande e que quer ter um projeto com a mentalidade vencedora. Isso se constrói ano a ano, passo a passo – disse Pedro Martins.
– Vejo um clube que já está com seus processos muito bem estruturados e venho para me incorporar a uma equipe de pessoas muito competentes e a um grupo de profissionais muito bem estabelecido no futebol brasileiro. Quero agradecer à confiança do Botafogo e saibam que vou estar aqui dia e noite para buscar os objetivos e todas as conquistas esportivas para o clube – completou o dirigente.
AllanCampbell — October 14, 2024
Hausschuhe kindergarten bieten Kindern den ganzen Tag über Komfort und Sicherheit. Hergestellt aus atmungsaktiven Materialien und rutschfesten Sohlen, sorgen sie für sicheren Halt und verhindern Ausrutschen. Diese Hausschuhe halten Kinderfüße warm und ermöglichen es den Kleinen, sie einfach an- und auszuziehen, was ihre Selbstständigkeit fördert. Ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch in Kindergartenumgebungen, sind sie in verschiedenen Farben und Designs erhältlich und bieten eine perfekte Mischung aus Funktionalität und Stil für die Kleinen.
JJJ — October 14, 2024
O aclamado diretor mexicano Guillermo del Toro (A Forma da Água) traz nesta série antológica oito diferentes contos de mistério e suspense. Com homenagens a nomes como Alfred Hitchcock e H.P.Lovecraft, os episódios abordam temas como aliens, demônios e bruxas.
Além de contar com roteiristas e cineastas na produção, del Toro ainda co-escreveu duas das oito histórias de terror moderno gótico. A série conquistou o público e a crítica, chegando a alcançar 94% de aprovação no site Rotten Tomatoes.
JJJ — October 15, 2024
Atual campeão e líder do Grupo A da competição, o Fluminense volta a campo pela Conmebol Libertadores nesta quinta-feira (09/05), quando enfrenta o Colo-Colo no Estádio Monumental de Santiago, no Chile, às 21h (horário de Brasília). O Tricolor, em caso de vitória, pode dar um passo importante rumo à classificação para as oitavas de final. Na avaliação do atacante Douglas Costa, a equipe vem melhorando e tem tudo para retornar ao Brasil com um resultado positivo na bagagem.
JJJ — October 15, 2024
O Grêmio não somou pontos na quinta rodada da Copa FGF – Troféu Zagallo. Na tarde desta quarta-feira, atuando na Morada dos Quero-Queros, em Alvorada, o Tricolor acabou tendo revés no clássico Gre-Nal pelo placar de 2 a 1. Nathan Fernandes anotou o gol gremista na partida.
Assim como já havia acontecido na disputa da Copinha profissional, alguns atletas do elenco principal gremista foram utilizados para pegar maior ritmo de jogo.
JJJ — October 15, 2024
Quer maratonar os filmes do Universo Cinematográfico da Marvel inteirinho, mas em ordem cronológica? Se você não está preocupado com as séries, mas quer conferir os longas que fizeram parte da chamada Saga do Infinito e os filmes seguintes na ordem em que os eventos aconteceram, aqui está a linha do tempo correta.
As informações têm como base o livro Marvel: The First Ten Years e a ordem cronológica da Marvel apresentada no streaming Disney+.
JJJ — October 15, 2024
Crime cada vez mais site de apostacomum, o golpe cibernético, que pode envolver de roubo de dados e perfis em redes sociais a pedidos fraudulentos de dinheiro por meio de pix, exige mais atenção da população. De acordo com a Secretaria de Estado de Segurança Pública e Defesa Social (Segup), em 2022 foram registrados 13.267 estelionatos praticados por meio virtual. São ocorrências atendidas pela Polícia Civil, por meio da Diretoria Estadual de Combate a Crimes Cibernéticos (DECCC).
JJJ — October 15, 2024
A Fundação Hemopa segue com funcionamento de coleta de sangue durante o fim de semana,casas das apostas dias 25 e 26, sábado e domingo, respectivamente, para manter regular o estoque técnico de sangue dos hospitais públicos e privados do Pará. A rede hospitalar é composta por mais de 200 hospitais, que precisam da solidariedade diária de diversos doadores para manter o atendimento a todos os pacientes que dependem dos hemoderivados para sobreviver ou melhorar qualidade de vida.
JJJ — October 16, 2024
A Semana de Atividades de 2023 na UsiPaz Icuí-Guajará,ganhou aposta em Ananindeua, Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), foi aberta neste sábado (20) com o Projeto “Portas Abertas”, uma parceria com a Universidade da Amazônia (Unama) e a Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública (Sespa), que ofereceu vários serviços de saúde, como testes rápidos para diagnóstico de sífilis, HIV e hepatites; atendimento odontológico, ginecológico e em nutrição; avaliação física e vacinação contra Covid-19 e Influenza. A programação marcou a retomada das atividades na Usina neste ano, e deve ocorrer mensalmente.
JJJ — October 16, 2024
Perito da Polícia Científica vistoria carro apreendido em operação policial,tigrinho aposta ação ajuda a consolidar inquéritosAs perícias de identificação veicular são relevantes para os casos de roubo de veículos automotores, assim como para a verificação de danos de acidente de trânsito, em todo o Estado. Em números, foram realizadas, em 2022, 9.078 procedimentos, a maioria nas coordenadorias e núcleos avançados da Polícia Científica do Pará (PCEPA), solicitados pela Polícia Civil (PC).
JJJ — October 16, 2024
A Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública (Sespa) recebeu na manhã desta terça-feira (31) uma remessa de 50 mil doses da vacina Pfizer pediátrica contra Covid-19,aposta de jogo que serão destinadas às crianças de 5 a 11 anos. A distribuição do imunizante para os 144 municípios começa após a conferência pelo Centro Estadual de Imunobiológicos (CEI), em Ananindeua, na Região Metropolitana de Belém, onde ficam armazenadas até a entrega aos 13 Centros Regionais de Saúde (CRS).
JJJ — October 16, 2024
O clássico entre Palmeiras e Santos é um dos confrontos mais aposta maximatradicionais e aguardados do futebol brasileiro. Este duelo, que remonta a várias décadas, reúne duas das maiores equipes do país, cada uma com sua rica história e uma base de torcedores apaixonados. Com isso, sempre que essas duas forças se encontram em campo, a expectativa é alta, tanto para os aficionados pelo esporte quanto para os que acompanham os campeonatos. Neste artigo, vamos explorar as regras fundamentais do jogo, discutir o contexto desse clássico e responder algumas perguntas frequentes que rodeiam esse confronto.
JJJ — October 16, 2024
As classificações de Divisão 3 são utilizadas para categorizar as equipes que participam deste nível de competição esportiva. Elas servem como uma forma de organizar os times de acordo com sua habilidade, permitindo confrontos mais equilibrados e justos.
JJJ — October 16, 2024
Moradora do município de Portel, na ilha do Marajó, a dona de casa Regina Rodrigues, de 33 anos, traz a pequena Camilly Queiroz, de apenas dois anos, para acompanhamento no CIIR. Por conta da paralisia cerebral, a garotinha tem algumas dificuldades, entre elas, em dobrar os joelhos. A terapia condiciona os marcos do desenvolvimento como controle de cabeça, rolar, sentar, engatinhar, as trocas posturais e bipedestação, que é a posição ereta apoiado em ambos os pés, além de melhorar os reflexos, principalmente, nos membros superiores.
JJJ — October 16, 2024
Gustavo Souza: mais um admirador de Vinícius de MoraesO estudante Gustavo Souza, 13 anos, auxiliou a produção dos desenhos. “Eu gosto muito de desenhar, mas sempre tive muita vergonha. Aprendi várias poesias e gostei bastante de um poema do autor Vinícius de Moraes”, ressaltou Gustavo.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
Aos 7 minutos do segundo tempo, Kai Havertz bateu cobrança de pênalti e ampliou o marcador para 2 a 0. O resultado classificou o Chelsea para as quartas de final.
Na outra partida do dia, o Benfica não tomou conhecimento do Club Brugge, da Bélgica e goleou por 5 a 1, no Estádio da Luz, em Lisboa. Como havia vencido por 2 a 0 em Bruges, o time português garantiu vaga tranquila para as quartas de final.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
O Departamento de Trânsito do Estado (Detran) constatou uma redução no número de casos de alcoolemia em Salinópolis,a grande aposta no nordeste paraense, no último final de semana. Do total de 2.494 testes realizados com etilômetro, constatou-se que somente 1,7% dos condutores apresentaram alguma alteração com relação à bebida, seja infração ou crime de trânsito.
Do total, apenas 42 abordagens resultaram em flagrante, sendo 25 enquadrados no artigo 165 do Código de Trânsito Brasileiro (CTB) - dirigir sob a influência de álcool ou de qualquer outra substância psicoativa que determine dependência, e no 165-A, que trata sobre a recusa a ser submetido a teste, exame clínico, perícia ou outro procedimento que permita certificar influência de álcool ou outra substância psicoativa.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
Waldelino Maia da Silva recebeu a dose contra InfluenzaAs cinco Usinas da Paz localizadas em Belém (Guamá,aposto vocativo Jurunas/Condor, Terra Firme, Bengui e Cabanagem) estão oferecendo doses de vacina para prevenção da Influenza (gripe) e Covid-19 nesta quarta-feira (24). A vacinação prosseguirá até o dia 29 de fevereiro, nos horários de funcionamento de cada UsiPaz.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
O projeto TerSaúde,playpix apostas da Secretaria de Saúde Pública (Sespa), realizou uma ação, na tarde desta sexta-feira (10), para os moradores que frequentam a Usina da Paz Guamá, em Belém. O objetivo é fazer cadastro de pessoas que possuem alguma deformidade para iniciar o tratamento.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
O futebol é um esporte muito popular em todo o mundo, proporcionando emoção e entretenimento para os torcedores. O Atlético Saguntino participa regularmente de competições como a Liga Espanhola, com o objetivo de conquistar vitórias e alcançar bons resultados.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
Crianças e adolescentes de quatro estados da Amazônia participam do Torneio Mais sites de apostade 200 participantes dos estados do Pará, Acre, Amapá e Roraima estão em Ananindeua, município da Região Metropolitana de Belém, para o Torneio Sesi de Robótica First Lego League, que começou nesta quinta-feira (09) e termina na sexta (10). Neste ano, o tema Super Powered é voltado ao desenvolvimento de projetos ligados à energia. As crianças e adolescentes são desafiados a explorar de onde vem a energia e como é distribuída, armazenada e usada.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
Patrick Mahomes is still the MVP favorite, but a few players are closing the gap as they move up the betting board. Check out the latest to see how the odds have shifted.when will devon achane return ncaa bracket sign in stream el clasico who are the chiefs playing in germany what is betting the money line
JJJ — October 17, 2024
Com muita alegria e entusiasmo,academia apostas as crianças matriculadas na Usina da Paz – Terra Firme, em Belém, participaram do primeiro dia de aula de natação. A modalidade esportiva, coordenada pela Secretaria de Estado de Esporte e Lazer (Seel), teve início nesta terça-feira (31), com os alunos a partir dos 7 anos.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
Em decreto publicado nesta terça-feira (28) no Diário Oficial do Estado,apostar é pecado o Governo do Pará determinou o acesso ao Programa Recomeçar - que concede benefício eventual a famílias em vulnerabilidade social decorrente de calamidade pública e situação de emergência - a vítimas de ocorrências registradas nos primeiros quatro meses de 2023 no Estado.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
'Projeto Gratos Pela Vida' comemora aniversário de paciente internada
Visando o aprimoramento do atendimento humanizado, o Complexo Hospitalar Regional de Tucuruí, por me
JJJ — October 17, 2024
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JJJ — October 17, 2024
Campanha em parceria com estação cidadania de Icoaraci ajuda a manter estoque sanguíneo
Polícia Civil deflagra operação Volta às aulas em segurança, em Paragominas
JJJ — October 17, 2024
IDEFLOR-Bio promove a abertura da Flota do Trombetas para coleta da safra da Castanha do Pará 2023)
Em razão da organização financeira e do equilíbrio fiscal da atual gestão, o Governo do Pará, por me
JJJ — October 17, 2024
Fluminense e Internacional se enfrentam em uma partida decisiva no campeonato brasileiro. Os fãs de futebol por todo o Brasil estão ansiosos para assistir a esse confronto. Porém, muitos se perguntam qual é o canal de transmissão do jogo. Neste artigo, vamos informar onde você pode assistir ao vivo essa emocionante partida.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
Peritos criminais braze apostada Gerência de Perícias de Informática (GPI), da Polícia Científica do Pará (PCEPA), foram acionados para analisar o ataque cibernético ao sistema do Tribunal de Justiça do Pará (TJ-PA), ocorrido na quarta-feira (11). A atuação da perícia foi solicitada pela Diretoria Estadual de Combate a Crimes Cibernéticos (DECCC), da Polícia Civil, após a abertura de investigação criminal.
JJJ — October 17, 2024
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Jake Pual — October 22, 2024
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