Midwest Sociology
"Meet the Midwest!" Seeing "Colorblind Racism" with Dr. Burke

In this issue of “Meet the Midwest!” we spoke with Dr. Meghan Burke from Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL. We discuss racial attitudes and colorblind racism in this political moment where race is an important driver of partisan, ideological debate. Dr Burke studies racial discourses, structural racism, and the relationships between racial ideologies and…
"Meet the Midwest!" Talking with Dr Thornhill
Dr. Ted Thornhill is a professor at Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, FL. He has published several academic journal articles about race, racism, and racial inequality in educational institutions; this includes discussing how race shapes smaller processes such as individuals’ socialization and larger processes such as admissions criteria and educational curriculum. Dr. Thornhill…
"Meet the Midwest!" A Conversation with Dr. Hlavka
In this issue of Meet the Midwest!, we spoke with Dr. Heather Hlavka from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, about her work in gender, sexual assault, and public sociology. Read more below!
*1) Much of your previous work has focused on the intersections between youth subjectivities, gender, sexuality, and sexual violence. Can you…
"Meet the Midwest!" Dances with Dr. Wilcox
In this issue of Meet the Midwest!, we spoke with Dr. Hui Wilcox from St Catherine University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, about her work in dance, cultural studies, and activism. Read more below!
*1) You have published articles and book chapters which cover a variety of topics, including Asian-American identities and experiences, cultural material such…
Summer Reading with BBQ Becky
Over the past few months, we have seen several high profile news stories about white Americans threatening to call, or calling, police on people of color for a range of everyday activities like looking out of place on a college tour, speaking Spanish with cashiers at a local restaurant, meeting at Starbucks, and removing luggage from […]
Self-Reliance and the “Least of These”
Thanksgiving break once again provided me with some time for reflection mingled in with all the feasting and football. This year I found myself dwelling upon two rather random bits of reading I had come upon in earlier in the month. One was the reviews of a new biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder, she of […]
Long-form Journalism, 2017 Late Summer Highlights
I turned 50 this summer so maybe I’m feeling a little sentimental. Nevertheless, in this season of tumult, Trump, and 140 character tweets that pass for news, I have found myself sustained by the some of the most old-fashioned modes of media—weekly and monthly news magazines, and, more specifically, long-form journalism. Here are some of my […]
On Charlottesville

Peter Hall weighs in on events in Charlottesville