Welcome back! This week we’ve got new research on who’s having same-sex sex and what resources Black and white teachers get from same-race social ties. We also round up research on how American history textbooks cover violence, national figures, and more.
There’s Research on That:
“ConTEXTualizing Historical Knowledge,” by Jillian LaBranche. American history textbooks vary wildly in educational content. To understand more, we review social science research on how textbooks cover violence, national figures, and more.
“Black and White Teachers’ Access to School Resources,” by Amber Joy Powell. New research in the American Journal of Sociology finds that Black teachers do not get the same resources as white teachers do from same-race social ties at work.
“Who Is Having More Same-Sex Sex? by Jean Marie Maier. New research in Gender & Society finds that younger people demonstrate more same-sex sexual behavior than older people, with a greater increase for women and black men.
From Our Partners:
Council on Contemporary Families:
“What’s New About Consent,” by Rebecca L. Davis.