Welcome back! This week we’ve got a new special feature on why the GM strike is headed for failure, research on the rhetoric and consequences of white nationalism today, and why cooking time has declined in the United States and France.
Special Feature:
“Why the United Auto Workers GM Strike is Headed for Failure,” by Joshua Murray. In this repost from The Conversation, Murray explores the GM strike based on previous research and history.
There’s Research on That!:
“White Nationalism in the 21st Century,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. We round up research on the rhetoric of white nationalism today and its consequences.
“The Politics of Pink,” by Sarah Catherine Billups. For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we brought back a post from the past on the social science research of breast cancer visibility.
“Declines in Time Spent Cooking at Home,” by Neeraj Rajasekar. New research in Cultural Sociology finds that in France and the United States, people are spending less time on cooking food at home.
From Our Partners:
Sociological Images:
“What Makes a Mashup Work?” by Evan Stewart.
“After Experiences of Unwanted Sex, Queer Women See Men as ‘Stupid,'” by Elena Riecke, Jessie Ford, and Paula England.
Council on Contemporary Families:
“Happy Moms, Happier Dads? by Cadhla McDonnell, Nancy Luke, and Susan Short.