Welcome back! This week we’ve got sociological takes on mug shots, how emotions spread online, and the Marie Kondo phenomenon. Be sure to also check out our new posts featuring social science research on autism across cultures and what jokes tell us about our social context.
There’s Research on That!:
“‘That’s Not Funny!’ Social Context and Humor,” by Allison Nobles. For April Fools Day, we rounded up social science research on how humor varies by context and how it can create solidarity or social divisions.
“Autism Across Cultures,” by Isabel Arriagada and Amy August. To mark World Autism Awareness Day, we gathered social science research on how culture matters for different communities’ views of autism.
“When College Sports Cost More Than They Save,” by Jean Marie Maier. New research in Sociology of Sport Journal finds that universities assume athletics are a solid investment, but it doesn’t always work that way.
“Your Smile is Contagious, Especially Online,” by Allison J. Steinke. NPR talks with Nicholas Christakis and Jeff Hancock about how emotions transfer online.
“Ending the Mark of a Mugshot,” by Caity Curry. Slate talks with Sara Esther Lageson about how the movement to end the widespread practice of online mugshots highlights broader debates about transparency, free speech, and due process.
From Our Partners:
Council on Contemporary Families:
“Deep Stuff: A Sociologist Sorts Through the Marie Kondo Phenomenon,” by Michelle Janning.
Social Studies MN:
“The Minnesota Youth Story Squad,” by Neeraj Rajasekar.
And from the Community Pages:
- Cyborgology reflects on families in the age of genetic testing and how data economies matter.
- Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies provides a guide to the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival.
- Engaging Sports argues it’s time to invest in women’s soccer.