
Good morning! This week at TSP we extend a hearty welcome to Sociology Toolbox—a new community page courtesy of Todd Beer at Lake Forest College. Check it out and have a look at what else we’ve been up to below!

The Editors’ Desk

MLK: Sinking Shots, Sparking Thoughts.” Doug Hartmann reflects on the legacy of one of the most famous sociology majors.

There’s Research on That!:

AirBnb’s Anti-Black Problem” by Aisha Upton. Research shows how the popular app fits into a long history of racialized housing discrimination.

Incarcerated Women in a Double Bind” by Allison Nobles. The U.S. criminal justice system made a big shift from rehabilitation to “tough on crime” in the last 40 years, but it looks like women still get the worst of both worlds.


Brits and Buccaneers: How Framing Helped Tackle 18th Century Piracy.” Jack Delehanty looks at new work from Matthew Norton on the sociology of swashbuckling… sort of…

Give Methods a Chance:

The team is back for the new year and talking through research with discussion groups with Alejandro Baer.

From Our Partners:

Scholars Strategy Network:

Why Online Activism Is Unlikely To Reduce Political Inequalities in the U.S.” Jennifer OserMarc Hooghe, and Sofie Marien look at why the internet may not be revolutionizing political activism.

And a Few from our Community Pages:

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