RU040414What’s up with what’s up on The Society Pages this week:


Health, Science, and Shared Disparities with Brian Southwell,” by Sarah Lageson. Social networks may be great for getting the word out, but that’s highly dependent on the network.

Office Hours Podcast:

Colter Ellis on the Boundary Labor of Beef Production,” with Sarah Lageson. Love ’em and eat ’em?

The Editors’ Desk:

“There’s More to Methods than Tweaking and Critiquing,” by Chris Uggen. On why it’s refreshing to return to talking about methods as the tools of social science.

Reading List:

Closing the Happiness Gap,” by Rahsaan Mahadeo. Social policy can affect large-scale happiness, even if it does lead “to a few grumpy 1&’ers.”

The Personal Mediators of Stereotype,” by Stephen Suh. New work in Ethnic and Racial Studies reveals how personal characteristics change the individual experience of stereotype threat.

There’s Research on That!

New Nutrition Labels—A Healthier Choice?” by Jacqui Frost. When a label’s not just a label.

NYC Gets with the Program on Pre-K,” by Amy August. Who benefits from Pre-K, and why do autism diagnoses rise when we get kids in the education system earlier?

Citings & Sightings:

Trust in Intelligence,” by Andrew Wiebe. Is it smart to trust others?

Scholars Strategy Network:

How America’s Engorged Prison and Surveillance System Threatens Civic Trust and Democracy,” by Joe Soss. It may be smart to trust others, but it’s a little hard when there’s a camera on every corner.

The Truth about Health Reform, Jobs, and the Economy,” by Jonathan Gruber. Health care is changing employment, but as a mechanism of voluntary changes, rather than forced stasis.

A Few from the Community Pages:

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