SocImages News:
Lisa appeared on the pop culture podcast Sounds Familiar to talk about the role of women in horror flicks. Are slasher flicks feminist? Well, kinda they are!
She also served as the guest expert on KPCC’s AirTalk for a conversation on the grandfather who was kicked out of a Barnes & Noble children’s book section for being a single male. She called it “gender profiling” (listen).
The folks from Office Hours, one of our sibling blogs at The Society Pages, posted a podcast with Lisa and Gwen discussing Sociological Images and public sociology more generally.
The Guardian reposted part of Matt Cornell’s SocImages post on his “man boobs” and Playboy Radio had him on for an “awkward” Q&A.
Quotes and Links:
We were quoted or linked at The Atlantic, the Kansas City Star, TV Tropes, the Huffington Post, and Jezebel.
New Resources:
Gwen added a section on politics to her Intro to Sociology Course Guide and Lisa put together a new Pinterest page, this one collecting all the images from our posts on Disney.
Social Media ‘n’ Stuff:
Finally, this is your monthly reminder that SocImages is on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest. Lisa is on Facebook and most of the team is on Twitter: @lisadwade, @gwensharpnv, @familyunequal, @carolineheldman, @jaylivingston, and @wendyphd.
In Other News…
We wanted to give a shout out to the anonymous fan who added this sticky note to the paperwork for a book Lisa ordered on interlibrary loan. You made our day! :)