Citings and Sightings

We’ve got a few quick ones for you to checkout this week:

After our most recent Earth Day, National Public Radio’s Science Friday spoke with sociologist Dana R. Fisher on the state of climate activism including the importance of media attention for shock-based demonstrations and the salience of overlapping social justice motivations for activists.

Axios spoke with Nancy López on her recent research showing that Afro-Latinos have higher educational attainment but lower pay than other Latinos, emphasizing the need for research into the diversity of Latino experiences.

From the Archives

This week, the Met Gala opulently honored the contributions of the controversial Karl Lagerfeld. For some sociological context on why gay men, such as Lagerfeld, find themselves more often in the fashion spotlight than women designers, check out this archive piece.

Yesterday, members of the far-right hate group the Proud Boys were charged with seditious conspiracy for their role in the January 6th, 2021 insurrection. Read this archive piece to understand “The Sociology of the Siege.”

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People who live closer to protests are more supportive of them, despite experiencing more disruption to their lives according to recent research by Duoduo Xu and Jaio Guo written up for Contexts’ blog by Parker Muzzerall.

Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies’ blog had a Student Spotlight on Rachel Dodson.

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