Welcome back! This week we rounded up research on suicide and adolescents and featured now research on drug arrests and race during the opioid epidemic.
There’s Research On That
Suicide and Adolescents by Mahala Miller. We round up research on suicide and adolescents, from sociological classics to social media’s contribution to “suicide contagion.”
Is the War on Drugs Cooling Off? Drug Policy in the Opioid Crisis by Hannah Schwendeman. We feature new research that shows that drug arrests have decreased more for Black people than for Whites, despite changes in drug policy that ostensibly benefit Whites.
From Our Partners:
Coronavirus and Community: A Spring 2020 Course Fashioned Off Contexts’ Call for Papers on the Global Impacts of the Pandemic by Rebecca London
Council on Contemporary Families
New Work: The Labor of “Living Diaper to Diaper” by Jennifer Randles