This week we re-shared two of our favorite pieces from 2020, presenting research on the racialization of Native American children in foster care and how race shapes Black and White pastors access to resources in multiracial churches. As always, our partners and community pages shared timely and important content.
Best of 2020: White Pastors Hoard Social Capital by Erika Sanborne. We present research that shows how White pastors hoard social and economic capital in multiracial churches, limiting Black pastors access to resources.
Best of 2020: Fostering Sovereignty by Hannah Schwendeman. In one of our favorite pieces from 2020, we highlight research that shows that Native American children are racialized in foster care in ways that limit tribal sovereignty.
From Our Partners:
The coming vaccine battle by Jennifer Reich.
Council on Contemporary Families
heard around ccf: Updated Roundup: 2020 CCF Blog Posts about Covid-19 and Families by Arielle Kuperberg
From Our Community Pages:
- Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies considers how last week’s events at the nation’s capital, and in Minnesota, represented a disturbing endorsement of a genocidal playbook. They also consider the politics of numbers in ex-Yugoslovia.
- Engaging Sports considers the Ibrox crowd disaster and sports stadium safety.