During the Fall of 2023, First Publics published a series of interviews with four authors of Intro to Sociology textbooks: Dalton Conley, author of You May Ask Yourself: An Introduction to Thinking Like a Sociologist; Shamus Khan, one of the authors and editors of A Sociology Experiment; Lisa Wade, author of Terrible Magnificent Sociology; and Kathleen Korgen, one of the authors and editors of Sociology in Action: Introduction to Sociology. 

We invited them to tell us why they decided to write an Intro to Sociology textbook and the challenges they faced when teaching and writing introductory content prioritizing public sociology. In this post, we highlight some of these interviews’ common themes. You can also check all of the interviews here.

1. Why write/edit an Intro to Sociology textbook?

Our textbook authors discussed several motivations for writing or editing their Intro to Sociology textbook, including breaking the mold, increasing accessibility, and taking a student-centered approach to training and exciting a new cohort of sociologists, a common thread for all our authors. In this way, our textbook authors focus on their students as a public, one that the discipline must meet where they are and has the potential to form into a public sociologists themselves. 

“Our idea was that textbooks had variable quality and were too expensive. They were driven primarily by a profit motive, owned, designed, and operated by large corporations that didn’t have the interests of students or faculty at heart. For students, we wanted to prioritize providing the highest quality presentation up-to-date with the latest research; it was also essential to be truly financially accessible. For faculty, we knew we had to provide a low barrier to entry, particularly for faculty who are teaching pretty considerable loads” – Shamus Khan, A Sociology Experiment

“That was a really big part of the motivation, and a big part of how I thought to write a book that would be accessible to first-gen students like myself, and others who are marginalized in academia. I did this not by making the ideas simple, but by making them irresistible. I thought I could help students push themselves to overcome some of their fears of higher ed and the deprivations of their previous educational experience if I made the book worth reading.” – Lisa Wade, Terrible Magnificent Sociology 

2. How Intro to Soci textbooks can promote Public Sociology?

Authors and editors spoke about the various ways they conceptualize the publicness of the Intro to Sociology classroom and how the textbook facilitates this connection. More specifically, they were concerned with how to encourage students to make connections to current events and care about sociology beyond their grades and the classroom. In doing so, the textbook content can encourage students to challenge their taken-for-granted realities, but only if instructors have the resources to best engage students beyond their initial engagement with the textbook and in the independent discourse the instructor is trying to build. 

Connecting Sociology with students’ lives and interests

“I think that the connection to public sociology is an important one and one I believe in. Ideologically, I’m all for it. But to get there depends on good teaching that gives students a connection between themselves and the topic. That’s what we want to do in all subjects, right? To get buy-in from students so that they realize that there’s something in it for them that is interesting or maybe transformative. But you need them to want to learn the material. (…) You need to grab them and bring them into the subject matter so they feel that there’s a reason they should want to read this chapter, not just that they must read this chapter. It makes learning possible. That’s just good teaching.” – Kathleen Korgen, Sociology in Action: Introduction to Sociology

Challenging students’ preconceptions

“I consider the textbook probably the most important form of public sociology I have done in my life because it’s reaching more people at an important formative age, trying to shape how they view big public issues, as C. Wright Mills has put it. (…) I feel like getting young students to think as public sociologists in some ways is easier, in some ways harder. They’re already thinking that way, on the one hand. On the other hand, in pushing them further to understand big issues or to question their own orthodoxy that might be in line with sociological mainstream thinking, my goal is not for them to have certain views about certain topics, but to have a way of thinking and engaging with public issues that is critical and skeptical. I think that part might be harder these days.” – Dalton Conley, You May Ask Yourself

Creating a textbook that is helpful to faculty’s different needs and constraints

“I think it is absolutely something that can be done through textbooks. In general, sociologists in R1 institutions can be pretty dismissive of textbooks. But I think we need to remember that this is how most people are introduced to sociology, right? If we can create a textbook like the one we did, that is useful, that is helpful for the contingent faculty that we’re producing all the time to reduce their workloads and actually give them resources that are helpful for them.” – Shamus Khan, A Sociology Experiment

3. What were the challenges in writing an Intro textbook?

The authors also highlighted different challenges in writing an Intro to Sociology textbook. One common difficulty was keeping up with transformations in society and making sense of current events while also writing a text that could be relevant beyond the present. Authors attempted to overcome these challenges in different ways, such as by constantly updating content through new editions, making sure content reflects the most current research, or providing resources online to speed up the publishing process. Another challenge is making sure the book considers diversity and inclusion. This meant guaranteeing that the books’ language was sufficiently inclusive of different identities but also incorporating various standpoints and theoretical paradigms so Sociology as a discipline could reflect diversity in its canon, research questions, and methods. Inclusion also meant considerations over affordability, a concern especially centered on the dynamics of interacting with the publishing industry.

Keeping up with transformations in society

“I’d say one of the big challenges I’ve encountered is that our social understanding of American society and social norms have evolved so rapidly. It’s very difficult to keep up with that in the textbook. For example, in one section about how colleges are adapting to non-binary students, we’ll talk about the college experience a lot because we want to be relatable to the students themselves. I gave the example of the pronoun “zee”, which was for a while in the running for a third, gender-neutral pronoun. But by the time the book came out, it was very clearly entrenched that “they” was the non-binary pronoun of choice in the U.S. So, we looked really odd and out of place. The next edition, which we’re doing now, is going to change that.” – Dalton Conley, You May Ask Yourself 

“What ends up happening in most textbooks is that they have one author who writes an initial version of a textbook, then, the publisher hires out the edits to other people, and these edits get approved over time. In our case, we are a pain in the neck to our authors every year because they have to update their materials and we ask them to do so with the newest research in mind.” – Shamus Khan, A Sociology Experiment

Making a book that considers diversity and inclusion 

I worked hard to expand the scope of students who would feel like they belonged in sociology, not just as research subjects but as researchers. (…) Then, I foreground standpoint theory. I try to make it clear, both explicitly and subtly, that difference is an epistemic resource. I say so in the introduction. I introduce standpoint theory, and I argue that we need everybody involved in sociology if we want to get to the truth. (…) I tried to make sure that no matter who you are – if you were trans, an immigrant, a single mom, a person with disabilities – there would be a sociologist profiled who you could identify with.” – Lisa Wade, Terrible Magnificent Sociology

“Many college students are working as well as going to school, and they have a limited amount of time. Imagine there’s an instructor who, every time they assign a chapter, also does an activity. We want to make sure that our activities get to the point quickly and that they don’t take too much time. (…)  I’m teaching students who come from just a wide variety of racial, class, economic, and educational backgrounds. (…) So yes, often I imagine little kids in the background, or sometimes my students might be holding a baby as they’re trying to read or type. Some of them are taking the class on their phones. We have a lot of students who have come from community colleges. So I was thinking about the community college students too, as I wrote and edited the book. So, I realize you don’t want to write such things as ‘Think about your dorm and your roommates.’ Some textbooks just assume that “traditional” type of college student.” – Kathleen Korgen, Sociology in Action: Introduction to Sociology

In my almost twenty years of working with system-impacted individuals my goals have always been two-fold: 1. Advocate for those incarcerated or formerly incarcerated; 2. Do what I can to chip away at a system that is premised on violence, harm, and social stratification based on race, class, gender, age, ability, and geographic location. In early 2021, I began facilitating restorative justice programming within New York City juvenile facilities.1 This led to teaching a credit-bearing Introduction to Sociology course in spring 2023. To date, thirty-nine youth have received college credit. This success is not magic or luck, but rather a collective effort of many individuals and organizations who supported, trusted, and gave space for this course to grow. Here, I reflect on the three main areas that made this course thrive. 

Earning Trust

Building trust within carceral settings, specifically with youth, takes time and patience. It is built through consistency and reliability. Weekly programming highlights the former and following up on previous meetings underscores the latter. The main concern is that I am not a cop. In this space, my approach could not simply be dismissive of this concern but rather reassuring them by giving a level of transparency about myself, the work that I do, and my opinions on the criminal justice system. For many, their entire world has been policed, even beyond traditional law enforcement contact. Creating a space that allows for open discussion is a tactic I have used to earn trust. Finally, trust is built through various incentives such as reading materials from comics to academic books, a variety of snacks, and the use of a tablet with downloaded music, which is both used as a learning tool and a recreational activity. 

Modified Learning

There are a variety of restrictions imposed on the youth such as not having access to the internet, smart devices, or other electronic tools. Even traditional learning tools such as pens, notebooks, and textbooks have restrictions. For example, youth are only able to use “jail pens” which are short, translucent, flexible pens (that quickly run out of ink), cannot have notepads with spiral metal binds, or have textbooks with hardcovers. To both comply with and circumvent this restricted access to learning, I created a customized softcover textbook and playing cards as well as purchased “jail pens” and other supplies such as notepads all within compliance of facility rules.2 The textbook provides a curated learning experience of understanding traditional sociological theory, themes, and concepts in a palatable manner that does not rely on generic or out-of-touch examples. The playing cards, which feature sociological and restorative justice terms yields a certain level of osmosis. Many of the youth play a variety of card games throughout the day, which reinforces memorization and learning as they use the cards. 

The main concern is that I am not a cop. In this space, my approach could not simply be dismissive of this concern but rather reassuring them by giving a level of transparency about myself, the work that I do, and my opinions on the criminal justice system. For many, their entire world has been policed, even beyond traditional law enforcement contact. Creating a space that allows for open discussion is a tactic I have used to earn trust.

– Calvin John Smiley

Limits of Theory and Need for Practice

As I teach, I attempt to avoid abstract jargon. Instead, I begin with a question: “If offered a pair of Payless or Jordan sneakers, which would you choose?” Almost exclusively, the youth choose the latter. I follow up with “why?” This exercise allows me to introduce the concept of sociology in a tangible and applied manner. I highlight how individuals (e.g., Michael Jordan) influence society and how society (i.e., consumer culture) influences individuals, showcasing the basis of sociological inquiry. Further, I incorporate drill music,3 a subgenre of hip hop, as a space to have discussions on structural violence and insight into the experiences of poverty; being witness, victim, and perpetrator of violence; and vulnerabilities surrounding mental health and drug abuse. Ultimately, drill is a voice for many urban impoverished Gen Z youth to articulate and archive their experiences. I embrace this music to help educate and articulate sociological concepts. For example, students have written essays on how lyrics discuss individual pain and institutional trauma. Additionally, artists are storytellers, providing opportunities for qualitative analysis of lyrics. 

Education as Abolition

Activist, organizer, and prison abolitionist, Mariame Kaba, says, “Hope is a discipline,4” which reminds us that change does not come from only wanting it but through the work we do. In sum, hope is an action. This is my goal with teaching inside youth facilities. The expansion of more social science courses will not happen overnight but “we are building the plane while flying it.” We are learning, crafting, and continuing to expand our vision. My hope is to continue to offer social science courses to incarcerated youth in New York City, expanding beyond Introduction to Sociology. We already have proof of concept as a student from the spring 2023 cohort was released, graduated from high school, and enrolled in a CUNY community college with the plan of double-majoring in Nursing and Sociology. The tools, talents, and gifts are there, we just need to give our youth the opportunity and hope

Calvin John Smiley, Ph.D., is an associate professor of sociology at Hunter College-CUNY. Smiley’s scholarly work addresses social justice, inequality, and race. He is the author of two books. Purgatory Citizenship: Reentry, Race, and Abolition (2023), explores how individuals navigate and negotiate reentry after leaving carceral spaces with diminished legal rights and amplified social stigmas. Defund: Conversations Towards Abolition (2024), examines the 2020 uprisings that led to the global call for the defund of police and carceral apparatuses. Beyond this, he is the co-editor, along with Keesha M. Middlemass, of Prisoner Reentry in the 21st Century: Critical Perspectives of Coming Home (2020). Outside of academic work, Smiley works with incarcerated youth in New York City.

My first semester of teaching Introductory Sociology was to a class of 120 students, and I had just completed my Master’s degree. I didn’t have a lot of pedagogy prep and was told I could construct my course any way that I wanted. I was told to, “play to my strengths” – and for me, that meant utilizing popular culture, which was my main area of research. I decided to structure each week of a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday course around two days of lecture and then a Friday class where I showed something from popular culture and then we analyzed it using what we had learned in the previous two lectures.

While this plan was initially meant to be a one-semester strategy to save me from having to create 3 brand new lectures from scratch, and instead only focus on making 2 lectures per week, I quickly realized this strategy was 1) bringing students to class on Fridays (when there was no attendance policy), 2) helping students learn materials rather than simple memorize them for a test, 3) involving students in the co-creation of lecture materials, and 4) helping me expand the definition of “popular culture” for both my students and myself.

Getting students to want to attend class is no easy feat without an explicit attendance policy, especially post-pandemic. Fridays seem to have the lowest attendance rates, so implementing a teaching strategy that effectively brings more students to class on Friday is a win. I encourage students to bring a small snack, relax, and enjoy watching sociology come to life. I even offer for them to bring friends if I’m in a room large enough. I start each class with a list of concepts, theories, perspectives, etc to “Watch For”, give some background on the item we will be watching, and then start the show. Afterward, large classes break into small groups to discuss what they found; in smaller classes, we can stay as a large group. I make sure to have a few clear connections that will be testable material for their notes. This strategy has also proven especially useful recently with concerns over Artificial Intelligence because AI wouldn’t know what we had watched or what connections we had used in discussions.

I encourage students to email me suggestions for these days, but they must make an argument for how it fits our material. I get a lot of suggestions from students. I try to use as many as I can, which they love, because they are seeing things they enjoy, and they are co-creating materials that they describe as having a strong impact on their agency in the course. Students who are not from or familiar with American culture share things from their culture – which is beneficial to all students in the class and students like the inclusivity it brings. It also helps me to stay up to date with what is trending for my students, which is extremely beneficial to me as both a teacher and pop culture researcher.

I know students are learning class material, rather than memorizing it because they tell me about seeing class concepts when they encounter popular culture outside of class – they say it’s a “switch” they can’t turn off, and now they share sociology with their peers, family, and on social media occasionally! For me, this demonstrates how teaching sociology can be public sociology, and hopefully make the world a better place.

If you want to start incorporating popular culture into your own classes but don’t know where to start, I recommend https://www.thesociologicalcinema.com/about-us.html. They offer phenomenal suggestions for free and also share the goal of advancing public sociology.

Anna S. Rogers is a senior lecturer at the University of Georgia. She teaches courses for the sociology department and the criminal justice program. She is currently the Undergraduate Coordinator for the Sociology Department. Her research interests include pop culture, gender, and cultural criminology.

In a classic piece on community-based learning (CBL) in sociology, Mooney and Edwards define CBL as a broad term that incorporates many kinds of educational experiences that move students into the larger community or bring the community into the classroom. CBL in the classroom has shown to be valuable in connecting social realities to individual experiences and helps “develop increased political awareness, leadership skills, and civic literacy.”

While well intentioned, many have documented how CBL inadvertently reinforces unequal power dynamics when students are seen as providing a “service” to less privileged communities, when the needs of community partners are not properly considered and CBL creates additional burdens. With these benefits and critiques in mind, I decided to try a small-scale version of CBL by inviting a community advocate, a specialist from a local diaper bank that addresses diaper needs in the greater community, to conduct a guest lecture in my Sociology of Family course at the University of Georgia. Establishing trust between the instructor and community partner is critical to the success of incorporating CBL in the classroom. I was careful to engage the community advocate in a meaningful conversation beforehand, so that I could ensure that both the students and the community organization were benefitting from the visit. During our phone conversation beforehand, the community advocate relayed her excitement about the opportunity to educate my students and informed me of the ways in which the diaper bank benefits from this outreach (developing relationships, recruiting volunteers and possible internships).

The class I teach is an upper-level course focused on using a sociological approach to studying the institution of the family and draws Sociology, Human Development, and Family Science students.
I had three goals in mind for the visit: I wanted to provide a real-world example of how societal factors influence parenting abilities and decisions, give space in my class to a community actor who is immersed in the work, and present my students with a clear and accessible pathway to get involved in a solution. To prepare for our session, I assigned students a brief article published in Contexts that defines diaper need and describes how class blindness works to make the societal failures invisible.  

During the visit, the community advocate provided students with examples that demonstrated the very real consequences that parents in their own community are facing. After she spoke specifically about the bank’s mission, the class engaged in a deeper discussion about the inequalities that perpetuate diaper needs and disparities and the societal stigma that parents face. This led to the burning question from students, “What can we do?” Students lined up to talk to her after class, asking about volunteer and internship opportunities. The students and I together decided to host a class diaper drive, which resulted in the collection of 579 diapers to donate. I was most struck by the initiative students continued to take outside of the class afterwards, planning their own diaper drives.

This experience was an example of CBL on a small scale. As I continue to experiment with CBL I think that increasing the stakes slightly, (e.g., having students visit or work with the bank) might deepen student learning. In the future I might also discuss the price of diapers, and  incorporate a component in which students can talk about the experience of buying diapers, and how this experience is influenced by their social location.

Shelby L. Clark is a doctoral candidate in the Sociology Department at the University of Georgia. She has taught courses on the Sociology of Family, Sociology of Gender, and Research Methods. 

I started my teaching career as an Assistant Professor in August 2020. Three out of the five sociology courses I taught that term were Introduction to Sociology. Amid the uncertainty of policies and consequences related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the anxiety in my classrooms was palpable. I saw that we needed scientific research to navigate the physical and social space we now lived in and competency in consuming reports from health officials, media, politicians, and other opinion leaders. As I planned my Intro classes, I identified two ways I could help as a sociology professor. The first was pedagogical: taking actions to teach and foster learning under these challenging circumstances. The second was communicating with and assisting students in engaging with more than just my class or academic goals. The various circumstances of the pandemic drove home to me that it was vital not to lose sight of the human factor and to use my knowledge of sociology to weave the two components together to practice sociology.

On the first day, I always tell my students that my classroom is a place to discuss various social topics that they may not otherwise discuss and delve into how we can use the science of sociology to understand them, including how to interpret the onslaught of information from news outlets, social media, and other sources of information. I view teaching an Intro to Sociology class as an opportunity to help students engage with society by providing sociology’s language, theories, and applications and encouraging them to use these tools in their daily lives. Sometimes, what the student learns to use as tools to look at the world comes into conflict with the views of their family and friends who have not thought about social issues more broadly. This is not uncommon, but I saw it heightened during the pandemic, as views on politics, medicine, and health policy were heavily debated in the public sphere and institutions of higher learning. I approached this by capitalizing on the opportunity that Intro to Sociology classes present to model for students how to introduce and discuss various topics grounded in empirical data in conversations outside of the classroom. I modeled for students how to make sociological ideas relatable and non-threatening by finding common ground and developing ways for the students to engage with each other in the classroom.

The reality of teaching sociology during a traumatic event, such as a global pandemic, is that some, if not many, of us, were experiencing trauma directly related to the pandemic—for example, testing, quarantines, and emotional and physical health concerns. In addition, some of my students lost family members to complications from COVID-19. Most knew of at least one person other than family who had been hospitalized or passed away from the disease. Some students had recovered from the initial COVID-19 infection but suffered lasting symptoms. I kept much of the academic structure in place, keeping a routine in the classroom and a sense of normalcy as much as possible. I used time with students to explore issues related to the pandemic when the topic was appropriate, worked to create makeup plans when needed, and reevaluated my policies on late work. These efforts stemmed from my approach to teaching. I seek to build a community of learning in my classroom, showing compassion and empathy, where communication is allowed, appreciated, and encouraged but not forced.

The reality of teaching sociology during a traumatic event, such as a global pandemic, is that some, if not many, of us, were experiencing trauma directly related to the pandemic—for example, testing, quarantines, and emotional and physical health concerns. In addition, some of my students lost family members to complications from COVID-19.

– Jeff Shelton

For example, I took the customary greeting of students at the start of class as an opportunity. I started each lecture with a check-in. I asked how everyone was doing and paused long enough to see or hear responses. This simple question was as much for me as for the students as we created a communication bridge necessary for teaching and learning. The conversation was not forced; sometimes, we talked for five to ten minutes, and other times less than a minute. It allowed me to address student concerns and questions about the class, college policy, or general concerns. It also allowed me to show the students how to find answers to their questions from valid sources, such as the college’s policy webpage, and establish communication practices. I wanted to encourage communication to stave off any tendency that my students might have to withdraw or not feel heard or seen. However, it was not without its challenges; wearing masks to protect our health interfered with voice projection and facial cues. The use of social distancing presented an obstacle to traditional breakout sessions. To counter these new barriers, I used online discussion boards projected on the classroom projector screen to encourage class participation. This practice was successful and helped accomplish many of the goals of small group work.

Through this experience, I learned that students are engaged with life and bring a lot to the table if given the time and patience to participate in the classroom. I always thought I was flexible in my approach to teaching. During the pandemic, I learned I could be even more flexible and that trying new approaches, such as different activities or lecture styles, is essential. I learned to give myself and others more grace. I think I always did this, but I believe I grew in my capacity to give myself grace and to let go of course policies that did not serve the purposes of the classroom.

One big takeaway is that I came to appreciate that I have a tool bag in sociology to assist in dealing with, surviving, engaging with, or working toward changing any social condition. Also, the more willing I am to be a learner and change my approach when needed, the more it helps me with my goal of teaching sociology in a way that is useful to those learning. I strive to help students learn the tools of sociological inquiry at an introductory level and use them to improve their lives and others in some way. I genuinely believe that teaching Intro to Sociology helps me grow and learn as an educator.

Jeff Shelton (Ph.D.) is an assistant professor of sociology at Wayne State College. Shelton has
served the college community as the chair of the Psychology and Sociology department and the
college Institutional Review Board, as a member of the Faculty Senate, and as faculty adviser for
student PRIDE and the Psychology and Sociology Club. Shelton’s teaching and research interests
are in medical sociology, research methods, the study of work and professions, and social policy.

In screenplays and novels, the character arc is the protagonist’s journey. Customarily, via a
fantastical trajectory of transformation and self-discovery, the main character is driven by their
inner desires and often triumphs over self-imposed limitations and external circumstances.
Although there are four types of character arcs, positive arc, negative arc, flat positive arc, and
anti-arc, I have adopted the positive character arc as the model for one’s self-discovery to
becoming a sociologist, especially a public sociologist with creative leanings.

For the willing, fate guides; for the unwilling, destiny drags.

My conceptualization of the sociological character arc is informed by my childhood dream to
become a novelist and my reflexivity surrounding my sociological fate. As an undergraduate, I
majored in business, and eventually launched my hair salon. In graduate school, I started in the
subfield of the sociology of education and then landed in a liminal space of family and
motherhood…then beauty, embodiment, and social movements. Currently, it seems that I am
circling back to my undergraduate roots and researching the sociology of entrepreneurship and
cooperative enterprise. Though I now accept the pluralism of my interests, initially, I struggled
against my sociological destiny… but don’t you do it Miss Celie, don’t trade places with what
I’ve been through
. Do not resist, instead, let the adventure find you.

Every sociologist has an origin story…but most importantly, they have a background, a
biography that precedes their formal introduction to sociology. Reflect on your life prior to
discovering sociology as a discipline. What were your hobbies, inhibitions, passions, and fears?
Were you a bookworm, germaphobe, or nature lover dreaming of maintaining a bee farm or
cultivating a bat garden? Were you inspired by griots, knitters, architects, or perhaps a beloved
television food critic? Do you remember who you were before flipping a coin between grounded
theory methods or regression analysis? That version of you is not only the starting point of your
arc but also your unique contribution to sociological knowledge and the broadening of social
reality. Thus, our sociological character development begins with a status quo, a foundational
normal that is disrupted by an inciting incident (the impetus of our origin story).

In my model, the inciting incident propels us to our formal embrace of all things sociology. As a
professor, sometimes I am privy to the moment, like when Berger and Luckman’s theory on the
social construction of reality resonated resoundingly with students after viewing Defiant Lives:
The Rise of the Disability Rights Movement
. I witnessed several students in my Social Change
and Modernization course struggle with conceptualizing immutable characteristics such as race,
and gender as social products. Yet, upon grasping the difference between the social model and
the medical model of disability, a frenzy of questions, critical analysis, and synthesis with
feminist and structural racism theories unfolded. Students embarked on a journey of
deconstructing previously reified worldviews and beliefs about ability and accessibility and were
suddenly interested in the sociology of disability at the intersection of race, gender, and class!

For myself, my sociological character arc was catalyzed by my desire to emerge from my
graduate program as a sanctioned and “legitimate” sociologist. Although I entered my MA
program dedicated to studying the Black-White achievement gap and racial disparities in public
education, I was informed by one of my graduate school professors that my racial membership in
the community I desired to research would compromise my objectivity. Several colleagues and I
were discouraged from doing what the professor stigmatized as “Me-search.” Thus, my journey
was incited. I faced several obstacles related to my growing fears of being non-canonical and
pigeonholed by a hegemonic misrepresentation of “identity politics.” Ultimately, I realized that academia was not exempt from being a site of oppression and that my research was a “we-
search” and an act of resistance. Thus, my new status quo was adopted, I normalized taking imaginative liberties as a scholar and emerged from graduate school focused on public sociology.

So now I ask you, when you happened upon sociology did you feel empowered to synthesize
your earlier interests and quirks within your sociological imagination? Or were you persuaded to
compartmentalize your creativity and tuck away your outsider within status in an effort to hone
objectivity and analytical acumen? Are you currently shrinking in the face of perceived obstacles
or are you deconstructing, pivoting, and engaging your intellectual imaginativeness? There is no
way to avoid the obstacles if you want to grow. Remarkable how the positive character arc bears
a resemblance to a contemporary diagram of Marx’s
dialectical historical materialism. Like
Marx’s understanding that social change and (economic) growth are outcomes of struggle against
the status quo, so too is the growth and trajectory of a budding sociologist. In the words of
Octavia Butler, The only lasting truth is change.

As a nascent sociologist, how does one find their area of expertise? Is it necessary to narrow
one’s interests or forsake creative preoccupations to be a credible sociologist? Being a discipline
that centers on culture, human social interactions, and various aspects of everyday life, sociology
offers a broad bandwidth of topics for scientific inquiry and instruction. All one must do is
follow their “sociological” character arc.

There is a symbiotic relationship between theory and praxis, and I encourage you to realize the
serviceable relationship between the desires of your heart and the opportunities to transform
conventions, knowledge, and social realities. Via your sociological character arc, you can tap
into your wholeness and emerge as an agent of social change within your local and global
pluralistic communities. As you adjust to your new status quo I hope you engage in scholarship
that allows you to emerge as an agent of liberation and preserver of humanity. There is no way to guarantee that you will become an expert in your every personal interest, nonetheless, as the
main character in your matriculation as a public sociologist, you are most effective when you
embrace your sociological fate, yield to transformation, and share your intellectual imagination.

Taura Taylor is an assistant professor of sociology at Morehouse College. Her research interests include the sociology of education, the sociology of the family, social movements, and entrepreneurship—all of which converge into her expressed interest in intersectionality and micro-level resistance. Dr. Taylor’s entrepreneurship research is published in Ethnic and Racial Studies. She holds a BBA in finance from Howard University and an MA and a PhD in sociology from Georgia State University.

Intro to Sociology classes are frequently the first and only contact many students will have with sociology, which also makes Intro textbooks an important platform for public sociology engagement. In this Dialogues series, we interviewed four authors of Intro to Sociology textbooks and asked them to explore how their textbooks can facilitate students’ first encounter with sociology while also promoting the reflection and practice of public sociology. In this fourth interview, we spoke to Dr. Kathleen Korgen, the author of  Sociology in  Action: Introduction to Sociology, an Intro to Sociology textbook published by Sage. Check the first three interviews for this series here.

First Publics: Could you tell us a little bit more about your motivation for writing Sociology in  Action: Introduction to Sociology? What were your goals? How did you hope that your textbook would be used?

Kathleen Korgen: Sure. My goal was to create a textbook that gets students excited about sociology and that provides instructors with everything they need to teach a great active learning centered intro course. To make sure the book is accessible to all types of students, we invited some of the best sociology teachers from all sorts of different schools–from community colleges, from comprehensive universities like mine, to elite liberal arts schools–to each write a chapter. We have a learning question for each section of a chapter, then an activity that addresses that learning question. So, the activities directly relate to what the students are reading. And my editor at Sage was wise enough to team me up on this Sociology in Action text series with Maxine Atkinson, who is an incredibly gifted and acclaimed expert in the teaching and learning field and a master at creating active learning exercises. 

The trick, though, when you have a large group of contributors, is that you need to make sure that readers are not jolted from one chapter to the next with different styles and rhythms. So, I edit everything with a strong hand, but the contributors bring in ideas that I wouldn’t have thought of on my own. And they are all great teachers! They know how to get students enthused about sociology. All of us are interested not just in teaching the basics of sociology but also in helping students learn what to do with it, so that sociology can actually make a difference in their lives and in society as a whole. 

Throughout all my textbooks, I’m always thinking about what Randall Collins called “The Two Core Commitments of Sociology.” The first is to develop and use a sociological eye to notice social patterns. The second is to do something with that knowledge – that’s where social activism comes in. A lot of the activities are grounded in learning the material. But we also have students answer the question, “So, what are you going to do with this knowledge now?” For example, toward the end of the race chapter in the intro book, we have an activity that asks students to imagine that the President has asked them to help her with an issue: that many refugees from a certain nation–and we give them a variety of different nations–arrived in the country and are going to come to learn on your campus because they are no longer safe in their homeland. The students must plan how they are going to welcome the refugees and make them feel safe and get the larger campus community to welcome them as well. So, they go through these different steps creating a safe place for these refugee students. And throughout this activity, they’re learning how to use their social capital and cultural capital, their knowledge about race and ethnic relations, and figuring out how to do a power analysis on campus: “Who are the people you need to get on board with this to make it a success?” They plan it all out. Since there are different groups of refugees from different nations, depending upon their race or ethnic background, students will come up with different strategies. Then, they can share in class and learn from each other. But through it all, they’ve had to imagine themselves being able to do this in real life and come up with a plan. 

In the gender chapter, we might say, “Pretend you’re the CEO of this company, and you have just learned about the gender wage gap. What are you going to do, based on what you just learned? What measures would you implement to close that gap in your company?” So they’re not just reading about patterns of gender inequality, they are taking the next step and figuring out how to use that knowledge to create social change.

Again, we use our teaching experience to create chapters that capture the interests of students from various backgrounds. On the first day of an Intro class with a lot of non-sociology majors, it’s clear that a lot of students are thinking, “What the hell am I doing here? Why am I stuck in this class?”  In the first chapter, we have an activity that has students think of a possible career that they might embark upon after graduation or that they might be in now, and then make that connection between what they are going to learn in this intro sociology class and how they are going to be able to use that for their benefit, so they have some self-interest in this class. It’s fun to go around the class and ask, “Okay, so you want to be an optometrist and have your own company. Well, now that we just covered what sociology is, what do you think? How can you benefit from this class? How can you become a better optometrist or sell more eyeglasses using sociological knowledge?” It gets students to immediately learn what sociology is and use that information. It transforms the class and creates a very positive atmosphere. 

First Publics: Thank you so much for sharing that. Do you think that textbooks can promote public sociology? And if so, how? 

Kathleen Korgen: I think that the connection to public sociology is an important one and one I believe in. Ideologically, I’m all for it. But to get there depends on good teaching that gives students a connection between themselves and the topic. That’s what we want to do in all subjects, right? To get buy-in from students so that they realize that there’s something in it for them that is interesting or maybe transformative. But you need them to want to learn the material. That’s why I do what I do on the first day of class—and why we put together this intro book and the other Sociology in Action textbooks. You need to grab them and bring them into the subject matter so they feel that there’s a reason they should want to read this chapter, not just that they must read this chapter. It makes learning possible. That’s just good teaching.

One of the things that we do in the intro and other Sociology in Action textbooks, in addition to the activities and discussion questions, is to feature Sociologists in Action in every chapter. We try to include not just academics but also people who, like our students, maybe took just one sociology class or maybe they majored in sociology in college. They may not go on to be professional sociologists, but they are still able to reach back into that toolkit, into what they learned in those classes and use that material in whatever they’re doing. For example, I invited a recent sociology major, who during the COVID-19 pandemic came up with a means of organizing her community by creating an app to help people figure out what their needs were and connect them to a volunteer group of people who could help them. She was able to use concepts like social capital and organizing and put them into action in a time of crisis. It’s a great story! 

We love highlighting student Sociologists in Action, too, and how they’re using what they have learned in their sociology classes in, say, a campus organization or in an internship. 

Those are the types of things that are inspiring, I think. 

I think that the connection to public sociology is an important one and one I believe in. Ideologically, I’m all for it. But to get there depends on good teaching that gives students a connection between themselves and the topic.

Kathleen Korgen

First Publics: Agreed! Can you tell us a bit about the challenges that can arise when writing a textbook with social justice and public sociology in mind? 

Kathleen Korgen: There are a lot! For example, we wanted to make sure that in every chapter we have activities that make sense to do online or in the classroom with large, small, and medium-sized classes. So, for each activity, we have an instructor’s note that provides some guidance on how to adapt the activity for different types of classes, considering different scenarios. 

Many college students are working as well as going to school, and they have a limited amount of time. Imagine there’s an instructor who, every time they assign a chapter, also does an activity. We want to make sure that our activities get to the point quickly and that they don’t take too much time. Some could take 5 min in class. Some very time consuming activities are great, and students would learn a lot, but they’re not realistic for many students, and some might just fake their way through if they had to do them. Now, we have to deal with AI and ChatGPT, so we’re having to create new activities. It’s becoming more challenging but also forcing us to make the activities better. 

First Publics: Could you tell us more about how you consider the different publics that the textbook is serving? You mentioned students who are working. But what about different types of students? We’ve been thinking about how much textbooks cost and all kinds of accessibility issues. 

Kathleen Korgen: One of the reasons why we work with Sage is because they keep the cost of their textbooks relatively low. They charge less than any other publisher that I’ve seen, except for the free ones, which frankly just don’t tend to be as good. You can do a lot more with a publishing company. You have access to more; you have content and other types of editors who help. And yes, that’s always something that pains me, that students have to pay for the book. But I think they’re getting something better than they otherwise would, and that always motivates me to make sure it’s the best possible. Now more of our textbooks are sold as online versions which I think has made it more accessible for students. And Sage is good on other types of accessibility: making the print big for those who can’t see small print, and that sort of thing. So I do think that the textbooks are as accessible as technology allows them to be at this point–which is good. 

First Publics: When you were writing the textbook, what kinds of students did you have in mind? Who did you imagine reading your book?

Kathleen Korgen: First and foremost, I thought of my own students. It’s hard not to immediately think of them. And they are a real mix. I’m fortunate in that sense. I’m teaching students who come from just a wide variety of racial, class, economic, and educational backgrounds. I am also teaching in a program called WP Online, which is all online and is specifically for returning students. So yes, often I imagine little kids in the background, or sometimes my students might be holding a baby as they’re trying to read or type. Some of them are taking the class on their phones. 

We have a lot of students who have come from community colleges. So I was thinking about the community college students too, as I wrote and edited the book. So, I realize you don’t want to write such things as “Think about your dorm and your roommates.” Some textbooks just assume that “traditional” type of college student. We don’t do that, though we know, of course, we have some students who are in their dorms reading it. We always think of different scenarios to try to include all students in some way. 

First Publics: Thank you! Before we conclude, is there anything you would like to add? Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know? 

Kathleen Korgen: One thing that’s interesting to think about is if you want to have a successful textbook, you need to make sure that there are enough people who are going to use it. So, you have to think that one of the publics is the group of instructors who are considering using a textbook in their classroom. So that’s also something we have to consider. For me, it has always been a push to go a little bit beyond what’s out there now, but not too far, so that people are not going to look at it and be like, “What the heck is this?” In our textbooks, we have these activities, but we also have these full-content chapters. If you aren’t even into active learning at all, you could still use our textbook. Then my hope is that you will see these activities and say “Whoa! These are great. Of course, I should use them; they’re right here for me!” So, bit by bit, we are trying to transform how people teach, to make it more student-centered and focused on active learning techniques rather than just the “sage on the stage.” 

Kathleen Odell Korgen, PhD, is a professor of sociology at William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey. Her primary areas of specialization are teaching sociology, racial identity, and race relations. She has received William Paterson University’s awards for Excellence in Scholarship/Creative Expression and for Excellence in Teaching. Along with Maxine Atkinson she is founding editor of the Sage Sociology in Action series, which includes Sociology in Action: Introduction to Sociology, Social Problems: Sociology in Action, Race and Ethnic Relations: Sociology in Action, Research Methods: Sociology in Action, and Social Theory: Sociology in Action (forthcoming).

In higher education, instructors are encouraged to incorporate service-learning into their curricula— activities that provide the chance for students to assist local organizations and learn while they do so. Typical service-learning can run the gamut: anything from a small trip to a community garden to help weed while learning about food systems to holding a survey to assist the local cultural center’s seasonal programming. Service-learning cultivates a sense of civic responsibility within students that enhances what’s being learned in the classroom, increases students’ emotional support, and so on. It also increases student retention by cultivating their connections with the university and local community— something many of us are concerned with, given decreasing enrollment and retention on a national scale.

Instructors also face pressures to hone students’ saleable skills as they prepare to enter an ever-technologizing job market. Most universities push programs to advertise themselves in terms of the jobs a graduate may attain and how the program caters to those potentials. My department, for example, notes possible careers on the front page of our website—just to underscore our focus on this facet. And we are not alone.

Compounding these demands is a growing call from our field to engage more with the public—to expand the boundaries of our work and the discipline itself. To do public sociology. 

With these pressures in mind, I developed a class project that could address all of these items: service-learning, saleable skills, and public sociology. Students receive hands-on training as they work with a local organization, and then create informative digital, print, in-person, and/or media content about that work to share with the public.

How can we kill all three birds with one stone? Expansive creativity.

Expansive creativity, I argue, is the bedrock for a project of this sort. What I mean is that if we instructors expand our ideas of what service-learning projects look like through incorporation of technology and art, we can create new opportunities for our students to engage with the public. So, rather than service-learning that focuses solely on assessments and volunteer work, consider the incorporation of:

  • Recording podcasts
  • Holding teach-ins
  • Inviting non-traditional community speakers for a talk series
  • Filming videos to host on streaming sites
  • Creating social media campaigns
  • Drafting digital and print pamphlets
  • Developing project websites
  • Organizing a community-based mini-research conference
  • Constructing an art installation
  • Performing dramatic storytelling
  • Writing and sharing poetry
  • Creating a graphic novel

By encouraging students to produce creative public work, they not only share the collaborative accomplishments they achieved alongside local organizations (who typically appreciate the promotion), but do so in a manner that fits the modern appetites of their generation and beyond. This is the space in which informative dialogues can be initiated with those that may not have been exposed to certain ideas or facts, where opinions can be changed, where students can become active participants in community discourse, and where marketable skills come into play. Students’ final products can be cited on resumes—examples of their growing abilities.

I created a worksheet to help instructors interested in this sort of project plan their scope, goals, and logistics. I also encourage you to explore an example of a project that my 300-level Criminology class completed in Spring 2023 with the East Hawai’i Cultural Center (EHCC), titled “Community Perspectives on Policing.” In addition to conducting a community-based study on perspectives on policing at the behest of EHCC—where students learned research design and partook in hands-on survey-interviews and data analysis— the class created a video, website, brochure, and gave a televised public talk about their findings, all of which garnered media attention and provided community feedback to the players in our local criminal justice system.

We can do service-learning, public sociology, and impart saleable skills all at the same time in a meaningful way in our classrooms– meaningful to our students, to our local communities, and to ourselves. We just need to be creative.

Ellen T. Meiser is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Hawai’i at Hilo, and a co-creator and co-host of The Social Breakdown, the sociology podcast nobody wants, but everybody needs.

Intro to Sociology classes are frequently the first and only contact many students will have with sociology, which also makes Intro textbooks an important platform for public sociology engagement. In this Dialogues series, we interviewed four authors of Intro to Sociology textbooks and asked them to explore how their textbooks can facilitate students’ first encounter with sociology while also promoting the reflection and practice of public sociology. In this third interview, we spoke to Dr. Lisa Wade, the author of Terrible Magnificent Sociology, an Intro to Sociology textbook published by W.W. Norton. Check the first two interviews for this series here.

First Publics: We’ve read some of the pieces you and Norton have written about the textbook, but we wanted to hear from you firsthand. What motivated you to write Terrible Magnificent Sociology? What were your goals for this book?

Lisa Wade: The marketing materials have done a pretty good job of packaging my story, but that story is true! I’m a first-generation college student. My extended family is all rural. My mom went to a one-room schoolhouse through middle school. My dad was drafted into the Vietnam War out of high school, when my mom married him. I didn’t grow up on the farm, but I didn’t feel that far off it.

Being first-generation, I wasn’t sure I’d actually make it through college. I had so little cultural capital that, when I took the SAT, I didn’t know what it was for. When I applied to colleges, I just applied to the ones on the beach. I didn’t even like the beach! I just didn’t know any other way to discern one school from another. I had no information, no college counseling, and my parents couldn’t help me. I got into one college, thank goodness, UC Santa Barbara, and when my parents dropped me off to start my first year, it was the first time I’d ever stepped foot on a college campus. I was scared. 

I took Sociology 101 that year, and that scared me more. As we know, sociology is about understanding the things outside of us that are affecting our lives. My prospects didn’t look so great from that point of view. Sociology was telling me that no matter how hard I worked, I wasn’t well positioned to make it. And working hard was all I had. Mentally, I just couldn’t accept what I was hearing. 

My sophomore year of college was also the peak of the HIV epidemic in the United States, and that was really terrifying, too. At that time, most everyone who contracted HIV died. I was already getting involved in sexuality activism on campus and so I was out begging my peers to wear condoms. But condoms break and monogamous partners aren’t always faithful. That was scary, too. In the same way, I thought, if I just practice safer sex, I’ll be okay. But would I?

Sociology responds to these kind of reassurances – about the benefits of working hard and wearing condoms – with “Well, maybe.”  I just couldn’t handle that information as a young person. So, Sociology 101 was my worst grade in college (I didn’t want to put the “correct” answers on the tests, even if I knew them). I majored in philosophy. It’s overconfidence about truth with a capital T was reassuring.

Much later, as my career in sociology was maturing and I was thinking about what I wanted to do next, that early experience of being frightened away from sociology – especially given how much I came to love it – was still quite present for me. I worried that experiences like mine could scare people off of sociology forever. So, I wanted to write an intro to sociology that acknowledged that and was organized around the kind of emotional work we need to do to make sociology accessible. And one way to do that, of course, was to lean into how wonderful it is, right? So let’s go ahead and feel all the scary things and face them head-on – all of what C. Wright Mills calls “terrible” – but let’s also bring forward, in a heavy-handed way, all the “magnificent” things about sociology. And that, of course, is the origin of the title, thanks to Mills. 

That was a really big part of the motivation, and a big part of how I thought to write a book that would be accessible to first-gen students like myself, and others who are marginalized in academia. I did this not by making the ideas simple, but by making them irresistible. I thought I could help students push themselves to overcome some of their fears of higher ed and the deprivations of their previous educational experience if I made the book worth reading. If it was rewarding emotionally, intellectually, and pragmatically, this would inspire students to keep coming back to it all semester.

First Publics: Thank you for sharing that biography of the book. You mentioned how you hope the students will encounter the book. How else do you hope the book will be used by students and instructors? 

Lisa Wade: While I was writing, I assumed that most students would take one sociology class, just this one. Of course, I want them to take all the sociology classes! But I assumed not, and I wanted them to leave this one class feeling empowered. 

I noticed that a lot of introductory texts had a very inspiring conclusion, but I wanted to do a little better than that. 

First, I tried to empower by giving students real knowledge about how harm is done in and by society. One of the totally new chapters in my book is on the social structure. Most books discuss the idea briefly in an introduction to a section on social institutions, but I felt we needed a whole chapter because it’s one of the most difficult concepts in sociology to understand, and also one of the most important. This chapter is paired with another innovative chapter called “Elite Power,” which is all about the elites that so often go unscrutinized: Who are these people? How do they grasp power? How do they wield it? And how do they legitimate it? 

Now, those two chapters don’t sound very inspiring, but I think knowledge is power, so the book is really giving students an understanding, not just that there are these dark clouds over some people’s lives, but about what exactly is going on. 

Then, in the last three chapters of the book, I lean very heavily into showing that people are already working hard on making the world a better place. After “Elite Power” is “Power to the People,” a social movement chapter where I highlight many examples of young people who are doing amazing things in our society. And it’s really easy to show a very diverse range of young people, because that’s often who is at the front lines of these fights. In that chapter, I start with Frances Fox Piven’s idea of “interdependent power,” which is the power of non-cooperation. I’m trying to show rather than just tell them that they have much power, even as individuals, but especially together.

The chapter before the conclusion is called “Our Future on Earth,” and it is the chapter in which I introduce the idea of globalization and world systems theory. But it’s also heavily organized around the climate crisis and climate activism. That is a perfect example of how young people are literally changing the world. I will admit to tearing up every so often when writing that chapter. Young people are genuinely inspiring.

First Publics: Great! How do you think textbooks in general and your textbook specifically can help teachers and students practice public sociology? How does that connection happen? And how do you perceive your book doing that?

Lisa Wade: I think one of the biggest obstacles to taking our sociological imagination out into the world and making change is just overwhelm. There are a thousand things we want to do, and no time to do any of them. Our students — even mine who are very privileged — are feeling overwhelmed, as they sign up for too many clubs and take too many classes and feel fearful about whether they’re gonna do enough in college to make them stand out on the other side. 

But of course, those aren’t the typical college students. The typical college student is a parent, or they’re taking care of their parents or siblings, or they’re working to pay their own tuition, or they’re helping someone else get through school. And that’s the challenge: I think that, in some ways, it’s a lot easier to inspire people than it is for inspired people to find time. 

So, one thing I’ve decided to do for the second edition is include a supplemental chapter that poses answers to the question, “What now?” Rather than saying, “Oh, Michelle Obama was a sociology major, you could be too,” or “Here’s something you can do with a sociology major”, my idea is to inspire students to embrace sociology at whatever level they can. The first level is guidance about how to just keep thinking sociologically. The next level would be like, “Okay, maybe you want to be a nurse or a paralegal or start a business. What’s one more sociology class you could take that would help you be more sociological in that occupation?” And so on. I am trying to think about overwhelm and how I can meet students where they are in terms of growing their capacity to build sociology into their lives. 

First Publics: We’ve been thinking about the kind of challenges involved in writing a textbook with the goal of public sociology in mind. Helping students deal with overwhelm is surely one of these challenges. What other kinds of challenges did you consider? 

Lisa Wade: I worked hard to expand the scope of students who would feel like they belonged in sociology, not just as research subjects but as researchers. I believe I’m the first author to write an intro sociology book that breaks out of the canon of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. They, of course, appear in the book, and they get lots of kudos and attention, as well as they should. But I don’t set them apart from the many other scholars of the same era who made important contributions to sociology. Typically, you would see DuBois and Jane Addams, maybe, highlighted in the theory chapter alongside a mea culpa. I don’t do that. They’re just in the book. And so are Anna Julia Cooper, Harriet Martineau, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Oliver Cox, Marianne Weber, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and others. 

And so, if you read my book, you get the sense from the beginning that sociology is an inclusive field. I do address our own history of exclusion in the supplemental material on the evolution of the field, but I decided that at some point we had to start presenting the field it always should have been. 

Of course, I include a diverse set of contemporary sociologists, too. I tried to make sure that no matter who you are – if you were trans, an immigrant, a single mom, a person with disabilities – there would be a sociologist profiled who you could identify with. 

Then, I foreground standpoint theory. I try to make it clear, both explicitly and subtly, that difference is an epistemic resource. I say so in the introduction. I introduce standpoint theory, and I argue that we need everybody involved in sociology if we want to get to the truth. But also, throughout the book, whenever I introduce a scholar, I spend a short paragraph or two giving some information about that person that ties into their insight. 

So, for example, Charles Horton Cooley was a shy, awkward child with very high-achieving parents who had very high expectations for him. He felt very intimidated by their gaze. Arguably that translated into his capacity to come up with his idea of a “looking-glass self.” I do that throughout the book. I say, “Sure, maybe being Black helped W.E.B. Du Bois see things that other people couldn’t see, and maybe being a woman helped Charlotte Perkins Gilman in the same way, but also being shy and awkward helped Charles Horton Cooley, or being from a family that was anxious about their reputation helped Goffman come up with “impression management,” and so on and so forth. I tried to make clear the value of everyone’s perspective by constantly showing throughout the book that everybody’s perspective is in fact really valuable. 

That was a really big part of the motivation, and a big part of how I thought to write a book that would be accessible to first-gen students like myself, and others who are marginalized in academia. I did this not by making the ideas simple, but by making them irresistible.

– Lisa Wade

First Publics: Did you face any other political or practical challenges in writing a textbook with this kind of public sociology orientation in mind? What was it like to write the book?

Lisa Wade: It’s amazing! It’s wonderful! I love writing, and I love sociology, and I love teaching. The writing process was a delight, and I hope that my enthusiasm comes across. I loved finding new and exciting ways to describe something or discovering a fresh and effective example. I was kind of sad when I was done! 

The thing I worried about the most was the price. Currently, our hard copy is $74 and our ebook is $37. I don’t think that’s too bad. I wish it were better, but I’ve learned a lot more about what Norton does to help students learn, help faculty teach, and make classes fun, and easy, and productive. I understand that that takes a lot of effort and work. So, I know the book has to cost something, but I did try to make sure that it was as affordable as possible.

First Publics: Great! And are you working on the next edition now?

Lisa Wade: Yes! It takes a long time to revise it when you have twelve chapters, an introduction, a conclusion, and three supplemental chapters! Most Intro books are on a two-year revision schedule, but we’re on a three-year schedule. We feel like the book has more staying power because I tried to use timeless examples rather than ones closely tracking pop culture. In revisions, we’re integrating methods more deeply into every chapter and trying to do more around decolonization in addition to de-canonization. We’re just at the beginning. We’re excited, but it is going to be a while before anyone sees it. 

First Publics:  Do you have anything else that you would like to add? Anything else you’d like our readers to know?

Lisa Wade: I just wanted to thank you all for doing this! And I hope your project helps replace some of the cynicism about textbooks with enthusiasm. I think that, as college has become more expensive, textbooks have been a scapegoat for problems of affordability. And many are obviously too expensive. But I also think a well-written and well-supported textbook can be an incredible pedagogical tool, especially in intro classes. So, I’m going to keep pouring love into Terrible Magnificent Sociology and hoping that it makes a difference. 

Lisa Wade is an Associate Professor at Tulane University with appointments in Sociology, the Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, and the Newcomb Institute. She is the author of American Hookup: The New Culture of Sex on Campus; an introduction to sociology titled Terrible Magnificent Sociology; a sociology of gender textbook, Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions, with Myra Marx Ferree; and numerous other research publications. Her newest project documents undergraduate social life during the pre-vaccine pandemic. As a public-facing scholar, Lisa works to make her and others’ scholarship engaging to a public audience. You can find her online at lisa-wade.com and on Threads at @lisawadephd. 

Intro to Sociology classes are frequently the first and only contact many students will have with sociology, which also makes Intro textbooks an important platform for public sociology engagement. In this Dialogues series, we interviewed four authors of Intro to Sociology textbooks and asked them to explore how their textbooks can facilitate students’ first encounter with sociology while also promoting the reflection and practice of public sociology. In this second interview, we spoke to Dr. Shamus Khan, one of the editors of A Sociology Experiment, an online Intro to Sociology textbook published by CritReview. Check the first interview for this series here.

First Publics: Tell us about your motivation to write and edit an Intro to Sociology textbook. What were your goals and what do you hope the textbook will accomplish?

Shamus Khan: It’s hard for me to just describe it as my goals because I did this project with Pat Sharkey and Gwen Sharp. Although Pat Sharkey and I spearheaded the initial design, Gwen Sharp was really key to execution, which is the hardest part. Ideas are easy, execution is hard. Our idea was that textbooks had variable quality and were too expensive. They were driven primarily by a profit motive, owned, designed and operated by large corporations that didn’t have the interests of students or faculty at heart. For students, we wanted to prioritize providing the highest quality presentation up-to-date with the latest research; it was also essential to be truly financially accessible. For faculty, we knew we had to provide a low barrier to entry, particularly for faculty who are teaching pretty considerable loads. You know, making sure that things like lecture slides, exercises, everything was provided with a textbook. That ended up being half of the work: half of it is writing the chapter, and then half of it is producing the things for faculty to use. 

Pat and I started with this idea that textbooks cost a hundred dollars, of which 90 go to the publisher in a variety of ways, and that students really get the short end of the stick on that. So we created a book that had leading people in the field and was financially accessible to students ($1/chapter). Another element that was really important was that there needed to be a diverse group of scholars writing it. There’s a lot of white people who write textbooks. There are a lot of men who write textbooks. We were pretty deliberate in the people we brought to the project. If you look at A Sociology Experiment and its authors, it is a much more diverse group of authors overall than what you typically get. We have a bunch of people who are not like me and Pat: people who teach at community colleges and people who teach at very small regional state institutions. That was extremely important to us as part of the project as well, to reflect excellence across a range of places where excellence didn’t just mean status. 

First Publics: How widely has the textbook been used? Do you have a sense of its impact in any way? 

Shamus Khan: I think we serve about 30,000 students a year, maybe more. We also have a commitment to making it free if it needs to be. If students can’t afford it, they can just ask us, and we give it to them. We have people who teach it throughout a range of penal institutions. So, it is taught to incarcerated people. It’s free – we don’t charge for that. 

The other idea behind it was also to make the textbook modular so that people only pay for what they use. Often textbooks will have lots of chapters, which increases the cost overall. But students might only read five of the twenty chapters in a textbook. And so three-quarters of what they’re paying for is a resource they don’t use. We find that, on average, courses teach seven chapters of our book. So that means that, for students, the textbook costs $7. That’s an extremely low price. We are for profit, but we don’t make any money. I don’t want to give the impression that we’re a nonprofit enterprise. Pat and I own the company. But we have a really strong commitment to paying our authors. The authors receive a third of the royalties, which is a much higher royalty rate than any other. In other publishers, if you can get 12 percent, you’re doing pretty well. We pay 33 percent of the royalties to the authors. It is a textbook by sociologists for sociologists rather than by a huge publisher for a huge publisher. 

First Publics: How do you perceive textbooks in general, and your textbook specifically, are stimulating or promoting the practice of public sociology? Do you think that this is something that can be done through textbooks? If so, how? 

Shamus Khan: I think it is absolutely something that can be done through textbooks. In general, sociologists in R1 institutions can be pretty dismissive of textbooks. But I think we need to remember that this is how most people are introduced to sociology, right? If we can create a textbook like the one we did, that is useful, that is helpful for the contingent faculty that we’re producing all the time to reduce their workloads and actually give them resources that are helpful for them. You can buy a physical version of our textbook, but it’s pretty much a totally online resource. I also think that textbooks can respond very quickly to what’s happening in the world in a way that scholarship can’t. We can integrate into our textbooks, and we’re going to, what’s happening in Israel right now and Palestine, and throughout the Middle East. If I were to write an article on that, it wouldn’t come out for two years, right? With online resources, we can be highly responsive and relevant to young people in a way that reflects the kind of immediacy of sociology while making sense of the present. When we did our market analysis, we found out that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of sociology textbooks are sold every year. The most successful sociology book, like a monograph, does not sell anywhere near as many copies as the total amount of textbooks sold. Most people won’t become professional sociologists, but textbooks can introduce tens of millions of people to the core ideas of sociology. So we have some responsibility to do it well and to do it in ways that represent the kinds of voices and perspectives that we value. 

First Publics: Could you tell us some of the political and practical challenges that come with writing textbooks, particularly when you use public sociology as part of the goal? This could be anything from resources, time, class size, political context, or even the publishing industry, which you’ve talked about a little bit.  How have you all tried to address some of these challenges?

Shamus Khan: I don’t know if I would count this as a political challenge, but Gwen has been enormously valuable for the enterprise as an editor because Gwen has really highlighted the importance of accessibility of the textbook for students with different learning needs and making sure that the assessments and the structure, and all kinds of things meet students with a range of needs. Now, we can’t do it fully because of the specific nature of some students’ needs. But being attentive to that, I think, is enormously important, especially in contexts with students with a wide range of learning abilities. Those sets of needs are gonna need to be met by the things that you produce. I think it’s very important for us to do that. 

On the other hand, we made a decision that we are not really appropriate for high schools. Because we can’t satisfy the different regional textbook requirements for the State of Texas or for Florida, or for anything like that. I think in sociology, this isn’t as big of a concern, but it is in other areas. We are launching a second textbook in political science, for example. We have a soft launch this semester, and it’s fully launching next semester. The big market for political science is high schools, not college. I don’t think we’ll ever be able to be in high schools because we just can’t meet the learning objectives and constraints that are put on by various boards of education, and neither would we want to. If we wouldn’t teach materials in ways that erased particular histories or people, we wouldn’t publish a textbook that did the same thing. Pat and I are the publishers, so we wouldn’t publish a textbook that refused to have critical race theory in it, or that didn’t discuss queer people, or that was engaging in trans erasure. This is just something we would not be willing to do. I think in other contexts, it’s really important to think about these things because, basically, the Texas Board of Education has an oversized impact on the content of history textbooks across the country. And textbooks can and do serve dual purposes, in college and high school. So when they do it for high schools, they influence what people learn in college, especially in community colleges where textbooks serve as the foundation for what students will be reading, for very good reasons. I think those concerns are super important as political concerns. 

We started this years ago, and you know, inflation is a thing. We’re still at a dollar and we’re not driving up the price. We can never compete with the rest of the textbooks because we don’t have a marketing team. We have one employee who works 15 hours a week.  So, you put that up against Sage, Elsiver, and Pearson, they have teams of people going door to door getting people to teach their resources. We are a very, very scrappy group of people. We don’t have the resources to make major transformations. We’re financially solvent, we pay our employee well above a living wage and we do right by our authors. Whereas, authors of major textbooks from large publishers can make orders of magnitude more money because of what they are charging students. I don’t begrudge the authors but the publishers are pretty profoundly irresponsible, I think because their profits are being extracted from students who are more likely to be low income and at less-elite institutions. 

Most people won’t become professional sociologists, but textbooks can introduce tens of millions of people to the core ideas of sociology. So we have some responsibility to do it well and to do it in ways that represent the kinds of voices and perspectives that we value.

– Shamus Khan

First Publics: You touched on making textbooks more financially accessible, but in what other ways do you perceive your current textbook being inclusive and accessible to different types of publics and people with different backgrounds and experiences?

Shamus Khan: We have a range of authors, many women, more than half of our authors are women. We have several Black faculty who have written chapters for us. We have people across a range of backgrounds. So, you know, someone who teaches in the Houston community college system, or who is at SUNY New Paltz. They’ve written incredible chapters. I think it’s very important that those perspectives, and also people who have actually taught the end users of these books, are present in the textbook. One of the editors of the book, Gwen Sharp, she’s at Nevada State College. She herself is a first-generation college student from Oklahoma. To her, it’s incredibly important to teach a largely first-generation, diverse student body. As the final editor of every chapter, she’s able to infuse a deep understanding of what it means to teach students who are often the students who are encountering textbooks. I think that’s super valuable. 

Our authors are experts in the field that they’re writing on. What ends up happening in most textbooks is that they have one author who writes an initial version of a textbook, then, the publisher hires out the edits to other people, and these edits get approved over time. In our case, we are a pain in the neck to our authors every year because they have to update their materials and we ask them to do so with the newest research in mind.  We do that so that sociology isn’t introduced to some students through the “Stanford Prison Experiment,” which has lived in a textbook unquestioned for decades, for example, and to other students through more recent American Sociological Review papers. It’s helpful that the chapter on crime has as its author my co-owner and editor, Patrick Sharkey, who is one of the leading people producing information about crime, right? And for Pat to be joined by Angela Barian, who is an award-winning teacher from a small regional college in the midwest and by Bryan L Sykes, another leading sociologist. They combine a diversity of experience and perspectives that is exceptionally powerful. We ended up with a textbook that’s very responsive to what has happened to the crime rate since 2020, and we can integrate that into the overall narrative arc of our materials. I feel that it helps bring both perspectives  – recognizing the needs of students as well as bringing them cutting-edge research in a unique and invaluable way. 

First Publics: Would you like to expand on anything or share anything else?

Shamus Khan: We have a wide range of supplemental materials. During COVID, I gave over 50 lectures on the book so that if teachers wanted to flip their classroom and not have to lecture on Zoom but, instead just run a discussion section, they could have me lecture their course from the textbook and then they could run a discussion section. I did this basically in August of 2020. It was online for people in September of 2020 for all of these chapters. And I think it’s still useful to this day. 

Another thing we did during COVID was to create a podcast because we thought students might be missing out on student conversation. We had someone create a podcast for us, where they interviewed the author of each chapter and then brought in students who were taking the course at that time. I was basically a 30-minute discussion section where the authors were asked questions about the chapter, and then students were brought in to be part of the discussion so if you wanted additional materials, that was a valuable resource. I think having a student-centered approach where you really recognize what it is to be a student and some of the challenges during that time was really important. 

Those lectures have nearly 70,000 views. They’ve been used as a resource for a lot of folks who were learning about education or family or race authenticity, gender, and sexuality, for example. It wasn’t easy, right? Each of those lectures is 30 minutes, and I made close to 50 of them divided into small sections. But the aim is to be really publicly minded in how it is that we’re doing this kind of work. And you know, for someone like me, with a low teaching load, a lot of financial support from institutions, and a research account, this was something I thought valuable that I could do. 

Also during COVID, I created an online school for a time period, and the school was reaching thousands of kids. That was a way where kids who were stuck at home could get a different kind of encounter. I taught this book, and people like Ruha Benjamin, the author, doing a diverse children’s storybook hour. I think stuff like this is an important part of our public work as scholars. It infuses widely through the logic of the textbook, which is like “How are you socially responsible?” and “How do you take your public platform seriously?” These resources, like the videos, aren’t sophisticated, it’s me on Zoom recorded, very lightly edited. But they’re also free, they are not behind a paywall. You don’t need to have registered with our company. Nothing like that. There is a way that we, as a community of scholars, can do stuff like this that can be valuable to our colleagues who have very different kinds of jobs than we have. And to our students, who I don’t think we should treat in extractive ways, and to be blunt, I think most textbooks treat students in extractive ways. 

It’s also why we’re expanding to political science, following the same model. It’s the most diverse group of political scientists that has ever done a textbook. And, in our view, it is really high quality. I don’t know if we’ll grow beyond this. But we have a vision that maybe we, as public-minded scholars, can reclaim the textbook industry and do it in a way that’s really responsible.

Shamus Khan is Willard Thorp professor of sociology and American Studies at Princeton University. He is the author of over 100 articles, books, and essays, including Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul’s School, and Sexual Citizens: Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus (with Jennifer Hirsch), one of NPR’s best books of 2020. He writes regularly in the New York Times and Washington Post. He has been awarded Columbia University’s highest teaching honor, the Presidential Teaching Award (2016), and the Zetterberg Prize from the Upsala University for “the best sociologist under 40” (2018).