Crafting Effective Feedback

One of the main tasks we have as instructors and teaching assistants is reading students’ writing and assisting them in … Read More

Sociology is Essential for Students in Medicine – and Beyond

I love sociology majors. They have a unique perspective as they try to apply recently learned concepts and methods while … Read More

Dear Junior Faculty Colleagues

Dear Junior Faculty Colleagues, Teaching community-based learning (CBL) courses is one of the most rewarding pedagogies for students and professors, … Read More

Old School Intro in a 21st Century World

I have to be honest. When I first got the invitation to write an essay for First Publics, I wasn’t … Read More

Intro to Sociology Dialogues Series – A Review

During the Fall of 2023, First Publics published a series of interviews with four authors of Intro to Sociology textbooks: … Read More

From Incarceration to Hope: Teaching in Youth Jail Facilities 

In my almost twenty years of working with system-impacted individuals my goals have always been two-fold: 1. Advocate for those … Read More

Pop Culture Fridays

My first semester of teaching Introductory Sociology was to a class of 120 students, and I had just completed my … Read More

Small-Scale CBL: Establishing Trust and Equity in Benefits

In a classic piece on community-based learning (CBL) in sociology, Mooney and Edwards define CBL as a broad term … Read More

Teaching in the Era of Social Media and Soundbite News

I started my teaching career as an Assistant Professor in August 2020. Three out of the five sociology courses I … Read More

Sociological Character Arc… When the Adventure Finds You!

In screenplays and novels, the character arc is the protagonist’s journey. Customarily, via afantastical trajectory of transformation and self-discovery, the … Read More