New and Noteworthy

Board member Jacob Otis wrote up research from Kate Watson and her colleagues on the challenges school social workers faced during covid-19 pandemic to meet student’s basic needs, emphasizing that the importance of schools extends beyond academics.

Citings and Sightings

Axios covered the latest data drop from the Shift Project, led by sociologists Daniel Schneider and Kristen Harknett, highlighting that most hourly workers at big chains make less than $15 an hour and 80% of low wage workers that qualify for free services still pay fees for tax prep.

Worth a Read, Sociologically Speaking

Council on Contemporary Families’ blog reposted a piece from Ranita Ray on her research about the harassment Black, Latinx, Asian, and recent immigrant girls face in school classrooms.

More from our Partner and Community Pages

Council on Contemporary Families’ blog re-posted Joseph Coleman’s piece When Therapists Encourage Family Cutoffs

Henning Schroeder wrote on the entwining of war and family lore through the lens of a twice-glazed Easter bunny for the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies’ blog.

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