Tressie McMillan Cottom (Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina’s School of Information and Library Science) appeared on The Opinions–a New York Times podcast–discussing the role of masculinity and messages about gender in the Trump administration. Following Trump blaming a recent plane crash on D.E.I. initiatives, Cottom commented: “I actually think that D.E.I. in that context, while it sort of primed some racial energies, it was really doing its most effective work as a broad dismissal of women. I think one of the reasons that works is because we worked really hard — especially in the last like 15 years — to develop and deepen the repertoire that Americans have to talk about race and racism. I will be honest with you, I’m not sure that we did as good a job of developing that capacity when it came to gender.” Cottom also commented on how strongman politics works “by giving people a scapegoat, giving men a scapegoat — is that it says not only are women the enemy, are people of color and minorities the enemy, but the government is protecting them.” Strongman politics thus facilitate delegitimization of the government.

Tressie McMillan Cottom

Yolande Strengers (Digital Sociologists and Professor of Human Centered Computing at Monash University) appeared on Switched On Australia to discuss the energy industries flawed assumptions of consumer behavior and her work on the Digital Energy Futures project. Strengers commented that the energy industry expects consumers to act like ‘mini-economists’ or ‘mini-engineers,’ thinking of their households as a market. However, Strengers examines daily household practices and motivations, finding that consumers often think of energy as a means of comfort and entertainment, or a way to care for others.

Yolande Strengers

The Credits interviewed Brazilian sociologist Ana Paula Sousa (Film Professor at the Higher School of Advertising and Marketing in São Paulo) about I’m Still Here, a film about a family living during the period of military dictatorship in 1970s Brazil. Sousa commented that the film “exposed the roots of our violence – social, institutional and physical. For a long time, we have been shrouded in the haze of the idea that we’re a country of parties, of joy, of the “way things are” and fed by the illusion that we’re the “country of the future.” I’m Still Here shows that perhaps we are still the “country of the past,” in the sense that we need to deal with our old problems, including torture and slavery.”

Ana Paula Sousa

Bonnie Zare (Professor of Sociology at Virginia Tech) spoke to the Irish Star about the cultural relevance of The Substance, a modern body horror film. “I feel the movie is able to capture this feeling that we’re constantly under scrutiny, that we’re constantly trying to do the impossible, which is get rid of our imperfections, and this sort of self loathing that would accompany that that we’re not talking about,” Zare said. She described the film as a great teaching example of “how we can start to question the norms around us and the policing and disciplining of our bodies, hair and faces.”

Bonnie Zare

Matthew Desmond (Professor of Sociology at Princeton University) appeared on The Daily Show, discussing American poverty and ways to address it and build worker power in the U.S. economy. “I think a lot of us do benefit from poverty in ways we don’t realize,” Desmond commented. “We soak the poor in the labor market or the housing market. We continue to have a government that gives the most to families that need it the least, by subsiding affluence instead of fighting poverty. We continue to live in segregated lives. A lot of us are connected to that problem, but it also means we’re connected to the solution.”

Matthew Desmond

Singapore Management University ran a story on EurekaAlert! featuring Jacqueline Ho’s (Assistant Professor of Social Science at Singapore Management University) work on parents’ perceptions of inequalities in the Singaporean education system. Ho explained: “I find that what the ‘Every School a Good School’ rhetoric is doing is, not so much convincing parents that every school is worthy in its own way, but more that it’s comforting to parents who can’t compete. It’s helping parents to exit the competition with more peace of mind, and less sense of guilt about whether they’re making the right choice for their kid.”

Jacqueline Ho

On a recent episode of Normal Gossip, Kelsey McKinney (Author and Journalist) discusses her new book, You Didn’t Hear This From Me, and how she thinks about the functions of gossip. “I was reading a lot of studies by sociologists, and one thing that they talk about a lot is that we use gossip as a tool not only to understand our society, but to understand ourselves,” McKinney said. “So it’s like when I’m talking to you about something I might surprise myself by, like, and instinct that I have or someone I think is a villain in your story and realize, “Oh, this is a like, underlying bias that I have in my life.””

Jonathan Rauch (Senior Fellow in the Governance Studies program at the Brookings Institution) wrote an article for The Atlantic about how Donald Trump is installing “patrimonialism” in his administration. Patrimonialism, a term from German sociologist Max Weber, describes a style of governing in which “rulers claimed to be the symbolic father of the people—the state’s personification and protector.” The antithesis of bureaucratic proceduralism, patrimonialism is based on “individual loyalty and connections, and on rewarding friends and punishing enemies (real or perceived).” Rauch writes that patrimonialist systems tend to suffer from both incompetence and corruption, and can severely damage state capacity.

Jonathan Rauch

Karyn Vilbig (PhD Student in Sociology at New York University) wrote an article for The Conversation exploring how increasing support for social welfare programs connects to shifts in racial attitudes in the United States. While most government aid recipients are White, many people “incorrectly presume that these programs support mostly Black people.” Thus, negative views toward Black people can undermine support for social welfare programs. Vilbig found that “improved attitudes toward Black people between 2012 and 2020, more than any other measure, explained increased support for welfare programs during that same period.”

Karyn Vilbig

The American Sociological Association and the American Federation of Teachers filed a lawsuit challenging a “Dear Colleague Letter” warning schools that federal funding would be pulled if they consider race in “admissions, hirings, financial aid, scholarships, discipline policy and all other aspects of student, academic and campus life.” ASA President Adia Harvey Wingfield commented: “This memo doesn’t just hinder sociologists from doing our jobs or merely violate our right to free speech— it inflicts a profound disservice upon students who gain from a more comprehensive understanding of the world and upon society as a whole that benefits from our discoveries about human behavior.” This story was covered by The 74 and Democracy Forward.

Adia Harvey Wingfield

Gallup’s latest LGTBQ+ identification survey shows that 9.3% of American adults identify as LGTBQ+ in 2024 (a figure that has nearly doubled since 2020). This change is largely driven by Gen Z; nearly a quarter of individuals ages 18-27 identify as LGBTQ+. Jessie Ford (Assistant Professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia) commented to The New York Times that young people tend to consider sexuality as a spectrum and discuss wanting to avoid rigid identities.

Jessie Ford

Robert Putnam (Professor Emeritus of Public Policy at Harvard University) was interviewed in a segment for PBS News Hour on discussing the effects of social isolation on civic engagement: “That is a primary cause of the Trump phenomenon. … When people are socially isolated, as we are increasingly, they become vulnerable to populist appeals.” Putnum’s most recent book, The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do it Again, highlights the parallels between modern American and the late 1800s–a deeply fragmented, individualistic, and polarized time period. Putnam describes how an “explosion” of new civic, religious, and social groups sparked a “moral revival” that led people to think in more collective ways: “People began to say, wait a minute, it’s not all about us. We have obligations to other people.”

Robert Putnam

Florence Becot (Lead of the Agricultural Safety and Health Program at Penn State University) appeared on The FarmHouse–a podcast by Lancaster Farming–to discuss the unique stressors on women in agriculture. Becot described that many women take on “invisible work” on farms, including raising children while still performing farm work. “Raising children on the farm is wonderful. So many moms talked about how much they love having the children around. They wouldn’t do it any other way,” Becot said. “But the reality is, we’ve talked to women farmers who said if I was a nurse at the hospital, I wouldn’t be allowed to bring my kid. Why is there this weird expectation that I should have my kid with me when I’m driving this really heavy piece of machinery?”

Florence Becot

Battle for Tibet, a new documentary from FRONTLINE, examines China’s rule over Tibet. The film features Tibetan sociologist Gyal Lo’s study of Chinese boarding schools for Tibetan children. The Chinese government claims that these schools promote “human rights and cultural heritage protection.” However, Lo found that there were two main focuses in the boarding schools: “One is to instill the communist ideology and the second is to instill Chinese culture. These two subject areas of teaching are being implemented to change the Tibetan children’s mindset.” Lo warns that “Over the next 15 to 20 years, if boarding schools continue, Tibetan national culture and identity will be completely destroyed.”

Gyal Lo

Willam Robinson (Professor of Sociology at the University of California-Santa Barbara) spoke at the Peoples’ Platform Europe 2025, discussing the “unprecedented crisis in global capitalism.” Robinson described four main elements of the crisis: 1) stagnant, concentrated economic systems, 2) billions of people treated as “disposable”, 3) the rise of authoritarianism, and 4) environmental destruction. Robinson said. “Never has the slogan ‘resist to exist’ been more opportune and appropriate.” This story was covered by Medya News.

Willam Robinson

Zeynep Tufekci (Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs at Princeton) wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times on the Trump administration’s slashing of research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Tufecki highlights that NIH “grants are a crucial reason that America has the most advanced biomedical research infrastructure” and that this decision endangers Americans’ health. “It was nice having the world’s most important, most vital medical research infrastructure,” Tufecki writes. “But enough. To the wood chipper!”

Zeynep Tufekci

Elizabeth Bruch (Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan) and Amie Gordon (Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan) have teamed up to design Revel, a dating app for students at the University of Michigan that doubles as a research tool. While modern dating apps collect a “treasure trove” of relevant data, this data is often inaccessible for researchers or users. Using Revel, Bruch and Gordon aim to examine how people “find opportunities, pick strategies, and learn from mistakes” and why couples choose to stay together or break up. This story was covered by The Pulse.

Elizabeth Bruch and Amie Gordon

The Hong Kong Free Press ran a story on Ruby Lai’s (Assistant Professor of Sociology at Lingnan University) research on Hong Kong’s subdivided flats–living units of approximately 119 sqft. that house over 200,000 people in Hong Kong. “There is an assumption that only the poor live in subdivided flats, but housing precarity and unaffordable housing are problems faced by most people,” Lai said, emphasizing the diversity of residents. Lai also examines how individuals and families transform these constrained spaces into “resilient, functional and liveable abodes.”

Ruby Lai

The New York Times ran a story on how companies are navigating legal risks in response to the Trump administration’s attacks on D.E.I. efforts. Companies simultaneously want to avoid discrimination lawsuits, “Trump’s ire, federal investigations and lawsuits from anti-D.E.I. conservatives.” Musa Al-Gharbi’s (Assistant Professor in the School of Communication and Journalism at Stony Brook University) commented: “D.E.I. programming grew popular because it was responding to real challenges organizations were facing. Basically they’re being told to do nothing about these problems.”

Musa Al-Gharbi

Remembering Michael Burawoy: Last week, renowned British scholar Michael Burawoy passed away at age 77 after he was struck by a hit-and-run driver. Sociologists and others continue to reflect on his legacy in Berkeley Sociology, Verso Books, The Wire, and The Daily Californian.

Michael Burawoy

Renowned British scholar Michael Burawoy passed away at age 77 after he was struck by a hit-and-run driver. An influential Marxist scholar, Burawoy was known for his seminal book Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process under Monopoly Capitalism and advocacy for public sociology. Raka Ray (Dean of Social Sciences at the University of California-Berkeley) expressed the weight of this loss: “Michael dedicated 47 years of his life to Berkeley, contributing immeasurably to the discipline, transforming the fields of labor, ethnography and theory,” Ray said. “His greatest legacy, though, went far beyond the many books and articles he published or prestigious awards he received — it was in the people whose lives he changed. He was an extraordinary teacher who mentored and inspired thousands of students, changing their lives with his fierce intellect and kindness.” Geoffrey Pleyers (Professor of Sociology at the Catholic University of Louvain and President of the International Sociological Association) commented: “He left us at a time we most needed his leadership, his energy, his tireless work to understand our world, his example as an extraordinary teacher, his faith in a relevant public sociology, his openness to a global dialogue, his energy against injustice.” This story was covered by The Oaklandside.

Raka Ray and Geoffrey Pleyers

The New York Times ran an article on the rebuilding of the Palisades after the recent California wildfires. Max Besbris (Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison) commented that “recovery in the Palisades is going to be this really fast, big buildup back toward really valuable, very expensive properties.” Besbris noted that residents of the area–with high economic and political power–will be “able to dictate the terms of their own recovery.”

Max Besbris

This week, multiple sociologists offered reflections on the state of the U.S. under the new Trump administration:

  • “Righteous indignation is known to fuel protest and set in motion the machinery and infrastructure of rebellion. Evidence suggests that Trump will continue to poke this bear of discontent because it is his nature and his agenda. But will this administrative stance summon a day of reckoning for the President and his followers?,” Aldon Morris (Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at Northwestern University) commented to Northwestern Now. “In this historic moment, time and the arrival of warm weather will tell.”
  • “The biggest problem we have is that we’re afraid of change,” said Harry Edwards (Professor Emeritus at the University of California-Berkeley) on CBS News. “To the extent that we don’t face up to that challenge, there are some very, very, very dark days ahead. Because I am not convinced that we have the best and the brightest people making critical decisions, top to bottom in American society. At some point, things could very well be stressed and bent to the breaking point.”

Aldon Morris and Harry Edwards

Over 300 young, homeless migrants are camping in the Gaîté Lyrique theater in Paris, demanding governmental aid. In France, migrants recognized as unaccompanied minors are eligible for housing and other benefits, but the city government is arguing that it has no shelter available and questioning the ages of the migrants. “This is a huge issue in Europe,” Ulrike Bialas (Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, Germany) commented. Bialas stated that there are “vast numbers” of migrants from Africa and the Middle East to Europe and “many of them — in fact, in Germany, more than half of them — don’t have documents with them to prove their identity, and in particular, their date of birth.” This story was covered by The New York Times.

Ulrike Bialas

George Kassar (Instructor and Research Associate at Ascencia Business School) wrote an article for The Conversation on online performance reviews and “Netiquette” (Internet etiquette or digital norms of polite behavior). The article applies the late German sociologist Norbert Elias’ theories on the “civilizing process” to the digital age. Elias argued that “societal norms become more regulated and refined over time.” Kassar describes how Netiquette maps onto Elias’ theory and helps “ensure positive and constructive experiences.”

George Kassar

A Threads post from Jennifer Walter (Swiss Sociologist and Mental Health Advocate) reacting to Trump’s flood of executive orders went viral across social media platforms. Walters argues that the Trump administration is using “shock doctrine” (“using chaos and crisis to push through radical changes while people are too disoriented to effectively resist”) to cognitively overwhelm citizens. “The result? Weakened democratic oversight and reduced public engagement,” Walter states.

Jennifer Walter

WTTW News ran a feature on Tonika Lewis Johnson (Social Justice Artist) and Maria Krysan’s (Professor of Sociology at the University of Illinois Chicago) book Don’t Go: Stories of Segregation and How to Disrupt It. The book explores how many Chicago residents have been told to stay away from the South or West side of the city and how that message reinforces segregation in the city. Johnson stated that the book aims to show the “personal” side of segregation: “It’s not just that it prevents economic investment, it hurts people’s feelings and it helps people live in fear. And we want it to offer an opportunity for people to understand how to disrupt that and how to not be offensive to people.”

Tonika Lewis Johnson and Maria Krysan

Over the past five years, Iran has faced approximately 40% annual inflation and many Iranians are struggling to make ends meet. Iranian sociologist Ardeshir Geravand warns that economic pressure may lead to social unrest in Iran. “When legitimate paths to power and wealth remain open, members of the middle class can maintain their status. However, when these avenues are blocked, it can lead to social unrest and, ultimately, revolution,” Gerevand explained. “Poverty alone does not necessarily lead to violence unless it is coupled with conditions that make living a normal, ordinary life impossible.” This story was covered by Iran International.

Ardeshir Geravand

Jamie Lee Kucinskas’s (Professor of Sociology at Hamilton College) upcoming book The Loyalty Trap: Conflicting Loyalties of Civil Servants Under Increasing Autocracy draws from interviews with individuals who were civil servants during Trump’s first term as President. “I found that those caught in loyalty traps could not both fulfill the ethical duties that came with their position and uphold the new standards of loyalty sought by the president and some appointees,” Kucinskas explained in a Public Ethics Talks interview. The book describes the moral dilemmas that civil servants faced and their strategies for managing them. This story was covered by Leiden University News.

Jamie Lee Kucinskas

  • In an opinion piece for The New York Times, Tressie McMillan Cottom (Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina’s School of Information and Library Science) discussed the phenomenon of “Dry January,” reminding us that “anything that becomes popular has politics.” McMillan Cottom explains the language we use to talk about “clean living” is binary (if you aren’t clean, you’re dirty) and morally loaded. Dry January “takes a choice and compels people to talk about it, to proselytize it, and ultimately to perform it.”
  • Brooke Harrington (Professor of Sociology at Dartmouth College) appeared on The Daily Show to discuss the “Broligarchy” of tech billionaires present at Trump’s inauguration. “We’ve had oligarchs in the past in America. We’ve had Carnegies, and we’ve had Rockefellers. But aside from making sure they didn’t get regulated or taxed too much, they kind of stuck to their own business. They just wanted to get rich,” Harrington commented. “But the broligarchs really have an explicit political agenda. And it is essentially antidemocratic and almost monarchical.”
  • Pen America interviewed Joan Donovan (Assistant Professor of Journalism and Emerging Media Studies in the College of Communications at Boston University and founder of the Critical Internet Studies Institute) about how the proliferation of political disinformation online has shifted in the past decade and the role of disinformation in Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. “[In] 2016, people are very focused on this notion of fake news. They realize that the internet is essentially full of spam, and there are different ways in which stories that are novel and outrageous are combined to create attention. … By 2020 though, things had really shifted. The tech companies are clamping down on anonymous accounts,” Donovan explained. “Between November 2020 to January 6, 2021, we get a glimpse into the future of what social media offers as a tool for organizing society, and no longer are they relying on anonymous accounts to push this content.”
  • Meduza ran an article on how Ukraine has changed due to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War. Volodymyr Paniotto (Ukrainian sociologist and Director of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology) discussed shifting attitudes towards ending the war, trust in political figures, attitudes toward the Russian language, and how migration out of Ukraine has contributed to a demographic crisis. Paniotto also describes how “new grounds for social stratification have emerged over these few years. Now, what a person did and where they were during the war has become a dividing factor.”
  • Hannah Wohl (Associate Professor of Sociology at UC-Santa Barbara) and Lindsey Cameron (Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Pennsylvania) wrote an article for The Conversation on the illusions of flexibility and autonomy for workers in the platformed gig economy. The authors compared experiences between ride-share drivers (Uber, Lyft) and porn performers (OnlyFans), finding that companies often promise flexible scheduling and the ability to turn down bad work offers. However, in practice, this autonomy is illusory; workers tend to accept whatever work they are offered, as companies are gatekeepers for work and workers don’t have any guarantee of future gigs.
  • Mark Zuckerberg recently appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast, talking about how Meta will no longer moderate hate speech and misinformation. Zeynep Tufekci (Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs at Princeton) wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times in response, critiquing Zuckerberg’s “posturing” and discussing difficulties in moderating content and managing the relationship between private companies and government. “Hate speech in the 21st century is a complicated issue. We can’t just moderate our way out of our very real conflicts over immigration, transgender rights, pandemic response and other issues,” Tufekci explains, “Zuckerberg conveniently neglected to mention that Facebook profits off tribalizing, inflammatory, conspiratorial content, which has been shown to keep people scrolling. He is right, however, that … fact-checkers lost a good deal of public trust by overstepping their boundaries.”
  • Arlie Russell Hochschild (Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley) appeared on Next Question with Katie Couric, discussing her book Stolen Pride: Loss, Shame, and the Rise of the Right. The book describes how residents of Pikeville, KY, a small city where 80% of 2016 voters supported Donald Trump, felt a pervasive sense of economic loss and why Trump’s messages resonated with them. In response to the 2024 election, Hochschild comments: “I feel like America is now living with two denials. There’s the denial of the Democratic side of America that is [] really denying what a big sector of America that has faced tremendous loss and has lost faith in the government’s response to that… But there’s a denial on the Right side of the aisle. Republicans that may have voted for a man for one reason—the border, the price of gas. But we are facing, I think, a danger to democracy and I think there is a discounting and a denial of that on the Right side of America.” Stolen Pride was recently recognized by the New York Times as one of the 100 Notable Books of 2024.
  • On Dec. 3rd, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law, prompting widespread protests. He rescinded the decision six hours later. Gi-Wook Shin (Professor of Sociology and Director of the Asia-Pacific Research Center and Korean Studies Program at Stanford University) described the decision as a “surprising last-ditch move by Yoon to grab political power” amid low approval ratings. Shin appeared on NPR’s All Things Considered, discussing the future of democracy in Korea: “I think for a short term, there will be a lot of uncertainties and maybe instability in politics and society, maybe even in the economy. But in the long run, I think Korea has strong democratic institutions… And I remain optimistic, especially that such a move like martial law, you know, failed, you know, quite badly and very quickly.”
  • The New York Times ran an opinion piece featuring Allison Pugh’s (Professor of Sociology at John Hopkins University) new book The Last Human Job: The Work of Connecting in a Disconnected World. Pugh’s work reveals how technology––particularly artificial intelligence–has permeated work that requires “connective labor” and how “being able to have a human attend to your needs has become a luxury good.” However, Pugh commented that a dystopian future is not inevitable despite advances in interactive AI, because “humans lose interest in interacting with machines after a while, partly because of machine predictability.”
  • The Ink ran an article featuring Musa Al-Gharbi’s (Assistant Professor in the School of Communication and Journalism at Stony Brook University) new book We Have Never Been Woke: The Cultural Contradictions of a New Elite. “One of the key arguments of the book,” Al-Gharbi explains, “is that in many respects — and somewhat troublingly, from my perspective – social justice discourse is increasingly used by symbolic capitalists [elites who are committed to social justice], by the winners and the prevailing order of people who have been succeeding and flourishing, to justify inequalities. People who are losing, and suffering, and getting left behind, who feel like their values and interests are not reflected in our institutions, we [symbolic capitalists] point to those people and say, Good. They deserve to be marginalized. They deserve to be ignored. And we do this in the name of social justice. We use social justice, in many cases, to legitimize inequalities.”
  • Danielle Lindemann (Professor of Sociology at Lehigh University) was quoted in an Epic Stream article about what reality television reveals about our culture. Lindemann argues that reality TV provides a reflection of real-life people and social problems (like inequalities based on race, class, gender, or sexuality): “For all of its extreme personalities and outlandish premises, reality TV reflects how regressive we truly are.”
  • Benika Dixon (Assistant Professor of Public Health at Texas A&M University), J. Carlee Purdum (Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Houston) and Tara Goddard (Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning at Texas A&M University) wrote an article for The Conversation on how jails and prisons fail to protect incarcerated people during natural disasters. “People who are incarcerated can’t take protective actions, such as evacuating or securing their belongings,” they describe. “They have no say in decisions that the system makes for them.” Carceral facilities are often not evacuated due to facility designs that make it difficult for people to exit quickly or a lack of available sheltering locations. Natural disasters can also exacerbate physical and mental health problems for incarcerated individuals.
  • An article in the New York Times arts section discussed various depictions of pregnant women in arts and advertising. The story quoted Kathryn Jezer-Morton (Sociologist and Columnist for The Cut) on how celebrities and influencers pose for photos while pregnant. Jezer-Morton credits Demi Moore’s famous 1991 Vanity Fair cover photo with popularizing “bump hands,” a pose in which women place their hands around their stomach, “creating a meaningful enclosure around appropriate fatness” and emphasizing the bump “to reassure the viewer that underneath this one protrusion is a thin person.”
  • In an opinion piece for the New York Times, Tressie McMillan Cottom (Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina’s School of Information and Library Science) prompts readers to “look to the tradwives, podcast bros and wellness influencers” to understand how president-elect Donald Trump’s ability to tap into the aesthetics of online spaces may have helped him win the election. McMillan Cottom describes that online groups don’t map cleanly to traditional political poles and are racially and ethnically diverse. “Trump did not win over [ ] minority and young voters because he figured out how to appeal to their identity,” McMillan Cottom argues. Rather, “he excelled at tapping into the information ecosystems — social media, memes and the cultish language of overlapping digital communities — where minority and young voters express their identity. That is a meaningful difference.”
  • This week, Brazil celebrated Black Consciousness Day, a new national holiday honoring Black struggles for freedom in Brazil. Edward Telles (Professor of Sociology at the University of California Irvine) commented that although Brazil has the largest population of people of African descent of any country outside the continent of Africa, Brazil’s Black population has been “invisibilized until recently.” Telles explains that leaders in Brazilian media, government, and businesses were almost entirely White, but “that is slowly beginning to change.” This story was covered by The Washington Post.
  • Marianne Cooper (Senior Research Scholar at Stanford University’s VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab) and Priya Fielding-Singh (Senior Manager of Research and Education at wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review on how gender equality in the workplace has stalled and is not inevitable. Data from the 2024 Women in the Workplace report by and McKinsey & Company revealed that last year the gender wage gap widened for the first time in two decades. Cooper and Fielding-Singh describe several barriers to workplace equity for women, including getting stuck in entry level positions, sexual harassment, ageism, and housework and childcare responsibilities.
  • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint ran a story on the experiences of agricultural workers in California (about 75% of whom are undocumented migrants) during the election year. Manuel Ortiz Escámez (Audio-Visual Sociologist and co-founder of Peninsula 360) commented on the impact of immigration as an election issue. “People are very afraid,” he said. “Power in politics needs to invent a physically and morally repugnant enemy who wants to take what’s yours because the feeling of emergency creates unity and the need of a savior. That’s why migrants have always been the ideal enemy of some U.S. political campaigns … and the data shows that it works.”
  • In an interview with El País, Ruha Benjamin (Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University) discussed the hidden power structures behind technology and how imagination can challenge established systems. “Technological innovation is not the same as social progress,” Benjamin explained. “A lot of innovation can simply reinforce old ways of thinking and hierarchies. Technological advancement often hides harm and violence.”
  • The New York Times ran a story on the unclear expectations on caregiving for older, unmarried couples and their families. Deborah Carr (Professor of Sociology at Boston University) commented that the trend of increasing (unmarried) cohabitation among older couples reflects an attitudinal change: “The old stigma around ‘living in sin’ has pretty much disappeared.” Susan Brown (Professor of Sociology at Bowling Green State University) explained that cohabitation allows older couples to avoid some of the constraints and expectations of marriage. Brown described that many women “aren’t interested in the gendered bargain that marriage entails, the caregiving role,” and women who have already been a caretaker to a previous spouse often “bring a been there, done that, attitude to remarriage.”
  • Ireland’s Science Week 2024 focused on environmental regeneration. Silicon Republic ran a story featuring Áine Macken-Walsh (Senior Research Officer at Teagasc’s Rural Economy and Development Programme), who studies the values, knowledge, and practices of farmers and other agricultural actors. Macken-Walsh emphasized that members of the public should be seen as partners in STEM, adding value to science and translating it into real-world contexts. “Regeneration of family farming, for instance, requires the maintenance and preservation of some existing farming practices and land resources, while also innovating to meet contemporary needs, for example gender equality [and] environmental protection,” she explains.