This is an ad for Gwen Stefani’s L.A.M.B. line’s cologne. The text next to her face says, “I want you all over me.” I’ll leave it to you to decide if the look of ecstasy on her face and the droplets showering her body imply she’s being sprayed with anything other than water.

I found this ad in Entertainment Weekly.

Warning: It’s a Hustler cover. May not be safe for your workplace (you see a woman’s legs sticking out of a meat grinder).

Susanne T. sent me this image. She is in Latvia and walks by a furniture store every day that has this set of kitchen cabinets visible from the street.

I think it’s especially interesting that, unless Latvia has a much more egalitarian division of household labor than the U.S., it would be primarily women using this cabinet to do dishes. Susanne, any information about gender and housework in Latvia?

“The new women’s movement. Freedom from seams and stitches.”

This is another ad Lisa sent me years ago. I use it when discussing the de-politicization of social issues, and the commodification of freedom–it’s just something you buy. I also use this one from Lisa:

The Jeep Liberty–notice on the right it says “Glass Ceiling” and has an arrow pointing down below; so structural inequality at work is trivialized, and again, “liberty” is something we can purchase.

These ads go nicely along with the old Virginia Slims campaign, these other “liberated women” themed ads Lisa posted previously, and the “right hand ring” ad I posted.

Gwen Sharp is an associate professor of sociology at Nevada State College. You can follow her on Twitter at @gwensharpnv.

The caption to the photo said, “New York plastic surgeon Jacob Sarnoff drew this vision of total transformation–entitled ‘diagrammatic illustration of common deformities amenable to plastic surgery’–in 1936.”

I found this in Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery, by Elizabeth Haiken (1997), page 13.

These two images were used in a 1927 ad for Wimbledon. Lisa actually sent them to me a couple of years ago but has never posted them, so I’m doing it. The point of showing the two images next to each other was to stress how liberated women were by 1927–they aren’t wearing stuffy old dresses to play tennis, and men aren’t shocked by the sight of a leg.

I use these, along with some of the “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby” Virginia Slims ads, to show how “women’s liberation” is used by advertisers to sell products, as well as to imply that “now” (whenever “now” is) is always better than “then” (some indeterminate point in the past) and that the struggle for equality and freedom is over.

Text: “Back then, you didn’t look through your closet for something to wear. You wore your closet. You’ve come a long way, baby.”

Find your voice with Virginia Slims.

This is a Virginia Slims ad from 1978. The picture above is of a woman hanging laundry out to dry and the text says, “Back then, every man gave his wife at least one day a week out of the house. You’ve come a long way, baby.”
I’m using this when I talk about the commodification of the women’s movement and how freedom has been turned into something you buy. I also like the vague “back then,” used to make now seem so much better in every way.

Here’s an ad for breast implants:[youtube][/youtube] Clearly in this situation the solution is to get breast implants, not a new date.The company’s website is here.This ad encourages women to be envious of “perfect” women and to compare themselves unfavorably:[youtube][/youtube] Try plastic surgery if your eating disorder doesn’t do the job:[youtube][/youtube] The center is still in business, but I think a different doctor is in charge now.

Gwen Sharp is an associate professor of sociology at Nevada State College. You can follow her on Twitter at @gwensharpnv.