Hello Readers!
Please enjoy this collection of posts that we’ve enhanced while you’ve been busy reading our new stuff and, um, all the election coverage you can stomach. There will be more new material in our Special Election Round-Up! Look for it on the morning of Nov. 4th. But for now, click on these links and look for the bright red NEW!
Tini Puppini is a hyper-sexualized fake pet dog that combines sexualization with anthropomorphization in a super creepy way. Just scroll past the sexualized equines in this post to the sexualized canines. It’s weird, I promise.
Single? Are the odds in your favor? We can tell you. We’d put up a map showing where single men outnumber single women and vice versa. And now we’ve added a link to an interactive map where you can choose particular age ranges and a screen shot of the map for the 30-45 and the 50-65 range.
Promoting smoking with doctors and Santa Claus? Oh yes! See some more vintage cigarette ads here.
miz_geek, in the comments to this post, pointed us to a commercial for Korean Air with truly blatant ejaculation imagery. Watch it here in our post where we collect, um, ejaculation imagery (scroll to the bottom).
Commenters Eoin and T.B. pointed us to another World War II carpool propaganda poster.
In a hospital waiting room, we saw another sign instructing employees to do emotion work. We added the images and further discussion on the topic to this post.
We added another instance of the use of the government-invented term “Hispanic.” This time it involves peanuts!
By “traditional marriage” do you mean polygamy? We added two more examples of the satirical treatment of the traditional marriage. The satiricist makes a pro-gay marriage argument by pointing to the trouble with the idea of “tradition.”
Scott W. sent us a great example of the use of the implicit promise of sex with a hot chick to sell, um, condominiums. We added it to our post along that theme.
Our post featuring the sexualization of food is getting ridiculously extensive. But when Denia sent us in a picture of hotdogs that said “Undress me,” we couldn’t resist adding them. Click here and scroll all the way down.
Karryn Lintelman generously allowed us to reproduce her assignment, The Rhetoric of Pop Culture, using Sociological Images and other resources. Check it out here.
Comments 3
Anonymous — November 1, 2008
your single women vs men link goes nowhere
Laura — November 1, 2008
Single? Are the odds in your favor? We can tell you. We’d put up a map showing where single men outnumber single women and vice versa. And now we’ve added a link to an interactive map where you can choose particular age ranges and a screen shot of the map for the 30-45 and the 50-65 range.
Shouldn't that be "Single and heterosexual?" rather than just "Single?"
Lisa Wade, PhD — November 2, 2008
Thanks! Fixed!
Nope, I thought about that. Whereas the findings are certainly problematic because they don't control for sexual orientation, I don't tell YOU where YOUR odds are best. That's up to you and your preferences.