Flashback Friday.
During the colonial era, class-privileged citizens of colonizing nations would travel to colonized lands to, as I wrote in a previous post, “enjoy reveling in the seemingly bizarre and unfamiliar people and customs of these Other places…” Human beings, in other words, were among the objects of this tourism, along with gorgeous vistas and unfamiliar plants and animals.
Today many citizens of wealthy nations still yearn for “authentic” and “unique” travel experiences. It is somehow more prestigious to go where others do not. And human beings are still, often, the object of such tourism. This kind of travel, always ethically problematic, has become increasingly disruptive as fewer and fewer places are inaccessible and more and more people are able to afford to get there. For those humans identified as worthy of the tourist gaze, this may sometimes mean constant and overwhelming objectification.
A new documentary, Camera, Camera, documents the crushing weight of tourism in Luang Prabang, Laos, where monks make a traditional sacred procession each morning. Seth Mydans, reviewing the film, writes:
…this sacred ritual is now swarmed by scores of bustling tourists, some of whom lean in with cameras and flashes for closeups as the monks pad silently past.

Frustrated, artist Nithakhong Somsanith says:
They come in buses. They look at the monks the same as a monkey, a buffalo. It is theater… Now the monks have no space to meditate, no space for quiet.
This clip from the documentary captures Somsanith’s concerns beautifully and hauntingly:
Originally posted in 2010.
Lisa Wade, PhD is an Associate Professor at Tulane University. She is the author of American Hookup, a book about college sexual culture; a textbook about gender; and a forthcoming introductory text: Terrible Magnificent Sociology. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
Comments 486
Grizzly — September 13, 2010
It'd be easier to judge the clip objectively if it wasn't played at a slower speed, and set to sad music.
Joy — September 13, 2010
Kyoto, Japan was the worst I have seen. Hordes of tourists want to see and take photos of the few geishas and maikos, and of course get as close as possible. I have seen many ridiculously touristy places, but at least in places like Rome the people are not the target.
Personally, I also really enjoy travelling and seeing exotic (from my point of view) locations. But I am aware of the problem illustrated by this post. I really try my best to be a "good tourist". Besides, the only "real" experiences I have had when travelling in faraway places have been when I have been travelling with a friends who is native to that specific place.
Jihad Punk 77 — September 13, 2010
I'm from India and I have relatives (and friends) in both large cities and villages. It always pisses me off when I see Western tourists coming through my family's villages and taking photos of locals like they are zoo animals. Ironically, they have no idea that I'm a foreign visitor, too!
My advice? if you're sooo deperate to get "close" to "real people" and get a taste of their "lifestyle," then don't go with a tourist group and don't bring a goddamned large tourist bus. Find a local family and stay with them, volunteer for a school or NGO, and get to know people instead of gawking at them like zoo animals.
JGH2 — September 13, 2010
Very Eat Pray Love.
Robin — September 13, 2010
We discussed this ad nauseum when I was in undergrad getting my BA in anthropology: tourism objectifying people as "the other." It seems you are damned if you & damned if you don't, however. I have never traveled outside the US and when I tell people this, they typically inform me I "must" travel (as if funding weren't an issue and it was just a matter of me deciding to go!), in order to broaden my horizons/see things from a new perspective/etc. On the other hand, searching for "authentic" experiences while traveling as described in this post borders on tacky and disrespectful. So I feel like I really can't win.
Brigid — September 13, 2010
This is why I'm disgusted with Eat, Pray, Love. Any chance we'll see a post on that, now that the move has come out? Or has it already been tackled here, and I missed it?
Cactus Wren — September 13, 2010
The town of Guadalupe, Arizona has had to pass a law that prohibits photographing religious ceremonies.
Elias — September 13, 2010
I hope the monks will have a voice in the movie instead of other people complaining that the tourists are ruining the monks "authenticity". It is possible that the monks think the attention is exciting, probably not thought. I rather hear the monks opinion if this is bad or not than the editor telling me with "sad music and slow motion".
bubba — September 13, 2010
"nobody likes a tourist" -Mark Twain
Anthony — September 13, 2010
Does anyone else find it ironic that the documentary is doing the same exact thing?
contrabalance — September 13, 2010
A wise man whose name escapes me once said (and I paraphrase): The only way to authentically experience a place is through being there on a business trip. Anything else, and you're part of the problem. I tend to agree.
Yvette — September 13, 2010
I was actually in this town in Laos on my round the world trip last year- absolutely beautiful spot filled with countless temples, but I didn't go to the giving of alms at dawn because of what I'd heard about it. I mean it sounded cool to see but I would cringe whenever other tourists would take photos of "the locals" without asking permission so I was guessing such an event would be filled with a lot of the same.
Laos was my favorite country in South East Asia though, and responsible tourism is certainly possible while traveling here (and I hope it will be done so this country doesn't become another Thailand). For example if you want to meet a monk a lot of the temples will have a sign for "English clubs" somewhere on the premises where the younger ones are excited for the chance to practice their English, so I had a few memorable experiences from these conversations!
eolan — September 13, 2010
It would be interesting to see what happens if a tourist from let's say, India or Japan or other non western part of the world goes to a let's say, middle of US and star snapping pictures at regulars at walmart or whatever. Just wondering what would happen?
Jeremiah — September 13, 2010
"this *sacred ritual*...."
oh f*ck off. Who's privilege is it to decide what's "sacred" or not? What's the difference between seeing or photographing? Who's privilege is it to make that distinction, if any? The article's author 'others' not one, but two groups of people: he elevates monks to "sacred" (a form of cultural infantilisation that's been discussed here before) and degrades "tourists", but sets himself (and the reader?) as aloof observers in privileged judgment.
Do we ever ask people in the Carolinas how they feel about Civil War tourists?
Heather Leila — September 13, 2010
Possibly one reason tourists who invasively photograph religious events in other countries is because, as a culture, Americans have no problem photographing their own. The church where I was married prohibits anyone except a discreet professional from taken pictures during weddings because marriage is a sacrament and a very sacred ritual. But most weddings I attend have a soundtrack of click click click and the occasional flash. It's distracting. And, once you place yourself behind the camera, you aren't a participant anymore, you are an observer. Yet, many wedding traditions expect guests to be participants - reciting prayers along with the couple.
When tourists take pictures of religious ceremonies, clicks and flashes and all, they are not participants of the spiritual act, they are merely observers.
Knative07 — September 13, 2010
The video and article focus on the white people when most of the tourists who visit these monks are probably from Asia. The different articles that I googled stated that the Laotian government projected that 25% of all tourists that enter Laos are expected to be Chinese in the near future. Most of the tourists that visit Laos currently are from Thailand and then Vietnam. The photographer and the author of the article are definitely displaying some ethnocentrism by ignoring all the Asian tourists to mold a story about "westerners" destroying the Laotian culture through cultural imperialism. Asia has Japan (the third largest economy in the world), China (the second largest economy in the world), and the four tigers (coincidently Thailand is known as the fifth tiger), so I think it's time to stop framing some of these conversations in terms of West destroying East. Laos is not in Europe's sphere of interest anymore. It's bordering the second largest economy in the world, and it's surrounded by other economies that are as affluent as a lot of European economies.
Sarah — September 14, 2010
The concept of travel and "culture" as a thing to be consumed - rather than an experience to be savored - has been around for a long time. In my opinion, it's become one of the most despicable traits of current US culture. It's simply conspicuous consumption, made more insidious under the guise of open-mindedness and education. My generation likes to think this sort of travel is "life-changing," and look down upon those who haven't yet made the trek to Costa Rica to experience the real, local "pura vida" of drinking tequila shots, staying at resort hotels, buying chintzy trinkets, and taking lots of photos for their Facebook profiles to prove how cultured they are.
GEM — September 14, 2010
Is there such a thing as a "good" tourist? Who defines it? The culture receiving the visitors? Or the tourist's culture? Or both? What is the point of tourism?
Maggeimerc — September 15, 2010
A great motto to live by? Visit the world like Rick Steves.
People should travel and they should have experiences outside their own world, but support the places your traveling too. Stay in hotels/hostels run by locals, eat at local places. If you absolutely must photograph someone (I find it tacky) then get their permission. Research your vacation spot well ahead of time so you're aware of customs you need to abide by. You're a visitor so act like one and be respectful.
As I said above, I'm from a part of Texas that thrives on tourism. We get people from all over the US and many other countries (it was especially bad in the mid-80s). When I travel I remember how awful the tourists can be and I try to be a better person.
And please avoid over commercialized tours, you're doing EVERYONE a disfavor.
Jesse — October 1, 2010
2 thoughts: economic stimulus, and the supposed value of witnessing this exotic authenticity
1. Economic: Luang Prabang is a beautiful far-off town in a minor developing country. monks go there from smaller places for education. tourists travel really far (~ 10k mi!) to see monks there. local non-monks sell stuff to tourists watching monks. filmmakers who used to be tourists but got jaded go there to watch tourists watch monks and presumably buy stuff from locals too. just a few years ago none of this was possible for political/accessibility reasons. Sounds to me like good news for a pretty minor country like Laos.
2. Value of the Exotic: It's classist to say, but as long distance travel has gotten easier for more people (and cameras have become as ubiquitous as cell phones) there's less uniqueness to seeing the sight you've gone to see or documenting it. So if you fly that 10k miles you'll find relatively smart urban people just like you taking pictures of all the same things as you. Liberal Americans would probably find it more alienating to visit an exurban "city" in a red state. But something like Bentonville (a city with no center, not nonstop flights to NYC) probably lacks the culture you're hoping to help you reflect on yourself during an exotic vacation or the difficulty of access, and it sounds like a lame use of vacation time.
Finding exotic euphoria is probably a more individualized journey than most people with a lot of frequent flyer miles would like to admit. It also takes a whole lot longer to intricately plan a trip to places you find intriguing that may be hard to visit. Guides and guidebooks play a big role in taking us all to the same places, even ones that are very far away.
JWorr — July 31, 2016
A very interesting article, but one that I felt could explore Privilege a bit deeper. Along with Privilege, being able to travel / transcend cultures, comes with a oftentimes wrongful sense of Entitlement and Sexual Conquest / Domination. In talking with White males, in particular, about their travels to Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, attitudes persist that People of Colour exist to service the needs of Whites either with their labour---fetch, carry, port. or having sexual access to their bodies.
Worse, these attitudes of entitlement persist whenever White males engage people of colour in North America. There is a sense of conferred dominance. Any resistance, denial of access by the person of colour is met with resentment and hostility--ie how dare they deny me, a White guy, what I need / want. Who do they think they are, these "mud people".
I think travel, rather than giving Whites a sense of Enlightenment, it fosters a kind of arrogance and conceit-----ie knowing about the racial / ethnic Other better than the Other knows himself, being able to appropriate the superficial aspects of foreign culture (usually food and music), and feeling "superior" to the "primitive" non-European nation / culture.
I have had to chastise more than a few White Males about their Privilege in being able to travel. Along with Privilege should come some responsibility to ending Racist and White Hegemonic notions about how we view and regard non-White persons.
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Travelling is one activity that every individual must undertake at one time or the other, as part of their earthly existence; it does not matter what the purpose of travel is, or whether the travel is local or international. I like the idea of going on a trip with the aim of making it a romantic holiday. Canada Visa Canada
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lisa — October 21, 2021
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Travel is an important part of our life and I think this is the best way to create positivity in life. Travel to new places in the world is also a way to learn about new things in the world. I think it is best for health.Welcome to Georgia
lisa — October 21, 2021
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Lisa — January 9, 2023
Travel can broaden their perspective and help them gain a better understanding of the world. Travel can also be a great way to relax and recharge, as it allows people to step away from their daily routines and take some time for themselves. And for those who travel for business purposes, it can be a valuable opportunity to network and build professional relationships.taipei to hualien
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Lisa — February 3, 2023
Traveling is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. It allows you to see new and exciting places, meet new people, and learn about different cultures. You can travel for fun or for work, and there are many different ways to do it. Whether you want to explore a new city on your own, take a trip with a group of friends, or go on a long journey across multiple countries, there is a way to do it that is perfect for you.botswana vacation
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Traveling can be an exciting and fun experience, or it can be a frustrating, expensive, and time-consuming nightmare. Before you start planning your next trip, make sure you are prepared for the many different things that can go wrong.European honeymoon destination
Jojo Siwa — February 17, 2023
Most of the people have no idea of packing while they are going on a trip and that might even cause some issues while you are on the journey. Siem Reap bike tours
Lisa — February 19, 2023
Traveling can be a relatively inexpensive way to experience different cultures and get a taste of the world. There are many different types of travel, including domestic travel, international travel, and backpacker travel. Each type has its own unique benefits and drawbacks.Private tours in morocco
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Lisa — March 2, 2023
In addition, traveling can also give you the time and space you need to reflect, relax, and recharge. Getting away from your daily routine and responsibilities can help you clear your mind and open yourself up to new possibilities.Custom tour Morocco Fès Marrakech
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Traveling can be a relatively inexpensive way to experience different cultures and get a taste of the world. There are many different types of travel, including domestic travel, international travel, and backpacker travel. Each type has its own unique benefits and drawbacks Egypt Nile cruises
Lisa — March 14, 2023
Traveling can be a great way to break out of your comfort zone and try new things. When you visit new places, you are exposed to different cultures, cuisines, and lifestyles that can broaden your horizons and help you see things in a new light. Travel Advice
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Lisa — April 2, 2023
In addition to booking last minute, there are other tactics you can use to stretch your travel budget. For instance, consider staying in budget accommodations like hostels or vacation rentals, which can be significantly cheaper than hotels. Similarly, opt for local street food or grocery stores over restaurants to save money on meals.
Ultimately, the key to budget travel is to be resourceful and open-minded. With a bit of flexibility and creativity, you can experience incredible destinations without breaking the bank.Egyptian Tour Operators
Lisa — April 2, 2023
By waiting until the eleventh hour, you may be able to take advantage of discounted prices or special offers that weren't available earlier. Additionally, you may have a more accurate sense of your itinerary and travel needs, which can help you make more informed decisions and avoid unnecessary expenses.Nile river
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Lisa — June 1, 2023
For the majority of individuals, travel often comes with a hefty price tag, making a journey to a captivating destination a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If you approach it with an open mind, you will undoubtedly return home with remarkable tales to share. However, if your goal is to capture exceptional photographs to immortalize your adventure, it requires more than just carrying a camera with you.tour lago chungara desde arica
Lisa — June 3, 2023
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Robbinson — June 17, 2023
Travel apps have become indispensable tools for travelers. They offer features like real-time flight updates, navigation assistance, language translation, currency conversion, and recommendations for local attractions and restaurants. Apps like Google Maps, TripAdvisor, and Airbnb have transformed the way we explore new destinations and interact with our surroundings. travel tech
Lisa — June 17, 2023
Travel is a universal experience that has captivated humanity for centuries. It is a journey that transcends geographical boundaries, allowing individuals to explore new cultures, landscapes, and perspectives. The act of traveling itself is a profound teacher, as it provides invaluable lessons about adaptability, patience, and open-mindedness. Whether one is embarking on a road trip through a familiar countryside or vHunza Pakistanenturing into the unknown territories of a foreign land, travel offers an escape from the routine and mundane, rejuvenating the spirit and invigorating the senses.
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Traveling also has numerous health benefits. It offers a break from the daily routine and allows individuals to relax, unwind, and reduce stress levels. Whether it's basking in the serenity of nature or indulging in spa treatments, travel provides a much-needed respite from the pressures of everyday life. Additionally, engaging in physical activities such as hiking, swimming, or exploring on foot promotes fitness and overall well-being.Taxis Chertsey
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Travel is an exhilarating experience that opens doors to new cultures, landscapes, and perspectives. The thrill of stepping out of one's comfort zone and venturing into uncharted territory is unmatched. It allows travelers to break away from their daily routines, providing a sense of freedom and adventure. The act of exploring diverse regions enriches the soul, broadens the mind, and fosters personal growth.Yacht Charter
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Exploring the great outdoors brings you closer to nature, allowing you to witness its raw beauty and the delicate balance it maintains. Hiking through lush forests or camping under a star-studded sky creates a profound connection with the Earth.Laos Holidays
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Nature becomes our playground during travel, offering thrilling adventures such as hiking through lush jungles, diving into vibrant coral reefs, or skiing down powdery slopes. These activities invigorate our senses and instill a sense of wonder for the natural world.Bogotá Colombia
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Travel is a balm for the soul, a respite from the cacophony of modern life. The simple act of walking through unfamiliar streets, witnessing the ebb and flow of life, and feeling the rhythm of another place, invigorates our senses and ignites our creativity. It inspires us to see the world with new eyes, fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity that spills over into all aspects of our lives.cheap travels
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Travel, however, is not only about sightseeing and adventure; it is also a personal journey of self-discovery. Stepping away from the familiar routines of daily life, individuals have the opportunity to reflect on their values, passions, and purpose. Each destination becomes a canvas for introspection and growth, offering valuable insights into one's own character and identity. As travelers navigate through the complexities of different cultures and customs, they develop empathy and understanding, learning to appreciate the beauty in our differences.havana
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In our quest to discover new places, we encounter not only external landscapes but also the landscapes of our own souls. Travel can be a transformative experience, challenging us to confront our fears and embrace personal growth. It encourages us to let go of preconceptions and embrace uncertainty, which ultimately leads to self-discovery.Bogota
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lisa — August 18, 2023
Time seems to slow down when traveling. Days are measured not by the ticking of a clock, but by the moments that take one's breath away. Watching a sunrise from a mountaintop, feeling the spray of a waterfall on your skin, or witnessing a bustling city come to life after sunset – these are the timeless treasures that travel offers. It's in these instances that the realization dawns that the world is vast and full of wonder.italy
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This commentary sheds light on the persistent issue of human objectification in tourism, from colonial times to the present day, exemplified by the overwhelming crowds of tourists in Luang Prabang disrupting sacred traditions. It serves as a poignant reminder of the ethical responsibilities of travelers to respect and preserve the cultures and communities they visit Gangtok Tour Packages
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Travel offers the privilege of experiencing diverse cultures and landscapes. However, it also brings the crush of the tourist gaze, which can commodify authenticity and overwhelm local communities. Responsible tourism strives to balance exploration with respect for the places and people visited. Kerala Trip
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Travel offers the honor of encountering assorted societies and scenes. Be that as it may, it likewise brings the squash of the traveler look, which can commodify realness and overpower neighborhood networks.
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dina — July 31, 2024
Travel, in its essence, offers a lens into new cultures and landscapes, but it often comes wrapped in privilege. The act of traversing borders can be an exercise in exploration for some, while for others, it’s an imposition of the tourist gaze—where local customs become mere backdrops to personal experience. This dynamic reflects a broader imbalance, where the privilege of mobility can overshadow the reality of those who remain rooted, often commodifying their everyday lives for the pleasure of the transient visitor. The nbi registration process, for instance, symbolizes a bureaucratic barrier that can further entrench this disparity, as it underscores the uneven ease of travel access. The crush of this gaze risks reducing vibrant cultures to mere attractions, stripping away the deeper, lived realities of those who call these places home.
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messi — November 23, 2024
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Vardhan — November 28, 2024
Your piece powerfully highlights the complex relationship between travel, privilege, and the tourist gaze. It encourages essential reflection on how we navigate and impact the cultures and environments we visit.
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