Happy July everyone!

Gwen and I were traveling in June so there are only a few enriched posts to peruse (below) and little SocImages news to impart.  There is exciting me news, however.

I took a tumble and broke my leg this week.  This has the excellent upside of earning me a two week visit from Gwen!  So if any of you Los Angelenos would like to meet for cocktails, we’ve got lots of time and good reason to drink!  Send us an email at

And take pity on me and sign up to follow us on Twitter or friend us on Facebook (where we update with a featured post everyday).

NEWLY ENRICHED POSTS (Look for what’s NEW! June ’10):

Two more boobs for our two boobs posts!  Dmitriy T.M. sent along a boob scarf; yeah so we added that to our booooooooooooooobs post.  And Jay Livingston found another ad in which a product that is not a boob is made to look like a boob.  Maybe NSFW.

We added seaweed-flavored Pringles to our post on culturally-specific flavors.

Lauren McGuire spotted another vintage ad for weight gain, we added it to our collection.

Thanks to Stephanie DeH. and Lindsey Dale, we have a handful of new ads to add to our post on truly unlikely things sold with sex… including archery.  We also included an ad from Lindsey’s site that we added to our post on ads selling homes with women’s bodies.

We added a snapshot of pink handguns for sale in Oklahoma to our ad featuring, well, pink guns marketed to women.

Lisa Wade, PhD is an Associate Professor at Tulane University. She is the author of American Hookup, a book about college sexual culture; a textbook about gender; and a forthcoming introductory text: Terrible Magnificent Sociology. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.