In Elk City, Oklahoma, I saw this billboard for Howe Nissan car dealership:
In case it doesn’t make sense to you, it’s based on that stereotypical image you always see of Indians in buckskin posed like this saying “How” in greeting in movies and stuff. You know, “Howe” and “How.” If you didn’t know, whenever you meet an Indian, they raise their palm to you and say “How.” My mom does it all the time. It’s totally the Indian version of “talk to the hand.”
Anyway, I thought it was an interesting use of a stereotypical Indian image to sell stuff. You’ve got all the goodies–the universalized “plains Indian” outfit, the portrayal of Native Americans as though they all still run around in buckskins, the play on a made-up version of “Indian” language, and the stoic face.
Comments 12
happyacres — June 21, 2008
Sociological Images is a daily read. I enjoy watching you get your panties in a wad over the most innocuous, innocent things. Practically everything you abhor, I celebrate.
I trust you are schoolkids and have time to mature from the prissy petulant outrage.
OK, let the politically correct hilarity resume.
Village Idiot — June 22, 2008
happyacres: uh, you celebrate utterly cheesy monstrosities on display outside car dealerships? (regardless of any cultural or political concerns, that thing is hideous) Different strokes I guess...
Anyhow, I was told that the origin of the "How" thing as an Indian greeting was that it was a condensed version of the way they heard white people greeting each other. Indians didn't interrogate each other about their personal lives every time they happened to bump into each other like we did and still do. It might have been mentioned in Black Elk Speaks, but I'm not sure.
"How are you?"
"How's it going?"
"How've you been?"
"How is your family?"
"How's business?" Etc...
So, why not just say "How?" to cover all of the above? Makes sense, really. Then again, whenever I was on a Rez nobody ever greeted me like that, and I've visited quite a few (lived in AZ for years).
Sociological Images » SOME NATIVE AMERICAN SPORTS MASCOTS — September 22, 2008
[...] other examples of the use of images of American Indians, see here and here. addthis_url = [...]
Sociological Images » ANACHRONISM AND AMERICAN INDIANS — November 29, 2008
[...] buckskins, and moccasins. These anachronisms are everywhere (see, for example, here, here, here, here, and [...]
CAROLE — May 30, 2009
This is not in Elk City, Oklahoma! The Indian statue sits on the Howe Chevrolet lot in Clinton, OK, which is about 25 miles to the east.
Viliyana Filipova — August 5, 2009
Hahaha Interesting conversation. In Elk City, Oklahoma you can see everything
Clay — December 28, 2009
The photo on the billboard (still standing in Dec 2009) is of the Indian variety Muffler Man. The indian was removed in late 2009.
Culturally Appropriating Native Americans: A “Hands-on Approach to History” » Sociological Images — April 22, 2010
[...] name is…“, the sports mascot Chief Illini, Playmobil’s Native American family, Howe Nissan dealership statue, the “crying Indian” anti-littering PSA, Italian political party uses images of [...]
Richard L DePaulo Jr. — January 22, 2022
General Howe - was a very religious man - and was nicknamed Gods General as such - It was He that approached the Indians and negotiated the Peace treaty that gave the very first concept of having a possibility presented onto them that would end all conflict and hostilities he also added in and established indians reservations, and ended a long bloody war that was becoming a war with out end onto them as they suffered losses from it all that made it clear that the fighting would be better ended. The indians all “Loved General How” —when indians and calvary would come across one another's oath they did not know if one or the other has heard and accepted the treaty - if they did do so - the indians would raise their hand palm out and say “Howe” - meaning peace - we beleive in the work of “General Howe” and then the settlers or calvary patrols would then return the same greeting - thus in reply - peace and we have heard of treaty “ General Howe” had entered into with you — thus each could then pass one another on the trail or path and the other would not shoot or try to kill the other as if they were still at war . * Those that did not accept the treaty would not return the “raised Palm Howe greeting” — thus it would mean they did not hear that teh war had ended or that they did not accept the peace and it meant that in a few moments the two groups that met on th trail and failed to acknowledge the call sign hand shaking it back and forth — would l start shooting killing fighting with each other since the treaty of peace was unknown or not being followed by them.
Richard L DePaulo Jr. — January 22, 2022
General Howe - was a very religious man - and was nicknamed Gods General as such - It was He that approached the Indians and negotiated the Peace treaty that gave the very first concept of having a possibility presented onto them that would end all conflict and hostilities he also added in and established indians reservations, and ended a long bloody war that was becoming a war with out end onto them as they suffered losses from it all that made it clear that the fighting would be better ended. The indians all “Loved General How” —when indians and calvary would come across one another's path they did not know if one or the other has heard and accepted the treaty the General Howe had made - if they did do so - the indians would raise their hand palm out and say “Howe” - meaning peace we won’t fight with you in order to keep the peace treaty and abide by then the opposite party would reply “ Howe” back meaning we will do the same and the greeting of peace was formed - then they would peacefully pas by each other no shooting - It said we beleive in the work of “General Howe” and then the settlers or calvary patrols would then return the same greeting - thus in reply - peace and we have heard of treaty “ General Howe” had entered into with you — thus each could then pass one another on the open trail or path and the other would not shoot or try to kill the other as if they were still at war . * Those that did not accept the treaty , or never heard of it would not return the “raised Palm Howe greeting” — thus it would mean they did not hear that the war had ended or that they did not accept the peace and it meant that in a few moments the two groups that met on th trail and failed to acknowledge the call sign associated to the acknowledgement that a signing of the peace has taken place - signaling it back and forth — would mean - neithr group would want to get near or pass by the other group since they never knew odf a peace and were in the war mode with the other group still - No signal acknowledgement meant - they would start shooting killing fighting with each other since the treaty of peace was unknown onto them ,or not being followed by them.
Richard L DePaulo Jr. — January 22, 2022
Richard L DePaulo Jr. — January 22, 2022