Katherine McCoy, author of our Winter 2009 cover article, Uncle Sam Wants Them, talks with Arturo about the rise of private military corporations in Iraq and Afghanistan. After you listen in here, be sure to head over to thesocietypages.org where you can read Katherine’s article in its entirety. For free!
Also, Wes Longhofer stops by to share a discovery from Politics and Society that may surprise you: corrupt government doesn’t necessarily equal ineffective government.
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Contexts Magazine » Uncle Sam Wants Them — March 24, 2009
[...] For example, when a Panamanian subsidiary of an American firm hires Colombians to fight Iraqis, which country is responsible for their welfare and answers for their crimes? Which public is likely to mount an anti-war campaign or launch a yellow ribbon drive? And whom do they target? These questions, and the answers to them, have significant consequences for how war gets waged, when it stops, and who’s accountable for it. Listen to Katherine McCoy discuss private military corporations on the Contexts Podcast. [...]