This episode we talk to Joel Best, author of popular, accessible sociology books such as Damned Lies and Statistics, Everyone’s a Winner, and hot off the presses, a brand new Social Problems textbook from W.W. Norton.
This episode we talk to Joel Best, author of popular, accessible sociology books such as Damned Lies and Statistics, Everyone’s a Winner, and hot off the presses, a brand new Social Problems textbook from W.W. Norton.
Conversations with top social scientists about their research and the social world. Hosted by producers Matt Gunther, Matthew Aguilar-Champeau, and guests from The Society Pages. Read more…
Comments 3
Award-Winner Joel Best: A Guest Post » The Editors' Desk — May 11, 2012
[...] Statistics. Best was recently interviewed about the new edition of Social Problems on TSP’s Office Hours podcast. var object = SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title:'Award-Winner Joel Best: A Guest Post', url: [...]
Social Constructivism FTW | Mind on Chris Fritz — June 17, 2012
[...] talking about or want to learn more, don’t worry – Joel Best can explain it better in this audiocast, titled after his textbook on the subject, Social Problems. I just ordered a used copy of the book [...]
2012: Your TSP Favorites » The Editors' Desk — January 1, 2013
[...] Hours: “Joel Best on Social Problems,” by Sarah [...]