Social Studies
By pushing the boundaries of the human story across time, space, cultures, and media, we reveal the interconnected narrative threads and patterns of our individual and collective lives.
The Political Divide Between Immigrants and Refugees

UMN history professor Patrick J. McNamara takes a close look at what counts as political persecution when people flee their homeland.
The History of U.S. Citizenship for Immigrants' Children
UMN History Professor Erika Lee talks to The Washington Post’s Constitutional Podcast about the history of immigration and citizenship.
Sanity and Responsibility in American Law

UMN Law professor Susanna Blumenthal looks at how the history of insanity pleas helps us understand legal inequality today.
How to remember the wartime Japanese-American incarceration
Historian Yuichiro Onishi places the history in the present.
Historian Erika Lee explains the importance of #ImmigrationSyllabus
Erika Lee — a University of Minnesota history professor and director of the University’s Immigration History Research Center (IHRC) — talks about her latest project, the Immigration Syllabus, an online tool to help faculty, teachers, students, and the general public better understand the history of immigration in the United States.
Revealing Unknown History

Historian Erika Lee reminds us that there have always been those who have tried to “raise the specter of immigrant menace.” However, “History shows us that those xenophobes were out of step – not representing the true spirit of America.”