Social Studies


We discover what it means to be human in our past, present, and future by examining the evolution and contemporary comparative study of human biology, culture, and materials throughout time and in every part of the world.

Anthropology For Business

A fertile relationship is growing between anthropology and business. Marketers are finding that anthropologists gather very useful knowledge by studying consumers in their natural habitat using the ethnographic techniques of observation and interviewing.

An anthropologist's view of Wall Street

Associate Professor Karen Ho talks with Kai Ryssdal, host of National Public Radio’s “Marketplace,” about the people and culture in Wall Street, the effects of the 2008 financial crash, and the possibility of change.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Language

The ability to speak, to learn languages: It is one of the most–if not the most–defining of human characteristics. But the whys and hows of how it evolved fascinate scientists, including Michael Wilson in the Department of Anthropology.