Happy Friday! This week we cover new research that shows we worry more about the risk-taking of loved ones than ourselves and round-up research on online dating’s potential and entrenchment of existing inequality.
There’s Research on That:
Inequality and Opportunity in Online Dating by Mahala Miller. We round up research on online dating that shows that it expands the dating pool for some while reproducing inequality and assortive mating more broadly.
“I Really Don’t Want You to Do That” by Erika Sanborne. We feature new research that shows we are more concerned about our significant others’ taking risks than we are about ourselves taking the same risks.
From Our Partners:
Council on Contemporary Families:
Do the Media’s “Sexy Girl” Messages Trump Their “Girl Power” Ones? by Virginia Rutter.
From Our Community Pages:
- Cyborgology considers “wellness washing” in contrast to pleasure for pleasure’s sake.
- Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies compares Joe Biden at this moment to Konrad Adenauer as Germany’s first chancellor after WWII.