
Hello everyone! Whether you are going to spend the weekend celebrating Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day, or none of the above, we’re confident you’ll love the new pieces we have this week.

The Editors’ Desk:

Taking Good Risks,” by Chris Uggen. “Perhaps fields and disciplines also prosper when they simultaneously create space for safe and risky agendas. As Wayne Coyne once said, ‘It’s probably a good thing to be considered stable, but with a capacity for madness.'”

There’s Research on That!:

#AtheistVoter: Representing the ‘Nones’ in 2016,” by Jacqui Frost. How will the presidential candidates cater to the now biggest “religious group” in the Democratic party?


Depressed Between a Rock and a Hard Place,” by Sarah Catherine Billups. New research in Sociology of Health & Illness finds that supervisors and managers who are in “contradictory class locations” experience the highest levels of depression.

From Our Partners:

Scholars Strategy Network:

How Environmental Damage Makes Women More Vulnerable to AIDS,” by Laura McKinney and Kelly Austin.

Council on Contemporary Families:

Intimate Partner Violence Reporting, Not the Same for Everyone,” by Molly McNulty.


No, 96% of Black Tenured Faculty are Not at HBCUs,” by Kim Weeden.

And a Few from the Community Pages:

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