If you take off your glasses and cross your eyes, my resemblance to Nathan is truly uncanny.

the Internet itself is based on a system of binaries. Dualism, mutual exclusion, and absolutes are inherent in its structure

Each space becomes its own Generalized Other, with normative expectations about who a person is and how that person should be in the world

You might start thinking that the enemy is the internet itself. Or, by extension, that the enemy is us

There were so many people standing behind the cause that it felt like you had an army at your disposal and you could just stick up for what’s right

DIS Images invites artists to create alternative scenarios and new stereotypes

Games are therefore a fantastic example of ways in which digital technology is profoundlyembodied and usually designed with the able-bodied default in mind

A suffocating deluge of violent misogyny is how American comedy fans react to a woman suggesting that comedy might have a misogyny problem

the selfie has come full circle, from sign of subject’s marginality to sign of his or her social-media importance

Now there’s an app that allows you to share the things you Hate” 

it wasn’t enough to talk about the need for drone art; we wanted to instigate it

You can’t put a drone on a couch. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle does not need tissues

There is, to put it bluntly and inelegantly, an explosion of drone art around at the moment

a single game of DRONE provides more clarity of purpose than the thousands of words spoken by our President

We combined this geolocation data with information relating to his life as a politician

He feels like he’s being watched all the time

Google’s job, in many ways, will never be done because the city is one long emergent phenomenon, constantly being remade and reordered

This kind of technology, in addition to making shooting more fun for them, also allows shooting to be something that they can share with others

Could we make public consultion as easy to read & respond as the average [lost] cat poster?

Domino’s has managed to make waiting for your pizza feel like better entertainment than social networks or television, and just as tweetable

He handed me a semen sample, we hugged, and I went into my bedroom and inseminated myself

my brain is always blank / my brain is alive / my brain is a burger

Just as you grieve if a friend is killed, you should grieve if a fictional character is killed

the new Silicon Valley parable: dream big, privatize the previously public, pay no attention to the rules, build recklessly, enjoy shamelessly, invoke magic, and then pay everybody off

You can share your Wi-Fi. You can share a dog. You can even share a baby

as a provocation, I said, ‘OK, I want to try to make money with my own data’

each act of listening to music may be thought of as both recapitulating the past and predicting the future

who has the authority to determine what is ‘proper’ and ‘right’ music?

using Glass is sort of like having a superloud drum circle that you wear on your face

Perhaps taking Glass off …may just become my new tell, a sure sign of budding affection

It was like watching someone take Ecstasy, as the hologram materialized before his eye

Special NSA Section:

three main prongs of top secret government intelligence activity have come to light

we thought it would be useful to try and collect what we know so far in a single post

The NSA Files

under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of US citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk

Boundless Informant …details and even maps by country the voluminous amount of information it collects from computer and telephone networks

Like the pious polygamists, they are focused on deciphering cryptic messages that only they have the power to understand

Greenwald’s storm will continue to rage because, I suspect, the story won’t be limited to just phone records or Web data

Can it really be that participating in life, the economy, and society require a forking over of one’s claim to a ‘reasonable’ expectation of privacy?

While handing over data in response to a legitimate FISA request is a legal requirement, making it easier for the government to get the information is not

No document like this has ever been leaked from the NSA

a lack of ‘direct access’ does not preclude the type of sweeping surveillance described in the leaks

As Google’s CEO and Chief Legal Officer, we wanted you to have the facts


a long line of attempts to defend secret programs by making, at best, misleading claims that they were central to stopping terror plots

Welcome to the PRISM spin war

much of what is being discussed sounds very similar to the Star Chamber, an English court of the 14th to 17th centuries that met in secret

As the FBI sees it, the problem is that people are moving away from traditional communication systems like telephones onto computer systems like Skype

Everyone is always guilty, and you’re not allowed to know about it

a potentially aggressive cyber warfare doctrine will heighten fears over the increasing militarization of the internet

Want to buy a PRISM t-shirt?

Whitney Erin Boesel generates LOTS AND LOTS OF DATA for the NSA to pour over. She does most of that on Twitter: She’s @phenatypical.

"gone resisting, be right back" (via @zeynep)
“gone resisting, be right back” (via @zeynep)
(photo by whitney erin boesel)
(photo by whitney erin boesel)
(photo by @breidholt)
(photo by @breidholt)


(photo via @ )
(photo via @eleanor_morley )
