In light of the Occupy Wall street protests across the nation picking up steam (check out this video from Oakland) it is worth looking back on the sources of the protest. Here is the best video I’ve been able to find that explains the mortgage crisis.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

Michael Weiss offers a provocative argument for why the OWS/99 movement faces serious challenges:

OWS sees itself as a battalion against a lifestyle and a mindset that people don’t, in fact, deplore so much as they do the ruin that that lifestyle and mindset causes. Until the movement figures out how reconcile this uniquely American contradiction, and account reasonably for why it exists, OWS will only be subject to further derision and dismissal.

Andrew Sullivan references a classic scene from the movie Boiler Room to support this point.

What do you think of Weiss’ argument?