bodies: objectification
Copyranter has pointed me to a recent spate of ads for homes, apartments, and condos that use the idea of accessible women, or otherwise use sexuality, to sell their product.
Lindsey Dale, at Nobody, sent along this additional example:
Also in using women’s sexual availability to sell real estate.
This image, getting lots of negative attention in the blogosphere, is advertising a new Chinese restaurant in Rhode Island:
Warning! This image may not be safe for your workplace.
This is called the Bitchcruiser:
You can find a lot more pictures of it here and there’s one for sale on ebay (thanks to Laura L., who found it on, via).
NEW: Audrey D.E. sent in this image of a pole-dancer alarm clock from a catalog:
The text:
Your guy will really “rise and shine” to this entertaining alarm clock. A pole dancer twirls around the pole to music and flashing lights. What a way to wake up!
Thanks, Audrey!
The first two are from the Gaultier Classique line. The third image is called Le Male. The final image is Fleur Du Male. You can see other examples of the women’s line here.
Thanks, Melissa C.!

Another one from Jason.
Warning! These images may not be safe for your workplace.
If you have a pulse and exist in or near the liberal blogsophere, you have likely been told that the website Stuff White People Like is hilarious. I don’t share the love for the site, but it might be useful to bring it up in class in order to have a discussion about WHY people like it so much. What, exactly, is it tapping into?
The website, Black People Love Us, is, in my opinion, a smarter satire.
And my personal favorite, which I have successfully used in my Race and Ethnicity course numerous times, is Damali Ayo’s Rent-A-Negro. It packs a real punch. (Oh, and yes, people do sometimes think the site is real and fill out the order information, including their credit card numbers.)
Copyranter has pointed me to a recent spate of ads for homes, apartments, and condos that use the idea of accessible women, or otherwise use sexuality, to sell their product.
Lindsey Dale, at Nobody, sent along this additional example:
Also in using women’s sexual availability to sell real estate.
This image, getting lots of negative attention in the blogosphere, is advertising a new Chinese restaurant in Rhode Island:
Warning! This image may not be safe for your workplace.
This is called the Bitchcruiser:
You can find a lot more pictures of it here and there’s one for sale on ebay (thanks to Laura L., who found it on, via).
NEW: Audrey D.E. sent in this image of a pole-dancer alarm clock from a catalog:
The text:
Your guy will really “rise and shine” to this entertaining alarm clock. A pole dancer twirls around the pole to music and flashing lights. What a way to wake up!
Thanks, Audrey!

The first two are from the Gaultier Classique line. The third image is called Le Male. The final image is Fleur Du Male. You can see other examples of the women’s line here.
Another one from Jason.
Warning! These images may not be safe for your workplace.
If you have a pulse and exist in or near the liberal blogsophere, you have likely been told that the website Stuff White People Like is hilarious. I don’t share the love for the site, but it might be useful to bring it up in class in order to have a discussion about WHY people like it so much. What, exactly, is it tapping into?
The website, Black People Love Us, is, in my opinion, a smarter satire.
And my personal favorite, which I have successfully used in my Race and Ethnicity course numerous times, is Damali Ayo’s Rent-A-Negro. It packs a real punch. (Oh, and yes, people do sometimes think the site is real and fill out the order information, including their credit card numbers.)