Search results for chinese

This image, getting lots of negative attention in the blogosphere, is advertising a new Chinese restaurant in Rhode Island:

Warning! This image may not be safe for your workplace. 


Here are two ads for Salesgenie. Both aired during the Super Bowl and both, for no apparent reason, used animated characters with thick accents–in the first Indian, in the second, Chinese.

NEW! (Mar. ’10): Melissa S. sent in this commercial for MetroPCS that features two men with strong accents who I believe we’re supposed to find funny looking and ridiculous:

Melissa says,

There are very few positive depictions of Indians in American entertainment and it really saddens us that this video and these images are the only images that many will see of Indians…I wonder why the commercial couldn’t simply have two men who happen to be brown touting the product? Does having an “Indian” accent automatically make this funnier?

This is an ad for Tao Asian bistro and nightclub in Las Vegas. The tagline is “Always a happy ending.” Note the naked woman’s body with the presumably Chinese characters on her. And of course a “happy ending” is often associated with Asian massage parlors…